Dirty Talk 101: How Guys Indeed Want You to Talk About Hookup, Glamour

Dirty Talk 101: How Guys Truly Want You to Talk About Lovemaking
I'm the boss in the bedroom. But that doesnt mean I don't know how to take orders. I like getting told. *Do this. Do that. *Hopefully, I'm there intuitively and you never have to ask, but in the real world, I appreciate a well-directed imperative. Suggestions work too. It's all part of communication being a necessary and sexy part of hook-up . But where to begin? How about with what we call lovemaking in the very first place? I asked my friends to expose their dearest nomenclature:
"I tend to adapt. What for one relationship might be Come here and f*ck me' is 'Baby, I love you' to another. There's no one way that turns me on. Well, Melissa [his ex] used to whisper 'I've been mischievous' in my ear when we were out in public. When she said that it wouldn't take long before we'd leave wherever we were. And those times were usually pretty good because there'd be no chit-chat once we got home. The door closed and that was it."
—Jacques, graphic designer, twenty eight
"I say showcase, don't tell. It's like good writing and acting. There's a look I'll give, or a certain way I'll smooch when we wake up in the morning. That means it's go time."
—Terrence, 25, bartender/guitarist
"Hook-up? I just ask if she wants to have hook-up. I mean, not all the time, sometimes it just happens if the dame is indeed up on me or I can tell she's being frolic. But usually I'll just put it out there: feel like having hook-up?"
—Jonathan, 30, advertising exec
"Everyone says meet up' in college, which I think sounds exceptionally dumb. 'We hooked up.' I was hooking up with this damsel.' It just sounds so college. In person, a doll will ask if I want to come back to her room. Sleepover' tends to mean hook-up as well. Like, if you're making out and you ask her if she wants to stay over, you're basically asking if she wants to have hookup."
"My wifey and I like dirty talk, so I doubt you can repeat any of the things we say to each other when it's time for the clothes to come off. You can use your imagination. The f-word comes up a lot. As both an adjective and a verb. When you truly trust someone it's lighter to get much more aggressive with your language, like 'When I get you home, I'm going to ______ you so hard.' Tho’ I'm not exposing which one of us that came from. It's more interesting when we're away from the routine. We'll be at my parents' house and she'll tell me she's going down for a nap. I know what that means (we're about to have very quiet lovemaking in the guestroom)."
What do you call it? What does your man call it? Ever heard any funny names for it you'd like to share?
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