Talk – Messaging SDK for Android – Java

Talk – Messaging SDK for Android
Fully featured customizable Java framework to display and manage message based conversations – similar to Whats App or Messages. Quickly add text, picture and location based messaging functionality to your app.
- License »MIT licenseDownload
- Language: Java
- Product By
Talk SDK Firebase
Talk SDK is light-weight and pliable providing an effortless way to add instant messaging to your app.
Talk SDK Android is light-weight and limber providing an effortless way to add instant messaging to your Android app.
Key Features
- Private messages
- Text, Picture and location messages
- Group / Public talk
- User profile
- Stand-alone or custom-made authentication
- Social Login
- Utter source code provided
- Effortless to integrate with existing apps
- Native iOS version available
- Fully inter-compatible with Talk SDK iOS
- 2-week money back ensure
- Supports over 100k daily active users
Talk SDK is designed to be as elementary and supple as possible. It functions as a stand-alone app or it can be integrated with your project using Gradle. To see a demo of the SDK you can download the APK from the Github Project.
Hosting and Spectacle
The Talk SDK uses Firebase, a Google wielded real-time database, to treat message delivery. Firebase is reliable, quick and cost effective. For most of our customers, the free tier provides more than enough capacity.
- 20,000 Daily Users – Approximate number of users supported by free hosting tier
- Talk SDK also scales well. We have clients who are using the Talk SDK with over 100,000 daily active users
Successful projects
Talk SDK is already used on hundreds of successful apps. Here are some of our most successful implementations:
Salon – Audio social network
- Over 100k Daily active users
- Cross platform – iOS and Android
Tapatalk – Forum agrigator
- Over 5m installs
- Talk SDK is used to treat private messaging
- 3k concurrent users
- Messaging system fully re-skinned
86 Serving – Restaurant staff communication instrument
- Communication device for restaurant staff
- Cross platform (iOS and Android)
Comments from our customers
" Excellent Product. Quick responsive response from Developers. Very recommend it. K " Tefera Kebede
" This app setting is very effortless with no errors. There is also plasticity in the app design.
Your many plans will be realizable. If you have any problems, let’s consult Ben.
He will surely help you. He can quick response, work and he is a gentleman.
There was nothing that was providing me trouble. I could rely on him without feeling worried.
" The application is well written, it makes it effortless to integrate with existing applications. " T.O
The Licenses
Talk SDK comes with a number of lithe licensing options.
- Single app license: permits you to use the Talk SDK commercially in one project
- Multi-app license: permits you to use the Talk SDK in up to five projects
- Enteprise license: permits you to use the Talk SDK in unlimited projects
For each of these license there are also three options:
The UI license only includes the Talk user interface components. This is excellent if you already have a server to produce the messages.
The C omplete license gives you the app with all the code to supply the messages too! As seen in the demo.
The Professional license is designed for customers who need to deploy the app quickly at a large scale. It includes app setup – you just provide us with the necessary API keys for Firebase, Facebook etc. and we’ll configure the project for you. It also includes as 3-months priority support via phone or messenger. We will also provide support optimising the app for any bottlenecks that occur up to 100k daily active users
Every license includes the total source code for Talk SDK. We also suggest excellent support. We attempt to reply to issues within hours if they are reported within usual business hours. Direct support via Skype also comes as standard.
We also suggest a utter range of consulting services from a basic service to configure the Talk SDK to a total app integration service.
Here’s a list of the common services we suggest and the prices:
- Talk SDK setup – $360
- Integration with existing app from $480. Use the "Get a quote" button for details.
Parse shutting down
A number of customers have been worried by the news that Parse is shutting down next year. Firstly, the good news is that the Talk SDK only has a very light dependency on Parse. We use Parse for picture uploads and shove notifications.
The thrust notification provider can be switched by modifying one function in the Talk SDK. There are numerous other possible providers like Thrust Woosh, custom-built shove server etc.
Picture uploads can be treated in numerous ways too. Amazon suggest file storage for $0.03 per GB and pictures can also be uploaded directly to a standard Apache server.
Parse will shut down on the 28th of January. For the next duo of months we’ll be looking around for the best, cheapest and most reliable alternative. Once we’ve determined, we will update the Talk SDK accordingly. We assure that the Talk SDK will be fully independent of Parse by the begin of July.
The user interface
The core version of the is ideal if you have your own messaging back end and need a user interface. Talk SDK core license provides you with the utter front end ready to be connected to your message delivery system.
- Nimble message view including text, picture and location message types
- Login screen
- Thread list view
- User profile screen
- User avatars
- Expanding text input text box
- Copy/Paste
- Tabbed interface – profile page, contacts page, search page etc.
- API Level 15+ supported
The SDK provides a clean elementary interface that totally decouples the creation of display of messages and thread form the way they’re transmitted and received over the network making effortless to integrate with your back end.
The back-end
Talk SDK is powered by Firebase, Google’s excellent real-time database. Firebase provides powerful, secure websocket implementation to supply data in real time. Firebase frees you from the worry and complexity of running and maintaining your own server and permits you to concentrate on what’s indeed significant, developing your product.
- Lightning swift real-time talk
- Login via Facebook, Email, Twitter, Anoymous
- Numerous user accounts on one device
- Cloud message storage
- Shove notifications
- Powerful search API
- Add custom-made meta data to users’ profiles
- Lazy loading of messages
- Clean architecture
- Scalable – the app has been tested with over 100k daily users
- Low cost – most apps will never need to pay for hosting
- Total source code provided
Related products
Along side the talk SDK we also suggest two other versions: