Nikon D7000 as a webcam for Skype movie talk: Nikon DX SLR (D40-D90, D3000-D7500) Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

Nikon DX SLR (D40-D90, D3000-D7500) Talk Forum
How can one set up Nikon D7000 as a webcam for skype movie talk? Is it possible at all?
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Simply inserting the USB cable and turning the camera on, won't make it available as a movie cam to Skype or other movie apps in Windows. Also – when connected through USB – the battery drains quick, so you would need the outward power option.
Don't know if live movie can be made visible to movie capture using CaptureNX.
There are no stupid questions.
it's pretty effortless – switch to live view, record a movie, connect the camera to your computer, find the movie file and send it over skype. Then wait for the other party to react, and repeat the process.
why in the world should a DSLR function as a webcam ?
With a decent plugin for Skype that could be done. Check apps like Nikcontrol 3k (free) and Camera Control Pro two that can display LiveView on your desktop.
With a decent plugin for Skype that could be done. Check apps like Nikcontrol 3k (free) and Camera Control Pro two that can showcase LiveView on your desktop.
Right, then once you’ve got the Live View displaying on your monitor, take a webcam & point it at the LV picture. Might get a little moire, but you’ve got all the depth-of-field & lens options that come with an SLR!
Actually, Skype does permit broadcasting the contents of a window on your desktop (called "screen sharing"), but the entire video-call system, including screen sharing, is disabled if a decent webcam isn't present.
Isn't this somewhat like asking how my Ferrari (I wish) could be used as a moving van? I suppose it can be done – but why (when there are dirt-cheap alternatives around that actually do the job without requiring several other moving parts?)
Just go after these effortless instructions.
Two. Go to Walmart
Trio. Buy a web cam
Four. Butt-plug it into your USB port.
Five. Leave your D7K in it's bag.
$50, ouch, that's going to be some heck of a web cam. I would say don't spend more than $20 because HD sounds like joy, but most people don't have the bandwidth to make it happen. I do surveillence cams and the problem is that in order to send VGA at thirty frames per 2nd over the internets, it takes about 800Kbps. That's more than the fastest DSL line can treat which is about 756Kbps of UPLOAD speed. Crank that up to HD and you'll need a few mbps of upload bandwidth.
I use Skype all the time with the built in cam on my PC and laptop and even at low res QVGA (320×240) it's not all that sleek or good at times.
Also, I'm pretty sure when you connect the D7000 via USB, it's not outputting 1080P, it's most likely outputting what goes to the rear LCD display but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
If you do figure out a way please don't come blubbering when you burn up the sensor because you talked for ten minutes (or even five minutes).