Duo is Google s attempt at the most human movie talk service ever, Android Central

Duo is Google's attempt at the most human movie talk service ever
By Russell Holly Wednesday, May 25, two thousand sixteen at 12:00 pm EDT
Movie talk needs to escape its current social limitations, and Duo is the very first attempt.
The act of communicating in real time through movie hasn’t indeed switched in almost twenty years. Two devices with the same software initiate a connection, you wait for the movie to stream, and if you’re fortunate the connection is good enough for a conversation to happen at a close to real world cadence. The technology surrounding movie talk has switched in amazing ways, but the act of commencing that conversation and having that conversation remains mostly the same.
For years we’ve been sold on the idea that smartphones with superb front-facing cameras would enable the capability to simply pick up your phone and call someone through movie, but uncommonly does that practice go slickly even inbetween two people who are familiar with how the tech works.
This is where Google wants its fresh movie service, Duo, to shine. Google is positioning Duo to make movie talk a human practice, and from what we’ve seen so far they might just pull it off.
In many ways, Google already managed the "best" movie talk service with Hangouts. As a very functional group movie service and a fantastic mobile solution for person-to-person movie talk, Hangouts is good as long as everyone using the service is fairly technically minded. My family, which is presently opened up across the world for various reasons, frequently takes an hour to bring everyone together via Hangouts. I take my Pixel C over to my grandparents, commence a talk, and invite everyone who can’t be there in person. As long as I’m there to treat everything, it goes off without a hitch.
When I’m not around, things frequently go differently.
If Duo is able to improve on what Google already has for movie talk, it’s going to be a big deal.
It’s effortless to be frustrated by movie talk when it doesn’t "just work" the very first time. Explaining that sometimes there are connection delays, lag, mobile network issues, and the occasional need to reboot the app isn’t ideal — and each of these things is enough for someone who just wants to talk to family to lean on an alternative or just determine to attempt again later. This is one area Google promises will be different with Duo. Movie and audio quality adjust seamlessly to match the network quality both sides are presently experiencing, and transitioning from WiFi to mobile networks is expected to be identically as slick. We’ve seen petite attempts to make this happen in Google Hangouts, and over the last year there have been tremendous improvements. If Duo is able to improve on what Google already has for movie talks, it’s going to be a big deal.
The most significant part of Duo for Google’s target audience, however, is this one lil’ detail in "Knock Knock." Google has made a big deal of how you get a movie call and see live movie of the person calling through this Knock Knock feature, and that does seem very cool. It gives you a reasonable idea of the connection quality, and lets you determine if you’re going to response the call quickly. The big feature here is what happens next. You agree to accept the call and you pick up live with that person, there’s no stutter to embark the call or anything because it already happened when the movie feed initiated a few seconds ago. The connection is already smoothed out because of Knock Knock, and all of the settings and controls vanish so there’s nothing on the screen but you and the person you’re talking to.
There’s obviously still slew about Duo we don’t know yet, and won’t know until it is ultimately available later this summer. What we’ve seen so far promises a lot, and it’s on Google to supply. Assuming that happens, Duo has the potential to be a massive deal when it comes to demonstrating people that movie talk isn’t clunky and mechanical anymore. It’s possible that Duo can embark the process of encouraging people to use movie talk as however it were a normal thing, and not just for special occasions and meetings. If you haven’t already, you can pre-register for access to Duo right now.
Duo is Google s attempt at the most human movie talk service ever, Android Central
Duo is Google's attempt at the most human movie talk service ever
By Russell Holly Wednesday, May 25, two thousand sixteen at 12:00 pm EDT
Movie talk needs to escape its current social limitations, and Duo is the very first attempt.
The act of communicating in real time through movie hasn’t indeed switched in almost twenty years. Two devices with the same software initiate a connection, you wait for the movie to flow, and if you’re fortunate the connection is good enough for a conversation to happen at a close to real world cadence. The technology surrounding movie talk has switched in amazing ways, but the act of beginning that conversation and having that conversation remains mostly the same.
For years we’ve been sold on the idea that smartphones with good front-facing cameras would enable the capability to simply pick up your phone and call someone through movie, but uncommonly does that practice go sleekly even inbetween two people who are familiar with how the tech works.
This is where Google wants its fresh movie service, Duo, to shine. Google is positioning Duo to make movie talk a human practice, and from what we’ve seen so far they might just pull it off.
In many ways, Google already managed the "best" movie talk service with Hangouts. As a very functional group movie service and a fantastic mobile solution for person-to-person movie talk, Hangouts is good as long as everyone using the service is fairly technically minded. My family, which is presently spread across the world for various reasons, frequently takes an hour to bring everyone together via Hangouts. I take my Pixel C over to my grandparents, embark a talk, and invite everyone who can’t be there in person. As long as I’m there to treat everything, it goes off without a hitch.
When I’m not around, things frequently go differently.
If Duo is able to improve on what Google already has for movie talk, it’s going to be a big deal.
It’s effortless to be frustrated by movie talk when it doesn’t "just work" the very first time. Explaining that sometimes there are connection delays, lag, mobile network issues, and the occasional need to reboot the app isn’t ideal — and each of these things is enough for someone who just wants to talk to family to lean on an alternative or just determine to attempt again later. This is one area Google promises will be different with Duo. Movie and audio quality adjust seamlessly to match the network quality both sides are presently experiencing, and transitioning from WiFi to mobile networks is expected to be identically as sleek. We’ve seen petite attempts to make this happen in Google Hangouts, and over the last year there have been tremendous improvements. If Duo is able to improve on what Google already has for movie talks, it’s going to be a big deal.
The most significant part of Duo for Google’s target audience, however, is this one lil’ detail in "Knock Knock." Google has made a big deal of how you get a movie call and see live movie of the person calling through this Knock Knock feature, and that does seem very cool. It gives you a reasonable idea of the connection quality, and lets you determine if you’re going to reaction the call quickly. The big feature here is what happens next. You agree to accept the call and you pick up live with that person, there’s no stutter to begin the call or anything because it already happened when the movie feed initiated a few seconds ago. The connection is already smoothed out because of Knock Knock, and all of the settings and controls vanish so there’s nothing on the screen but you and the person you’re talking to.
There’s obviously still slew about Duo we don’t know yet, and won’t know until it is ultimately available later this summer. What we’ve seen so far promises a lot, and it’s on Google to supply. Assuming that happens, Duo has the potential to be a thick deal when it comes to demonstrating people that movie talk isn’t clunky and mechanical anymore. It’s possible that Duo can commence the process of encouraging people to use movie talk as tho’ it were a normal thing, and not just for special occasions and meetings. If you haven’t already, you can pre-register for access to Duo right now.
Duo is Google s attempt at the most human movie talk service ever, Android Central
Duo is Google's attempt at the most human movie talk service ever
By Russell Holly Wednesday, May 25, two thousand sixteen at 12:00 pm EDT
Movie talk needs to escape its current social limitations, and Duo is the very first attempt.
The act of communicating in real time through movie hasn’t truly switched in almost twenty years. Two devices with the same software initiate a connection, you wait for the movie to geyser, and if you’re fortunate the connection is good enough for a conversation to happen at a close to real world cadence. The technology surrounding movie talk has switched in amazing ways, but the act of beginning that conversation and having that conversation remains mostly the same.
For years we’ve been sold on the idea that smartphones with good front-facing cameras would enable the capability to simply pick up your phone and call someone through movie, but infrequently does that practice go slickly even inbetween two people who are familiar with how the tech works.
This is where Google wants its fresh movie service, Duo, to shine. Google is positioning Duo to make movie talk a human practice, and from what we’ve seen so far they might just pull it off.
In many ways, Google already managed the "best" movie talk service with Hangouts. As a very functional group movie service and a fantastic mobile solution for person-to-person movie talk, Hangouts is fine as long as everyone using the service is fairly technically minded. My family, which is presently spread across the world for various reasons, frequently takes an hour to bring everyone together via Hangouts. I take my Pixel C over to my grandparents, begin a talk, and invite everyone who can’t be there in person. As long as I’m there to treat everything, it goes off without a hitch.
When I’m not around, things frequently go differently.
If Duo is able to improve on what Google already has for movie talk, it’s going to be a big deal.
It’s effortless to be frustrated by movie talk when it doesn’t "just work" the very first time. Explaining that sometimes there are connection delays, lag, mobile network issues, and the occasional need to reboot the app isn’t ideal — and each of these things is enough for someone who just wants to talk to family to lean on an alternative or just determine to attempt again later. This is one area Google promises will be different with Duo. Movie and audio quality adjust seamlessly to match the network quality both sides are presently experiencing, and transitioning from WiFi to mobile networks is expected to be identically as slick. We’ve seen petite attempts to make this happen in Google Hangouts, and over the last year there have been tremendous improvements. If Duo is able to improve on what Google already has for movie talks, it’s going to be a big deal.
The most significant part of Duo for Google’s target audience, however, is this one little detail in "Knock Knock." Google has made a big deal of how you get a movie call and see live movie of the person calling through this Knock Knock feature, and that does seem very cool. It gives you a reasonable idea of the connection quality, and lets you determine if you’re going to response the call quickly. The big feature here is what happens next. You agree to accept the call and you pick up live with that person, there’s no stutter to commence the call or anything because it already happened when the movie feed initiated a few seconds ago. The connection is already smoothed out because of Knock Knock, and all of the settings and controls vanish so there’s nothing on the screen but you and the person you’re talking to.
There’s obviously still slew about Duo we don’t know yet, and won’t know until it is eventually available later this summer. What we’ve seen so far promises a lot, and it’s on Google to produce. Assuming that happens, Duo has the potential to be a thick deal when it comes to demonstrating people that movie talk isn’t clunky and mechanical anymore. It’s possible that Duo can commence the process of encouraging people to use movie talk as however it were a normal thing, and not just for special occasions and meetings. If you haven’t already, you can pre-register for access to Duo right now.