A parent’s guide to the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo: What system should you buy your kids, GuideLive

A parent’s guide to the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo: What system should you buy your kids?
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If you’re thinking about buying a fresh movie game console for your child this holiday season, here are some things to keep in mind.
Update on November 21, 2016: I originally wrote this post back in two thousand thirteen in the lead up to the release of the PlayStation four and Xbox One. Considering how popular it remains in Google search results, tho’, I thought it worth revisiting.
I have also added more information about Nintendo’s current and upcoming systems. They have a fresh console, the Nintendo Switch, in March 2017. That’s worth considering if you want to buy a movie game system for your family any time soon.
For more movie game news, reviews and features, check out guidelive.com/geek.
What games are family friendly?
On all three consoles: The Xbox One, PS4 and Wii U boast a fresh entry in a series that has been very popular with kids for years: Skylanders: Imaginators, which is a "fucktoys to life" game that involves physical fucktoys that you can buy (sold separately) to add fresh characters and features to your games.
A newer entry into this genre of games is Lego Dimensions, which originally featured characters from hit franchises like Lord of the Rings and Scooby-Doo. This year, that same game is expandable with fresh play sets and characters, including Sonic the Hedgehog, the fresh Ghostbusters, and Fantastic Brutes and Where to Find Them. Like many Lego fucktoys, they’re not going to be the cheapest thing on your child’s wish list this holiday season, but playing through levels based on Mission: Unlikely as Bart Simpson and the Doctor from Doctor Who is an practice that you simply won’t find anywhere else.
A game that seemingly every kid today either plays or wants to play, Minecraft, is also available on on all three consoles. The Wii U version of the game comes with an special bonus: the Super Mario Mash-Up pack, which permits you to create worlds that look like they could have come straight from a Super Mario Bros. game.
There is also a story-based venture game, Minecraft: Story Mode, from Telltale games. This is an episodic series that’s being released in chunks, so while you can buy the entirety of season one right now, an Internet connection is required to download fresh gigs as they become available.
For two-player joy, the non-Dimensions Lego series of movie games is still going strong. Lego Starlet Wars: The Force Awakens is the latest and greatest of those.
I’m also fairly fond of Rayman Legends, a 2D platformer with some fantastic art that can be joy for all ages.
Sensational to the Xbox One: There’s Disney’s Fantasia: Music Evolved (also available on Xbox 360), which requires the Kinect camera but is a joy motion-controlled music game from Disney and the makers of Rock Band.
There’s also the management game Zoo Tycoon (also available on Xbox 360) and the beautiful 2D side-scrolling game Ori and the Blind Forest.
Special to PS4: If you’re into plain platforming and level creation, LittleBigPlanet Trio isn’t bad. If you’re more into a nice escapade, Tearaway is much more clever.
A PS4 launch game, Knack, isn’t the best kids game around, but as it’s been out for a few years now you might be able to find it in a bargain bin somewhere.
Sensational to Wii U: Nintendo is sort of the Disney of movie games, and as such they have the thickest collection of high-quality games that can be liked by all ages. Anything with Mario, Kirby, Yoshi or most of Nintendo’s other characters should be a safe bet.
The Wii U also has the most family-friendly online multiplayer game available: Splatoon.
Can the fresh system play our old games?
The Wii U is fully compatible with all Wii games. However, Nintendo’s next system, the Switch (which will get to later), is not expected to be compatible with any disc-based games at all.
In the case of the PlayStation Four, no. The system is not rearwards compatible, and none of your PS3 games will work in your PS4. Sorry.
The Xbox One, however, recently added rearwards compatibility as a feature. With a catch: Only a select number of old Xbox three hundred sixty games are compatible, tho’ the list has been growing steadily over the last year. An Internet connection is also required, even if you own the disc for the game you want to play (a rearwards compatible version of the game is downloaded to your system).
Microsoft has a list of well over one hundred Xbox three hundred sixty games presently playable on the Xbox One, which includes both games on discs and digital games that were only available as a download. In terms of games pleasurable for all ages, that list includes Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Lego Starlet Wars: The Finish Saga, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, Plants vs. Zombies, Viva Pinata and a few others here and there.
Playing online:
If your child is old enough to be playing games online, you should know that both Microsoft and Sony will request a monthly fee for this functionality on their fresh systems. The Xbox One has Xbox Live, which is generally about $60 a year (tho’ you can find subscription cards for cheaper. I tend to buy them for $40). The PS4 has PlayStation Plus, which sells for $50 a year. Lately, both services have suggested free downloadable games for their subscription members, but Sony has so far been much more successful at this, suggesting several free games every month for their fans.
Both systems also have voice talk functionality (the Xbox One has utter HD movie talk via Skype), web browsers, support for services like Hulu and Netflix and more. Most of Sony’s online services are free to all, while Microsoft has traditionally been more likely to lock theirs behind the Xbox Live paywall (tho’ an entire family can benefit from one Xbox Live Gold account this time around).
The Wii U doesn’t request a subscription for online games, but it also has by far the weakest library of games that can be played online.
Parental controls:
All current systems have sturdy parental control options that can lock out select content for child accounts. You can, for example, restrict games that have a certain ESRB rating (such as M for Mature), which alone is a worthwhile feature. The same limitations can be applied to DVDs and Blurays.
You can also limit what online interactions your child can take part in, disabling features like the web browser and talk functionalities, as well as the capability to play multiplayer games online.
Both systems also have options to restrict access to their digital stores. On the Xbox you can turn off access altogether or limit downloads to only products that are free. On the PS4 you can turn off access or set a monthly spending limit for PlayStation Store purchases.
You can find more information about setting these controls up from Microsoft and Sony, tho’ both systems do a pretty good job of walking you through the process when you set up the console and/or account for the very first time.
The cost of controllers:
Both the Xbox One and PS4 only come with one controller by default, and neither system is compatible with the previous system’s controllers. And extras won’t come cheap. Both retail for $59.99 each.
On the plus side, both controllers are fantastic. Still, if you want to buy three extra controllers so a family of four can play a game, it’s going to get pricey.
Of note is the battery life of the PS4 controller, which is not fine. If you plan on playing game for hours at a time, keep a long charging cable handy. The Xbox One uses standard AA batteries out of the box.
Keep in mind, too, that not all games even support four players at a time. Skylanders, Disney Infinity and the Lego games, for example, are limited to two people at a time.
The Wii U’s primary controller, the GamePad, comes with the system, and the system only ever supports one. Extra players can use the same controllers that were used with the Wii, so extra purchases might not be necessary.
Is one of these systems truly the best family friendly option?
If you’re buying the system purely for a child (i.e. it won’t be played by any adults in the house), and if that child is under the age of 13, then you most likely don’t need an Xbox One or PlayStation four right now.
If you’re looking into a fresh console for a teenager that wants to play games like Fate, Halo or Starlet Wars: Battlefront with friends then it might be time to invest. Both systems have been out for long enough now that they’ve built up solid libraries of games that aren’t available on older hardware, making them with an upgrade (or worthy of being a first-time console).
Same goes for if you’re a gaming adult that wants to check out games like Titanfall Two, Rise of the Tomb Raider or Doom for yourself but want some kid friendly options as well. While the systems don’t exactly have a wealth of games for kids, there are at least some choices.
So what about Nintendo?
I’m just going to be blunt: You most likely don’t want to buy a Wii U right now.
I don’t say that because it’s not a good system. I like the Wii U and think it has a ton of superb games, and if you can find a superb deal on one and don’t mind being cutting edge, then it might be worth your time.
A better investment would be a 3DS, Nintendo’s portable system released in 2011. The system is still going strong, and just spotted the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon, which are excellent whether you’re a longtime Pokemon fan or a kid who’s fresh to the series.
But Nintendo’s next system is mere months away. The Nintendo Switch will function as both a portable system (with a tablet-like form factor) and as a console (with a dock that permits you to connect the tablet to your TV for living room gaming).
We know the release month (March), but we don’t know the price or the launch lineup. Still, you can expect the Switch to be where you’ll find the next superb Super Mario, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. and most likely the next Pokemon games. So if you want to be ready for next Christmas, you might save your money for the Switch.
If you truly want to buy a system for your child this Christmas, however, and they don’t have one already, the Nintendo 3DS might be the way to go. It’s one of the best movie game systems in latest history, and it has slew of gaming options that could keep a player busy for years.
A parent’s guide to the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo: What system should you buy your kids, GuideLive
A parent’s guide to the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo: What system should you buy your kids?
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If you’re thinking about buying a fresh movie game console for your child this holiday season, here are some things to keep in mind.
Update on November 21, 2016: I originally wrote this post back in two thousand thirteen in the lead up to the release of the PlayStation four and Xbox One. Considering how popular it remains in Google search results, tho’, I thought it worth revisiting.
I have also added more information about Nintendo’s current and upcoming systems. They have a fresh console, the Nintendo Switch, in March 2017. That’s worth considering if you want to buy a movie game system for your family any time soon.
For more movie game news, reviews and features, check out guidelive.com/geek.
What games are family friendly?
On all three consoles: The Xbox One, PS4 and Wii U boast a fresh entry in a series that has been very popular with kids for years: Skylanders: Imaginators, which is a "fucktoys to life" game that involves physical fucktoys that you can buy (sold separately) to add fresh characters and features to your games.
A newer entry into this genre of games is Lego Dimensions, which originally featured characters from hit franchises like Lord of the Rings and Scooby-Doo. This year, that same game is expandable with fresh play sets and characters, including Sonic the Hedgehog, the fresh Ghostbusters, and Fantastic Brutes and Where to Find Them. Like many Lego fucktoys, they’re not going to be the cheapest thing on your child’s wish list this holiday season, but playing through levels based on Mission: Unlikely as Bart Simpson and the Doctor from Doctor Who is an practice that you simply won’t find anywhere else.
A game that seemingly every kid today either plays or wants to play, Minecraft, is also available on on all three consoles. The Wii U version of the game comes with an special bonus: the Super Mario Mash-Up pack, which permits you to create worlds that look like they could have come straight from a Super Mario Bros. game.
There is also a story-based escapade game, Minecraft: Story Mode, from Telltale games. This is an episodic series that’s being released in chunks, so while you can buy the entirety of season one right now, an Internet connection is required to download fresh gigs as they become available.
For two-player joy, the non-Dimensions Lego series of movie games is still going strong. Lego Starlet Wars: The Force Awakens is the latest and greatest of those.
I’m also fairly fond of Rayman Legends, a 2D platformer with some fantastic art that can be joy for all ages.
Off the hook to the Xbox One: There’s Disney’s Fantasia: Music Evolved (also available on Xbox 360), which requires the Kinect camera but is a joy motion-controlled music game from Disney and the makers of Rock Band.
There’s also the management game Zoo Tycoon (also available on Xbox 360) and the beautiful 2D side-scrolling game Ori and the Blind Forest.
Special to PS4: If you’re into plain platforming and level creation, LittleBigPlanet Trio isn’t bad. If you’re more into a nice venture, Tearaway is much more clever.
A PS4 launch game, Knack, isn’t the best kids game around, but as it’s been out for a few years now you might be able to find it in a bargain bin somewhere.
Sensational to Wii U: Nintendo is sort of the Disney of movie games, and as such they have the thickest collection of high-quality games that can be liked by all ages. Anything with Mario, Kirby, Yoshi or most of Nintendo’s other characters should be a safe bet.
The Wii U also has the most family-friendly online multiplayer game available: Splatoon.
Can the fresh system play our old games?
The Wii U is fully compatible with all Wii games. However, Nintendo’s next system, the Switch (which will get to later), is not expected to be compatible with any disc-based games at all.
In the case of the PlayStation Four, no. The system is not rearwards compatible, and none of your PS3 games will work in your PS4. Sorry.
The Xbox One, however, recently added rearwards compatibility as a feature. With a catch: Only a select number of old Xbox three hundred sixty games are compatible, however the list has been growing steadily over the last year. An Internet connection is also required, even if you own the disc for the game you want to play (a rearwards compatible version of the game is downloaded to your system).
Microsoft has a list of well over one hundred Xbox three hundred sixty games presently playable on the Xbox One, which includes both games on discs and digital games that were only available as a download. In terms of games pleasant for all ages, that list includes Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Lego Starlet Wars: The Accomplish Saga, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, Plants vs. Zombies, Viva Pinata and a few others here and there.
Playing online:
If your child is old enough to be playing games online, you should know that both Microsoft and Sony will request a monthly fee for this functionality on their fresh systems. The Xbox One has Xbox Live, which is generally about $60 a year (however you can find subscription cards for cheaper. I tend to buy them for $40). The PS4 has PlayStation Plus, which sells for $50 a year. Lately, both services have suggested free downloadable games for their subscription members, but Sony has so far been much more successful at this, suggesting several free games every month for their fans.
Both systems also have voice talk functionality (the Xbox One has total HD movie talk via Skype), web browsers, support for services like Hulu and Netflix and more. Most of Sony’s online services are free to all, while Microsoft has traditionally been more likely to lock theirs behind the Xbox Live paywall (tho’ an entire family can benefit from one Xbox Live Gold account this time around).
The Wii U doesn’t request a subscription for online games, but it also has by far the weakest library of games that can be played online.
Parental controls:
All current systems have sturdy parental control options that can lock out select content for child accounts. You can, for example, restrict games that have a certain ESRB rating (such as M for Mature), which alone is a worthwhile feature. The same confinements can be applied to DVDs and Blurays.
You can also limit what online interactions your child can take part in, disabling features like the web browser and talk functionalities, as well as the capability to play multiplayer games online.
Both systems also have options to restrict access to their digital stores. On the Xbox you can turn off access altogether or limit downloads to only products that are free. On the PS4 you can turn off access or set a monthly spending limit for PlayStation Store purchases.
You can find more information about setting these controls up from Microsoft and Sony, tho’ both systems do a pretty good job of walking you through the process when you set up the console and/or account for the very first time.
The cost of controllers:
Both the Xbox One and PS4 only come with one controller by default, and neither system is compatible with the previous system’s controllers. And extras won’t come cheap. Both retail for $59.99 each.
On the plus side, both controllers are fantastic. Still, if you want to buy three extra controllers so a family of four can play a game, it’s going to get pricey.
Of note is the battery life of the PS4 controller, which is not fine. If you plan on playing game for hours at a time, keep a long charging cable handy. The Xbox One uses standard AA batteries out of the box.
Keep in mind, too, that not all games even support four players at a time. Skylanders, Disney Infinity and the Lego games, for example, are limited to two people at a time.
The Wii U’s primary controller, the GamePad, comes with the system, and the system only ever supports one. Extra players can use the same controllers that were used with the Wii, so extra purchases might not be necessary.
Is one of these systems truly the best family friendly option?
If you’re buying the system purely for a child (i.e. it won’t be played by any adults in the house), and if that child is under the age of 13, then you very likely don’t need an Xbox One or PlayStation four right now.
If you’re looking into a fresh console for a teenager that wants to play games like Fate, Halo or Starlet Wars: Battlefront with friends then it might be time to invest. Both systems have been out for long enough now that they’ve built up solid libraries of games that aren’t available on older hardware, making them with an upgrade (or worthy of being a first-time console).
Same goes for if you’re a gaming adult that wants to check out games like Titanfall Two, Rise of the Tomb Raider or Doom for yourself but want some kid friendly options as well. While the systems don’t exactly have a wealth of games for kids, there are at least some choices.
So what about Nintendo?
I’m just going to be blunt: You very likely don’t want to buy a Wii U right now.
I don’t say that because it’s not a good system. I like the Wii U and think it has a ton of superb games, and if you can find a fine deal on one and don’t mind being cutting edge, then it might be worth your time.
A better investment would be a 3DS, Nintendo’s portable system released in 2011. The system is still going strong, and just spotted the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon, which are fine whether you’re a longtime Pokemon fan or a kid who’s fresh to the series.
But Nintendo’s next system is mere months away. The Nintendo Switch will function as both a portable system (with a tablet-like form factor) and as a console (with a dock that permits you to connect the tablet to your TV for living room gaming).
We know the release month (March), but we don’t know the price or the launch lineup. Still, you can expect the Switch to be where you’ll find the next good Super Mario, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. and most likely the next Pokemon games. So if you want to be ready for next Christmas, you might save your money for the Switch.
If you truly want to buy a system for your child this Christmas, however, and they don’t have one already, the Nintendo 3DS might be the way to go. It’s one of the best movie game systems in latest history, and it has slew of gaming options that could keep a player busy for years.