Top ten Best Android Apps Of August two thousand seventeen (Fresh Apps)

Top Ten Best Android Apps Of August 2017
Google Play Stores is a platform where hundreds of apps are getting added but only a few of them are worth attempting out. There are a lot of users who like to attempt out those fresh apps to take the potential of their smartphone to the next level. Today, we are listing the top ten best fresh Android Apps Of August two thousand seventeen that you must attempt out due to their uniqueness and usefulness.
These apps are free in the Play Store.All links are provided and these apps are not in any particular order.So here is our list of Top ten Best Android Apps Of August 2017
TDG’s Top ten Best Android Apps Of August two thousand seventeen | Fresh Apps
#1 Chatrandom
This is the fresh app that is creating a lot of hum. Through this app, you can talk with random persons and get paired to have a movie talk. It is more like Tinder and you can Swipe Right to connect to someone you see on your screen. Thousands of users stay online all the time and hence, it could well be the next big app of the year.
#Two Vizmato
This is a flawless movie editor with very effortless to use user interface. You will be able to convert your boring movie to something amazing. The app lets you add effects, filters, music, and rewind the movie. You can also add stickers or logo at any position of the movie and go ahead and share it on your social media treats.
#Three LightX Photo Editor
This is a unique photo editor app that lets you have amazing filters and effects on your photos that will make the photos different from others. No wonders if your photos get more attention on your social media profiles like Instagram treat and likewise. You can create funny caricatures, cartoons, and cutouts from any existing photo.
#Four Loopsie
This is a very innovative app that lets you animated only a part of a photo rather than the entire photo. You can create what is called as cinemagraphs which are not exactly a still photo and neither an entire movie. After GIFs, cinemagraphs are ready to go viral on social media and give this app a attempt for sure.
#Five Medal
If you love watching sports and games, this is a ideal app for you which curates the best movies uploaded on the internet and bring them to you according to your preference. So, you save the time of search the net and love watching high-quality movies at your convenience.
#6 KReview
How many times you have come across products that have good reviews but the product is crap. KReview helps you to find out whether you have trust a given review on a given Amazon product or skip it as a fake review.
#7 Samsung PhoneCast
However the app is only available in beta version now, it is already making the news. It has Gear VR compatibility and has streaming services to let you observe TV shows and movies on a 200.inch screen when you view it with your VR headset on.
#8 Qucik Swipe
This is a must have app that lets you access your installed app in a very convenient and cool way. There are rotating effects and swiping deeds and events to access apps lightning quick. It is an intelligent app which means it records which apps you open more and place them on the home screen for quicker access. You can also convert your notifications bar and true your home screen magnificent.