Microphone problem Solved

Microphone problem [Solved/Closed]
becomes muted. I know that he is working because there are noises when I touch him. After that I recieve the message that may be I am not connecting it into the right place. After that I "un-mute" it but the message stays and the one I am speaking does not hear me(neither I him. ).I have attempted to connect it in front or onto the back of my computer, but it was futile. Perhaps there are some options that I am not doing rightly. Thanks.
1. Either connect your Mic to suitable jack (don’t mismatch with output jack for earphones etc.), or if you have integrated one, go to Two.
go to Start->control pannels->manage audio devices (or sounds. )->recording
a) There is still nothing listed, i.e. you don’t have your Mix decently installed and/or recognized. If that’s an integrated one, attempt to get drivers or consider reinstalling drivers. For outer one, attempt to use another if you can or test it elsewhere.
b) There is exactly one device – just go to Four.
c) There are more than one device – I would recommend you to attempt to pick one you believe is correct in your case (e.g. don’t pick up outward when you’re attempting to run integrated and so on) and disable all others. You disable them by right clicking on each and then choose something like Disable from context menu. You shall be able to turn them back on if you go after step Trio.
If you have no idea which one is supposed to be correct, you may attempt to pick up just one after another.
Otherwise, you might be the fortunate one. Or screwed too. You’re gonna find out that soon. 🙂
From the list that shall now contain just one item – one Mic – (you didn’t close that window, did you) right click on it and from context menu select Properties. Fresh wnd shall show up, with 2nd tab from left being Levels. Make sure that:
a) There is nonzero value for Volume bar.
b) On the icon next to Volume bar the sound isn’t marked as muted. Click on it once if it is.
c) As for the Amplyfier – it’s up to you, I recommend you to set it to 0.0dB or maybe Ten.0 dB with Volume on 100. Don’t know if you can somehow harm you’re hw if you set it too high, shall not, but who knows (read botom line).
Otherwise you shall be able to commence recording, so scream like lunatic during recording phase, since you’d like to check that Mic is at least able to catch anything. Stop recording, save file.
a) You’ve got some sound – you hear it or oscilator, huh, oscilates (switches from straight line). Idealy both at the same time. Go to 8.
b) Oscilator stays straight line all the time and you hear nothing – go back to Mic config (step Two, step Four) and on Levels tab for your Mic check that you’ve got all your settings as you left them – especially check the mute/unmute icon if it didin’t switched back to muted. If something has switched in here, go to 9b.
However you’re not done yet. I recommend you to re-check the Levels tab (step Four) and take especially attention to Amplify level. You may wanna turn that bar down on behalf of Volume slider. Or it’s up to you. Of course any switches to Mic. Input Volume shall be made here too (in 3rd party applications you would find another slider for Mic.). That’s all.
a) Sound recorder states that you’re Mic is not configured manhandling an error message for this Purpose.
You may wanna re-check your Mic config (especially if you have selected any – shall be one – Mic as active and default one in config window) AND check 9b.
b) May sound strange, or may not, but attempt unmute your Mic if it is muted and before closing the window, mute all Output devices (speakers. ). Of course if Volume or Amplify levels switched, switch those too (however – may be that you’re OS leveled down the Amplify value because it recognized it as Mic incompatible – maybe, fairly possibly shall not happen). Close all config windows and attempt from 6. Don’t leave behind to unmute your output sound device after recording during playing in WMP or just check the Oscillator line.
c) Unknown **** happened. Well, it happens, we all know.
If you were able to ultimately find solution to your problem, please post here. If you weren’t just post here your problem.
Microphone problem Solved
Microphone problem [Solved/Closed]
becomes muted. I know that he is working because there are noises when I touch him. After that I recieve the message that may be I am not connecting it into the right place. After that I "un-mute" it but the message stays and the one I am speaking does not hear me(neither I him. ).I have attempted to connect it in front or onto the back of my computer, but it was worthless. Perhaps there are some options that I am not doing rightly. Thanks.
1. Either connect your Mic to suitable jack (don’t mismatch with output jack for earphones etc.), or if you have integrated one, go to Two.
go to Start->control pannels->manage audio devices (or sounds. )->recording
a) There is still nothing listed, i.e. you don’t have your Mix decently installed and/or recognized. If that’s an integrated one, attempt to get drivers or consider reinstalling drivers. For outward one, attempt to use another if you can or test it elsewhere.
b) There is exactly one device – just go to Four.
c) There are more than one device – I would recommend you to attempt to pick one you believe is correct in your case (e.g. don’t pick up outer when you’re attempting to run integrated and so on) and disable all others. You disable them by right clicking on each and then choose something like Disable from context menu. You shall be able to turn them back on if you go after step Trio.
If you have no idea which one is supposed to be correct, you may attempt to pick up just one after another.
Otherwise, you might be the fortunate one. Or screwed too. You’re gonna find out that soon. 🙂
From the list that shall now contain just one item – one Mic – (you didn’t close that window, did you) right click on it and from context menu select Properties. Fresh wnd shall emerge, with 2nd tab from left being Levels. Make sure that:
a) There is nonzero value for Volume bar.
b) On the icon next to Volume bar the sound isn’t marked as muted. Click on it once if it is.
c) As for the Amplyfier – it’s up to you, I recommend you to set it to 0.0dB or maybe Ten.0 dB with Volume on 100. Don’t know if you can somehow harm you’re hw if you set it too high, shall not, but who knows (read botom line).
Otherwise you shall be able to embark recording, so scream like lunatic during recording phase, since you’d like to check that Mic is at least able to catch anything. Stop recording, save file.
a) You’ve got some sound – you hear it or oscilator, huh, oscilates (switches from straight line). Idealy both at the same time. Go to 8.
b) Oscilator stays straight line all the time and you hear nothing – go back to Mic config (step Two, step Four) and on Levels tab for your Mic check that you’ve got all your settings as you left them – especially check the mute/unmute icon if it didin’t switched back to muted. If something has switched in here, go to 9b.
However you’re not done yet. I recommend you to re-check the Levels tab (step Four) and take especially attention to Amplify level. You may wanna turn that bar down on behalf of Volume slider. Or it’s up to you. Of course any switches to Mic. Input Volume shall be made here too (in 3rd party applications you would find another slider for Mic.). That’s all.
a) Sound recorder states that you’re Mic is not configured manhandling an error message for this Purpose.
You may wanna re-check your Mic config (especially if you have selected any – shall be one – Mic as active and default one in config window) AND check 9b.
b) May sound strange, or may not, but attempt unmute your Mic if it is muted and before closing the window, mute all Output devices (speakers. ). Of course if Volume or Amplify levels switched, switch those too (however – may be that you’re OS leveled down the Amplify value because it recognized it as Mic incompatible – maybe, fairly possibly shall not happen). Close all config windows and attempt from 6. Don’t leave behind to unmute your output sound device after recording during playing in WMP or just check the Oscillator line.
c) Unknown **** happened. Well, it happens, we all know.
If you were able to ultimately find solution to your problem, please post here. If you weren’t just post here your problem.