24 Hidden Facebook Features Only Power Users Know

24 Hidden Facebook Features Only Power Users Know
Facebook is the principal digital public square of today. And while many youthfull’ns might choose Snapchat or Instagram, Zuck & Co’s social network is still an utterly integral virtual venue and will proceed to be for some time.
While Facebook’s business model has evolved to include its mobile incarnation and other associated apps, the old familiar website is still the preferred venue for many. And why not? Facebook.com is one of the most advanced public-facing websites out there.
Facebook is a magnet for top engineering talent, so it stands to reason that the company would boast one of the world’s most elaborate and multi-faceted websites. It rivals many standalone software apps with the sheer amount of personalization, tweaks, and tinkering available to visitors.
In fact, there are so many things you can do on Facebook.com that you very likely don’t know about everything. We’re talking about all the official, baked-in, lightly accessible functions that are just a few clicks away. As you’ll see below, there are even some functions that show up to be leftovers from bygone eras that we’re not even sure Facebook still knows are there. Take a look and awaken your internal power user social super starlet.
The Inbox You Didn't Even Know You Had
If you’ve been a Facebook user for a while, then you most likely have a folder utter of unread messages that you didn’t even know you had: the "Message Requests" folder (formerly, the "Other" folder.) This is where Facebook sends all the messages from people you’re not presently friends with. It could be packed with old high school flings reaching out or a bunch of Nigerian spammers, who knows?! Only one way to find out!
To review these messages, click the "messages" icon at the top of your homescreen (a talk icon with the Messenger lightning icon in the middle). By default, you’ll find yourself in the "Latest" tab of your inbox. Directly to the right, you’ll find the "Message Requests" tab. After you click this, you may see a link that says "See filtered requests." Click that and then you’ll see all sorts of messages from strangers on the internet. Have joy with that!
In 2012, Facebook experimented with permitting members to pay to reach the inboxes of non-friends. Fees embarked at $1 and went all the way up to $100 for Zuck himself, but the option to do this emerges to be limited.
See Who's Snooping In Your Account
Want to know if someone is logged into your Facebook account without your permission? Very first, go to your settings page. Under the Security folder, you’ll see the link "Where You’re Logged In." Here you will find all your active Facebook log-ins from desktop or mobile. It will (usually) provide data on the location, browser, and device. If something seems fishy, you also have the capability to "end activity" from individual or all devices.
This also comes in handy if you logged in to your friend’s computer or on some public laptop, but left behind to log out.
There Are Lots of Secret Emoji
Emoji. They take away some of the horrible anguish of writing in plain language. Facebook will render all the usual face emoticons into pictorial representations. But there are a entire bunch you may not be using.
(y) = thumbs-up ‘like’ symbol
(^^^) = a good white shark
:poop: = well, you know
You can use these in wall posts, talks, and comments, but they don’t always render in mobile. You can find a total rundown of Facebook emoticons here.
Transfer Files Over Facebook Messenger
If you open a Facebook Messenger window, there’s a little paper clip icon along the bottom. This permits you to upload and send a file directly from your computer. The receiver can just click on the included link and download them from there. Of course, never download anything from someone you don’t know.
Upside Down or Pirate Speak
Recall ten years ago, when pirates were all the rage for a minute? Well, at one point the Facebook engineers got swept up in this ironic buccaneer madness and programmed a peculiar Easter egg that permits you to translate your Facebook interface into Pirate or Upsidedown speak.
Does this sound appealing to you for some reason? Go to Settings > Language, and you can switch your settings to either "English (Pirate)" or "English (Upside Down)." Think that’s a whimsical little feature that you will never ever get sick of?! You’re wrong. It’s actually fairly annoying.
Create a Customizable Supersized Post
Sometimes you want to share something that is worth more than a few sentences or a single photo. If you don’t have your own blog you can take advantage of a Facebook "Note." This is a private blog post that lives inwards the Facebook ecosystem. Here you can share paragraphs of text and numerous pictures (no HTML coding skill required).
Just head on over to facebook.com/notes, where you’ll find notes from people you go after. If you want to add your own, just click the "+ Write a Note" link in the top-right corner. Spill your thoughts using the effortless post editor, add a cover picture if you want, and share just like you would a regular Facebook post. If you can’t finish your note in one sitting, save it and publish later.
Detail Your Facebook Romance
If you want to see the detailed internet history of you and your significant other, go to www.facebook.com/us, and you will see the accomplish Facebook history with whomever you are listed as in a relationship with ("us," get it?). If you’re not listed as being in a relationship, it will just go to your regular page because Facebook thinks that you are just in love with yourself.
Save Posts for Later
Did you ever want to read a link that a friend collective on Facebook, but didn’t have the time at that particular moment? Then, when you ultimately do have a moment, you either left behind about it, or it has been buried under so much other junk that it’s not even worth searching for? We’ve all been there. That’s why you should get acquainted with Facebook’s "Save for Later" function.
If there’s anything you want to save for later, click the little arrow in the top-right of any post. Then click the Save link button from the pull-down. This will send the link to your Saved folder. "Where’s your Saved folder," you ask? Good question! You actually won’t see it until you save something for the very first time. Then you will see a little "saved" ribbon in your left-hand favorites bar. Click that and you will find all your beloved stories. It also works with any movie your friends posted.
At f8 2016, Facebook announced it is extending "Save for Later" to the web, so you can save things to Facebook even when you’re not on Facebook.com, a shot at services like Pocket and Instapaper. Facebook’s very first two playmates are Overstock and Product Hunt, but any site can add the functionality, so look for it to expand over time.
Download a Copy of All Your Facebooking
Want your own private copy of everything you’ve ever collective on Facebook? I’m talking, ev-er-y-thing: Every post, every picture, every movie, every message, and talk conversation (not to mention all the settings you most likely don’t even think about)? You can do that!
Just go to Settings > General and click on the link "Download a copy of your Facebook data" at the bottom and go after the directions from there.
This feature lets you take a tour down memory lane, or just save your info should you ever determine to delete your Facebook account. However it is very likely most useful to those in the legal profession as it can capture your Facebooking at a particular moment (social media posts can trigger lawsuits, after all).
Choose a 'Legacy Contact' for After You Croak
Everyone on Facebook will die. One day. This may be true for other social networks as well, but you can certainly be assured that everyone you are friends with on Facebook will perish from this Earth. (Or, you know, unless the Singluarity comes to pass.) In anticipation of this unavoidable truth, Facebook has created a way to name a legacy contact who will manage your account after you are gone.
Your legacy contact will have the capability to write a pinned post for your profile, react to fresh friend requests (e.g. friends or family who weren’t on Facebook at the time of your demise), or update your profile and cover photo (do you truly want your final picture to be you in your ironic SpongeBob Halloween costume?) They won’t have access to all your messages unless you proactively determine to give them access.
To assign a legacy contact, go to Settings > General > Manage Account > Legacy Contact tab and choose one of your Facebook friends to treat your digital affairs. You will also have the chance to choose that your account is deleted after you die.
Add Some Extra Security
Here are three clever things you can do to protect yourself, which you’ll find under Settings > Security and Login > Setting Up Extra Security:
1) Enable two-factor authentication. A good idea to implement on all your accounts. That means if someone wants to access your account on a fresh device, they’ll also need access to your phone.
Two) Enable alerts about unrecognized logins. If somebody does manage to log-in to your account from an unrecognized device or browser, Facebook will let you know.
Three) Tell Facebook some trusted contacts if you get locked out. Trusted Contacts are Facebook friends (you’ll need to choose inbetween three and five) who can securely help you regain access to your account—for example if you leave behind your password or lose your mobile device—OR a nefarious person violates in and determines to lock YOU out. And recall, you can always switch your contacts later.
Block Facebook Mobile Browser Tracking
Here’s one feature you unluckily won’t find anywhere in Facebook, and that’s the problem. When Facebook announced it was going to give users more control over ads in order to make them more targeted, it didn’t exactly publicize the fact that it would also commence using your app- and web-browsing history to demonstrate targeted ads from advertisers.
Unlike most Facebook privacy settings, you can’t opt out of this kind of tracking. However, as our SecurityWatch blog points out, you can take steps to web surf in private. You can opt out via a special third-party site courtesy of the Digital Advertising Alliance. (Reminisce to disable AdBlocker Plus or other similar software you may be running). Go after a elementary set of directions, and make sure to click the box next to Facebook and you can go about your internet business without third-party advertisers getting all up in your bizness.
Curate Your News Feed
Your News Feed is your home on Facebook. And as your home, you should attempt your best to keep it clean, orderly, and free of distractions. You don’t want to be inundated with posts from that one brand or friend you go after who just posts all. the. time.
One of the most direct ways to do this is by providing more voice to the things you want to see, while removing the stuff you don’t want. The quickest way to access this feature is by clicking the three dots next to "News Feed" at the top of the left rail. Choose "Edit Preferences" from the pop-up screen, click "Prioritize who to see very first," and choose the people, Pages, and brands you want to see more or less of in your News Feed.
You can also click "Unfollow people to hide their posts" to mute annoying posters (they won’t know they’ve been muted). This feature is also accessible by clicking the little arrow in the top-right corner of a post and selecting "Unfollow [Friend]." You’ll still be "friends" but you won’t see their posts on your News Feed unless you re-follow them down the line.
Creep On You Friends' Relationships
When you see a post that a friend posted on another friend’s wall, you will have the capability to see a detailed history of their friendship. Just click the little arrow in the top right of that post and select "More Options." There, you will get the "see friendship" option.
There is one other way to access this. If you type in the URL your Facebook page, which is very likely something like www.facebook.com/[very first name].[last name] and then directly followed by ?and= and followed by the name of the 2nd person. So, if you wished to see the detailed Facebook relationship of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former TV personality David Letterman, the link would be: www.facebook.com/DavidLetterman?and=TedCruz.
(As you see above, those two evidently haven’t had much interaction.)
When playing with this URL trick, be sure to check the official URL of each person—Facebook can assign strange characters into their official URL (for example, it will add a number if there is someone else with the same name).
You Can Embed Public Content
Like other social media sites, Facebook permits you to embed publicly available content on your webpage. Just click the pull-down menu in the top right of the file and click "embed" to capture the code you can place on your site.
Edit Your Ad Preferences
Do you hate-follow any celebrities or personalities on Facebook? A while back, I gave former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a go after. I was just nosey more than anything. But then I noticed that the ads on Facebook feed began to . switch. Let’s just say, I began getting ads for things I truly wasn’t all that interested in.
Facebook’s business is built around providing marketers with detailed information on its users’ interests, which Facebook’s algorithms insinuate based on—among other things—celebrities and personalities they’ve actively followed. However, if you "like" something on Facebook that’s a little out of your usual media diet, you also have the capability to keep your ad practice in check.
To curate your ads, go to Settings > Ads > click "Your Interests." You can delete an interest simply by hitting delete on the right of each interest. Under the "Advertisers you’ve interacted with" tab, you’ll see all the advertisers whose ads you’ve clicked on and/or provided your information (you’ll also have the capability to delete entries form your ad-interaction information). Under the "whose ads you’ve clicked" sub-tab, you can even choose to stop witnessing ads from a particular advertiser altogether.
Send Money Through Facebook
Do you have any old people near you right now? Ask them to tell you about "Western Union"—that’s how people used to send money before the internet.
In the digital age, there are lots of services that will permit you to transfer money from your computer or mobile device, including right through your Facebook account (as long as both the sender and recipient have a valid debit card). In addition (and most likely of greater interest to Facebook), these payments will permit users to purchase products and make in-game purchases through Facebook.
While this feature is largely tied to Messenger, you can use it on regular Facebook as well. To set it up, go to Settings > Payments to inject a debit card. Once accepted, you can send (or request) funds to/from another user via Messenger.
To use this feature on Facebook.com, just open a pop-over conversation with one of your contacts (accessible via either the "Talk" window in the bottom-right-hand of your screen or through the Messenger icon in the right side of the top rail). Next, just click the dollar sign at the bottom of the talk window to send/request funds. Cha-ching!
Upload '360' Pics and Vids
You’ve very likely seen some immersive "360" photos (and some movies) popping up in your Facebook feed recently. On the desktop version, viewers can explore a field of vision in all directions using their mouse or keyboard. On mobile, users can pivot their device to look all around. But you also have the chance to upload your own three hundred sixty pictures and movie.
While you can utilize the fresh breed of (often expensive) three hundred sixty cameras, you can also just use your smartphone to capture a panorama or "photosphere" and upload it to Facebook.
Immersive movies are a bit more complicated and need some of that aforementioned high-end hardware, but if you happen to have some, here’s how you would get began.
See What's Happening Right Now All Around the World
Facebook Live is an increasingly significant medium (we use it fairly a bit here at the ol’ PCMag). One of this live platform’s coolest features is an interactive live map available, which you can find at facebook.com/livemap (only available for desktop).
Here you can scroll zoom all around the map of the world and see lil’ blue the current live flows and how popular they are (larger dots have more people watching). Placing your mouse over each dot will present a preview. There are a lot of local news broadcasts, televised soccer matches, and pairs of sniggering teenagers. It’s a strangely engrossing practice.
Order Food on Facebook?
Speaking on behalf of all Fresh Yorkers, THIS is a feature we’ve been waiting for Facebook to implement for a while (we order a lot of takeout!) You can order food for takeout or delivery through partnerships with Delivery.com and EatStreet.
Some restaurants have direct links to order on their pages, OR you can look through options by clicking over to the "Order Food" icon (it’s a little hamburger) in the left-hand "Explore" rail (you may have to click "see more"). On the mobile app, you need to click the design hamburger (the three parallel lines in the top-right corner on Android, bottom right on iOS) and scroll down to the literal hamburger icon.
Make a Fundraiser
Want to help someone out (perhaps even yourself) financially? You can using the power of the crowd! On the web, click the "Fundraiser" icon (a little coin with a heart in the middle) which you will find in the left-hand Explore rail (or via the three-line hamburger icon on the mobile apps). This feature permits users to crowdsource funds via donations for themselves or on behalf of another person or organization.
It’s all pretty effortless to set up, BUT there are some things to know. Fundraising campaigns will have to be approved by Facebook before they go live. In order to receive funds, users will have to link a checking account with Facebook. Also, since these campaigns are considered "private fundraisers," any donations are typically NOT considered tax-deductible. And most importantly, you should be aware that Facebook implements a fee for any donations of 6.9 percent + $0.30 to cover "payment processing, fundraiser vetting, operations, security, and fraud protection."
Make a Framework
Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a fresh "Camera Effects" platform, which permits third-party developers to create Snapchatesque photo/movie overlays. While the AR-like movie overlay platform necessitates some technical know-how, any schmo with a guideline of the basics will have the capability to create a static framework.
To create your own static photo overlay, click on "Create a Framework" in the left-hand rail (or three-line hamburger in mobile) and click the "Create a Framework" button. Anyone with basic computer abilities should be able to put something together.
24 Hidden Facebook Features Only Power Users Know
24 Hidden Facebook Features Only Power Users Know
Facebook is the principal digital public square of today. And while many youthfull’ns might choose Snapchat or Instagram, Zuck & Co’s social network is still an utterly integral virtual venue and will proceed to be for some time.
While Facebook’s business model has evolved to include its mobile incarnation and other associated apps, the old familiar website is still the preferred venue for many. And why not? Facebook.com is one of the most advanced public-facing websites out there.
Facebook is a magnet for top engineering talent, so it stands to reason that the company would boast one of the world’s most complicated and multi-faceted websites. It rivals many standalone software apps with the sheer amount of personalization, tweaks, and tinkering available to visitors.
In fact, there are so many things you can do on Facebook.com that you very likely don’t know about everything. We’re talking about all the official, baked-in, lightly accessible functions that are just a few clicks away. As you’ll see below, there are even some functions that show up to be leftovers from bygone eras that we’re not even sure Facebook still knows are there. Take a look and awaken your internal power user social super starlet.
The Inbox You Didn't Even Know You Had
If you’ve been a Facebook user for a while, then you most likely have a folder utter of unread messages that you didn’t even know you had: the "Message Requests" folder (formerly, the "Other" folder.) This is where Facebook sends all the messages from people you’re not presently friends with. It could be packed with old high school flings reaching out or a bunch of Nigerian spammers, who knows?! Only one way to find out!
To review these messages, click the "messages" icon at the top of your homescreen (a talk icon with the Messenger lightning icon in the middle). By default, you’ll find yourself in the "Latest" tab of your inbox. Directly to the right, you’ll find the "Message Requests" tab. After you click this, you may see a link that says "See filtered requests." Click that and then you’ll see all sorts of messages from strangers on the internet. Have joy with that!
In 2012, Facebook experimented with permitting members to pay to reach the inboxes of non-friends. Fees commenced at $1 and went all the way up to $100 for Zuck himself, but the option to do this emerges to be limited.
See Who's Snooping In Your Account
Want to know if someone is logged into your Facebook account without your permission? Very first, go to your settings page. Under the Security folder, you’ll see the link "Where You’re Logged In." Here you will find all your active Facebook log-ins from desktop or mobile. It will (usually) provide data on the location, browser, and device. If something seems fishy, you also have the capability to "end activity" from individual or all devices.
This also comes in handy if you logged in to your friend’s computer or on some public laptop, but left behind to log out.
There Are Lots of Secret Emoji
Emoji. They take away some of the horrible ache of writing in plain language. Facebook will render all the usual face emoticons into pictorial representations. But there are a entire bunch you may not be using.
(y) = thumbs-up ‘like’ symbol
(^^^) = a superb white shark
:poop: = well, you know
You can use these in wall posts, talks, and comments, but they don’t always render in mobile. You can find a utter rundown of Facebook emoticons here.
Transfer Files Over Facebook Messenger
If you open a Facebook Messenger window, there’s a little paper clip icon along the bottom. This permits you to upload and send a file directly from your computer. The receiver can just click on the included link and download them from there. Of course, never download anything from someone you don’t know.
Upside Down or Pirate Speak
Recall ten years ago, when pirates were all the rage for a minute? Well, at one point the Facebook engineers got swept up in this ironic buccaneer madness and programmed a peculiar Easter egg that permits you to translate your Facebook interface into Pirate or Upsidedown speak.
Does this sound appealing to you for some reason? Go to Settings > Language, and you can switch your settings to either "English (Pirate)" or "English (Upside Down)." Think that’s a whimsical little feature that you will never ever get sick of?! You’re wrong. It’s actually fairly annoying.
Create a Customizable Supersized Post
Sometimes you want to share something that is worth more than a few sentences or a single pic. If you don’t have your own blog you can take advantage of a Facebook "Note." This is a individual blog post that lives inwards the Facebook ecosystem. Here you can share paragraphs of text and numerous photos (no HTML coding skill required).
Just head on over to facebook.com/notes, where you’ll find notes from people you go after. If you want to add your own, just click the "+ Write a Note" link in the top-right corner. Spill your thoughts using the effortless post editor, add a cover photo if you want, and share just like you would a regular Facebook post. If you can’t finish your note in one sitting, save it and publish later.
Detail Your Facebook Romance
If you want to see the detailed internet history of you and your significant other, go to www.facebook.com/us, and you will see the accomplish Facebook history with whomever you are listed as in a relationship with ("us," get it?). If you’re not listed as being in a relationship, it will just go to your regular page because Facebook thinks that you are just in love with yourself.
Save Posts for Later
Did you ever want to read a link that a friend collective on Facebook, but didn’t have the time at that particular moment? Then, when you eventually do have a moment, you either left behind about it, or it has been buried under so much other junk that it’s not even worth searching for? We’ve all been there. That’s why you should get acquainted with Facebook’s "Save for Later" function.
If there’s anything you want to save for later, click the little arrow in the top-right of any post. Then click the Save link button from the pull-down. This will send the link to your Saved folder. "Where’s your Saved folder," you ask? Good question! You actually won’t see it until you save something for the very first time. Then you will see a little "saved" ribbon in your left-hand favorites bar. Click that and you will find all your beloved stories. It also works with any movie your friends posted.
At f8 2016, Facebook announced it is extending "Save for Later" to the web, so you can save things to Facebook even when you’re not on Facebook.com, a shot at services like Pocket and Instapaper. Facebook’s very first two fucking partners are Overstock and Product Hunt, but any site can add the functionality, so look for it to expand over time.
Download a Copy of All Your Facebooking
Want your own private copy of everything you’ve ever collective on Facebook? I’m talking, ev-er-y-thing: Every post, every pic, every movie, every message, and talk conversation (not to mention all the settings you very likely don’t even think about)? You can do that!
Just go to Settings > General and click on the link "Download a copy of your Facebook data" at the bottom and go after the directions from there.
This feature lets you take a journey down memory lane, or just save your info should you ever determine to delete your Facebook account. However it is very likely most useful to those in the legal profession as it can capture your Facebooking at a particular moment (social media posts can trigger lawsuits, after all).
Choose a 'Legacy Contact' for After You Croak
Everyone on Facebook will die. One day. This may be true for other social networks as well, but you can certainly be assured that everyone you are friends with on Facebook will perish from this Earth. (Or, you know, unless the Singluarity comes to pass.) In anticipation of this unavoidable truth, Facebook has created a way to name a legacy contact who will manage your account after you are gone.
Your legacy contact will have the capability to write a pinned post for your profile, react to fresh friend requests (e.g. friends or family who weren’t on Facebook at the time of your demise), or update your profile and cover photo (do you indeed want your final pic to be you in your ironic SpongeBob Halloween costume?) They won’t have access to all your messages unless you proactively determine to give them access.
To assign a legacy contact, go to Settings > General > Manage Account > Legacy Contact tab and choose one of your Facebook friends to treat your digital affairs. You will also have the chance to choose that your account is deleted after you die.
Add Some Extra Security
Here are three wise things you can do to protect yourself, which you’ll find under Settings > Security and Login > Setting Up Extra Security:
1) Enable two-factor authentication. A good idea to implement on all your accounts. That means if someone wants to access your account on a fresh device, they’ll also need access to your phone.
Two) Enable alerts about unrecognized logins. If somebody does manage to log-in to your account from an unrecognized device or browser, Facebook will let you know.
Trio) Tell Facebook some trusted contacts if you get locked out. Trusted Contacts are Facebook friends (you’ll need to choose inbetween three and five) who can securely help you regain access to your account—for example if you leave behind your password or lose your mobile device—OR a nefarious person cracks in and determines to lock YOU out. And reminisce, you can always switch your contacts later.
Block Facebook Mobile Browser Tracking
Here’s one feature you unluckily won’t find anywhere in Facebook, and that’s the problem. When Facebook announced it was going to give users more control over ads in order to make them more targeted, it didn’t exactly publicize the fact that it would also commence using your app- and web-browsing history to showcase targeted ads from advertisers.
Unlike most Facebook privacy settings, you can’t opt out of this kind of tracking. However, as our SecurityWatch blog points out, you can take steps to web surf in private. You can opt out via a special third-party site courtesy of the Digital Advertising Alliance. (Recall to disable AdBlocker Plus or other similar software you may be running). Go after a plain set of directions, and make sure to click the box next to Facebook and you can go about your internet business without third-party advertisers getting all up in your bizness.
Curate Your News Feed
Your News Feed is your home on Facebook. And as your home, you should attempt your best to keep it clean, orderly, and free of distractions. You don’t want to be inundated with posts from that one brand or friend you go after who just posts all. the. time.
One of the most direct ways to do this is by providing more voice to the things you want to see, while removing the stuff you don’t want. The quickest way to access this feature is by clicking the three dots next to "News Feed" at the top of the left rail. Choose "Edit Preferences" from the pop-up screen, click "Prioritize who to see very first," and choose the people, Pages, and brands you want to see more or less of in your News Feed.
You can also click "Unfollow people to hide their posts" to mute annoying posters (they won’t know they’ve been muted). This feature is also accessible by clicking the little arrow in the top-right corner of a post and selecting "Unfollow [Friend]." You’ll still be "friends" but you won’t see their posts on your News Feed unless you re-follow them down the line.
Creep On You Friends' Relationships
When you see a post that a friend posted on another friend’s wall, you will have the capability to see a detailed history of their friendship. Just click the little arrow in the top right of that post and select "More Options." There, you will get the "see friendship" option.
There is one other way to access this. If you type in the URL your Facebook page, which is most likely something like www.facebook.com/[very first name].[last name] and then directly followed by ?and= and followed by the name of the 2nd person. So, if you dreamed to see the detailed Facebook relationship of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former TV personality David Letterman, the link would be: www.facebook.com/DavidLetterman?and=TedCruz.
(As you see above, those two evidently haven’t had much interaction.)
When playing with this URL trick, be sure to check the official URL of each person—Facebook can assign strange characters into their official URL (for example, it will add a number if there is someone else with the same name).
You Can Embed Public Content
Like other social media sites, Facebook permits you to embed publicly available content on your webpage. Just click the pull-down menu in the top right of the file and click "embed" to capture the code you can place on your site.
Edit Your Ad Preferences
Do you hate-follow any celebrities or personalities on Facebook? A while back, I gave former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a go after. I was just nosey more than anything. But then I noticed that the ads on Facebook feed began to . switch. Let’s just say, I began getting ads for things I indeed wasn’t all that interested in.
Facebook’s business is built around providing marketers with detailed information on its users’ interests, which Facebook’s algorithms insinuate based on—among other things—celebrities and personalities they’ve actively followed. However, if you "like" something on Facebook that’s a little out of your usual media diet, you also have the capability to keep your ad practice in check.
To curate your ads, go to Settings > Ads > click "Your Interests." You can delete an interest simply by hitting delete on the right of each interest. Under the "Advertisers you’ve interacted with" tab, you’ll see all the advertisers whose ads you’ve clicked on and/or provided your information (you’ll also have the capability to delete entries form your ad-interaction information). Under the "whose ads you’ve clicked" sub-tab, you can even choose to stop observing ads from a particular advertiser altogether.
Send Money Through Facebook
Do you have any old people near you right now? Ask them to tell you about "Western Union"—that’s how people used to send money before the internet.
In the digital age, there are lots of services that will permit you to transfer money from your computer or mobile device, including right through your Facebook account (as long as both the sender and recipient have a valid debit card). In addition (and most likely of greater interest to Facebook), these payments will permit users to purchase products and make in-game purchases through Facebook.
While this feature is largely tied to Messenger, you can use it on regular Facebook as well. To set it up, go to Settings > Payments to come in a debit card. Once accepted, you can send (or request) funds to/from another user via Messenger.
To use this feature on Facebook.com, just open a pop-over conversation with one of your contacts (accessible via either the "Talk" window in the bottom-right-hand of your screen or through the Messenger icon in the right side of the top rail). Next, just click the dollar sign at the bottom of the talk window to send/request funds. Cha-ching!
Upload '360' Pics and Vids
You’ve most likely seen some immersive "360" photos (and some movies) popping up in your Facebook feed recently. On the desktop version, viewers can explore a field of vision in all directions using their mouse or keyboard. On mobile, users can pivot their device to look all around. But you also have the chance to upload your own three hundred sixty photos and movie.
While you can utilize the fresh breed of (often expensive) three hundred sixty cameras, you can also just use your smartphone to capture a panorama or "photosphere" and upload it to Facebook.
Immersive movies are a bit more complicated and need some of that aforementioned high-end hardware, but if you happen to have some, here’s how you would get commenced.
See What's Happening Right Now All Around the World
Facebook Live is an increasingly significant medium (we use it fairly a bit here at the ol’ PCMag). One of this live platform’s coolest features is an interactive live map available, which you can find at facebook.com/livemap (only available for desktop).
Here you can scroll zoom all around the map of the world and see little blue the current live rivulets and how popular they are (larger dots have more people watching). Placing your mouse over each dot will present a preview. There are a lot of local news broadcasts, televised soccer matches, and pairs of sniggering teenagers. It’s a strangely engrossing practice.
Order Food on Facebook?
Speaking on behalf of all Fresh Yorkers, THIS is a feature we’ve been waiting for Facebook to implement for a while (we order a lot of takeout!) You can order food for takeout or delivery through partnerships with Delivery.com and EatStreet.
Some restaurants have direct links to order on their pages, OR you can look through options by clicking over to the "Order Food" icon (it’s a little hamburger) in the left-hand "Explore" rail (you may have to click "see more"). On the mobile app, you need to click the design hamburger (the three parallel lines in the top-right corner on Android, bottom right on iOS) and scroll down to the literal hamburger icon.
Make a Fundraiser
Want to help someone out (perhaps even yourself) financially? You can using the power of the crowd! On the web, click the "Fundraiser" icon (a little coin with a heart in the middle) which you will find in the left-hand Explore rail (or via the three-line hamburger icon on the mobile apps). This feature permits users to crowdsource funds via donations for themselves or on behalf of another person or organization.
It’s all pretty effortless to set up, BUT there are some things to know. Fundraising campaigns will have to be approved by Facebook before they go live. In order to receive funds, users will have to link a checking account with Facebook. Also, since these campaigns are considered "individual fundraisers," any donations are typically NOT considered tax-deductible. And most importantly, you should be aware that Facebook implements a fee for any donations of 6.9 percent + $0.30 to cover "payment processing, fundraiser vetting, operations, security, and fraud protection."
Make a Framework
Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a fresh "Camera Effects" platform, which permits third-party developers to create Snapchatesque photo/movie overlays. While the AR-like movie overlay platform necessitates some technical know-how, any schmo with a guideline of the basics will have the capability to create a static framework.
To create your own static photo overlay, click on "Create a Framework" in the left-hand rail (or three-line hamburger in mobile) and click the "Create a Framework" button. Anyone with basic computer abilities should be able to put something together.
24 Hidden Facebook Features Only Power Users Know
24 Hidden Facebook Features Only Power Users Know
Facebook is the principal digital public square of today. And while many youthful’ns might choose Snapchat or Instagram, Zuck & Co’s social network is still an enormously integral virtual venue and will proceed to be for some time.
While Facebook’s business model has evolved to include its mobile incarnation and other associated apps, the old familiar website is still the preferred venue for many. And why not? Facebook.com is one of the most advanced public-facing websites out there.
Facebook is a magnet for top engineering talent, so it stands to reason that the company would boast one of the world’s most complicated and multi-faceted websites. It rivals many standalone software apps with the sheer amount of personalization, tweaks, and tinkering available to visitors.
In fact, there are so many things you can do on Facebook.com that you most likely don’t know about everything. We’re talking about all the official, baked-in, lightly accessible functions that are just a few clicks away. As you’ll see below, there are even some functions that show up to be leftovers from bygone eras that we’re not even sure Facebook still knows are there. Take a look and awaken your internal power user social super starlet.
The Inbox You Didn't Even Know You Had
If you’ve been a Facebook user for a while, then you most likely have a folder total of unread messages that you didn’t even know you had: the "Message Requests" folder (formerly, the "Other" folder.) This is where Facebook sends all the messages from people you’re not presently friends with. It could be packed with old high school flings reaching out or a bunch of Nigerian spammers, who knows?! Only one way to find out!
To review these messages, click the "messages" icon at the top of your homescreen (a talk icon with the Messenger lightning icon in the middle). By default, you’ll find yourself in the "Latest" tab of your inbox. Directly to the right, you’ll find the "Message Requests" tab. After you click this, you may see a link that says "See filtered requests." Click that and then you’ll see all sorts of messages from strangers on the internet. Have joy with that!
In 2012, Facebook experimented with permitting members to pay to reach the inboxes of non-friends. Fees began at $1 and went all the way up to $100 for Zuck himself, but the option to do this shows up to be limited.
See Who's Snooping In Your Account
Want to know if someone is logged into your Facebook account without your permission? Very first, go to your settings page. Under the Security folder, you’ll see the link "Where You’re Logged In." Here you will find all your active Facebook log-ins from desktop or mobile. It will (usually) provide data on the location, browser, and device. If something seems fishy, you also have the capability to "end activity" from individual or all devices.
This also comes in handy if you logged in to your friend’s computer or on some public laptop, but left behind to log out.
There Are Lots of Secret Emoji
Emoji. They take away some of the horrible agony of writing in plain language. Facebook will render all the usual face emoticons into pictorial representations. But there are a entire bunch you may not be using.
(y) = thumbs-up ‘like’ symbol
(^^^) = a good white shark
:poop: = well, you know
You can use these in wall posts, talks, and comments, but they don’t always render in mobile. You can find a utter rundown of Facebook emoticons here.
Transfer Files Over Facebook Messenger
If you open a Facebook Messenger window, there’s a little paper clip icon along the bottom. This permits you to upload and send a file directly from your computer. The receiver can just click on the included link and download them from there. Of course, never download anything from someone you don’t know.
Upside Down or Pirate Speak
Recall ten years ago, when pirates were all the rage for a minute? Well, at one point the Facebook engineers got swept up in this ironic buccaneer madness and programmed a peculiar Easter egg that permits you to translate your Facebook interface into Pirate or Upsidedown speak.
Does this sound appealing to you for some reason? Go to Settings > Language, and you can switch your settings to either "English (Pirate)" or "English (Upside Down)." Think that’s a whimsical little feature that you will never ever get sick of?! You’re wrong. It’s actually fairly annoying.
Create a Customizable Supersized Post
Sometimes you want to share something that is worth more than a few sentences or a single photo. If you don’t have your own blog you can take advantage of a Facebook "Note." This is a private blog post that lives inwards the Facebook ecosystem. Here you can share paragraphs of text and numerous pics (no HTML coding skill required).
Just head on over to facebook.com/notes, where you’ll find notes from people you go after. If you want to add your own, just click the "+ Write a Note" link in the top-right corner. Spill your thoughts using the effortless post editor, add a cover picture if you want, and share just like you would a regular Facebook post. If you can’t finish your note in one sitting, save it and publish later.
Detail Your Facebook Romance
If you want to see the detailed internet history of you and your significant other, go to www.facebook.com/us, and you will see the accomplish Facebook history with whomever you are listed as in a relationship with ("us," get it?). If you’re not listed as being in a relationship, it will just go to your regular page because Facebook thinks that you are just in love with yourself.
Save Posts for Later
Did you ever want to read a link that a friend collective on Facebook, but didn’t have the time at that particular moment? Then, when you ultimately do have a moment, you either left behind about it, or it has been buried under so much other junk that it’s not even worth searching for? We’ve all been there. That’s why you should get acquainted with Facebook’s "Save for Later" function.
If there’s anything you want to save for later, click the little arrow in the top-right of any post. Then click the Save link button from the pull-down. This will send the link to your Saved folder. "Where’s your Saved folder," you ask? Good question! You actually won’t see it until you save something for the very first time. Then you will see a little "saved" ribbon in your left-hand favorites bar. Click that and you will find all your beloved stories. It also works with any movie your friends posted.
At f8 2016, Facebook announced it is extending "Save for Later" to the web, so you can save things to Facebook even when you’re not on Facebook.com, a shot at services like Pocket and Instapaper. Facebook’s very first two playmates are Overstock and Product Hunt, but any site can add the functionality, so look for it to expand over time.
Download a Copy of All Your Facebooking
Want your own private copy of everything you’ve ever collective on Facebook? I’m talking, ev-er-y-thing: Every post, every photo, every movie, every message, and talk conversation (not to mention all the settings you most likely don’t even think about)? You can do that!
Just go to Settings > General and click on the link "Download a copy of your Facebook data" at the bottom and go after the directions from there.
This feature lets you take a tour down memory lane, or just save your info should you ever determine to delete your Facebook account. However it is very likely most useful to those in the legal profession as it can capture your Facebooking at a particular moment (social media posts can trigger lawsuits, after all).
Choose a 'Legacy Contact' for After You Croak
Everyone on Facebook will die. One day. This may be true for other social networks as well, but you can undoubtedly be assured that everyone you are friends with on Facebook will perish from this Earth. (Or, you know, unless the Singluarity comes to pass.) In anticipation of this unavoidable truth, Facebook has created a way to name a legacy contact who will manage your account after you are gone.
Your legacy contact will have the capability to write a pinned post for your profile, react to fresh friend requests (e.g. friends or family who weren’t on Facebook at the time of your demise), or update your profile and cover photo (do you truly want your final photo to be you in your ironic SpongeBob Halloween costume?) They won’t have access to all your messages unless you proactively determine to give them access.
To assign a legacy contact, go to Settings > General > Manage Account > Legacy Contact tab and choose one of your Facebook friends to treat your digital affairs. You will also have the chance to choose that your account is deleted after you die.
Add Some Extra Security
Here are three brainy things you can do to protect yourself, which you’ll find under Settings > Security and Login > Setting Up Extra Security:
1) Enable two-factor authentication. A good idea to implement on all your accounts. That means if someone wants to access your account on a fresh device, they’ll also need access to your phone.
Two) Enable alerts about unrecognized logins. If somebody does manage to log-in to your account from an unrecognized device or browser, Facebook will let you know.
Three) Tell Facebook some trusted contacts if you get locked out. Trusted Contacts are Facebook friends (you’ll need to choose inbetween three and five) who can securely help you regain access to your account—for example if you leave behind your password or lose your mobile device—OR a nefarious person cracks in and determines to lock YOU out. And reminisce, you can always switch your contacts later.
Block Facebook Mobile Browser Tracking
Here’s one feature you unluckily won’t find anywhere in Facebook, and that’s the problem. When Facebook announced it was going to give users more control over ads in order to make them more targeted, it didn’t exactly publicize the fact that it would also commence using your app- and web-browsing history to showcase targeted ads from advertisers.
Unlike most Facebook privacy settings, you can’t opt out of this kind of tracking. However, as our SecurityWatch blog points out, you can take steps to web surf in private. You can opt out via a special third-party site courtesy of the Digital Advertising Alliance. (Reminisce to disable AdBlocker Plus or other similar software you may be running). Go after a elementary set of directions, and make sure to click the box next to Facebook and you can go about your internet business without third-party advertisers getting all up in your bizness.
Curate Your News Feed
Your News Feed is your home on Facebook. And as your home, you should attempt your best to keep it clean, orderly, and free of distractions. You don’t want to be inundated with posts from that one brand or friend you go after who just posts all. the. time.
One of the most direct ways to do this is by providing more voice to the things you want to see, while removing the stuff you don’t want. The quickest way to access this feature is by clicking the three dots next to "News Feed" at the top of the left rail. Choose "Edit Preferences" from the pop-up screen, click "Prioritize who to see very first," and choose the people, Pages, and brands you want to see more or less of in your News Feed.
You can also click "Unfollow people to hide their posts" to mute annoying posters (they won’t know they’ve been muted). This feature is also accessible by clicking the little arrow in the top-right corner of a post and selecting "Unfollow [Friend]." You’ll still be "friends" but you won’t see their posts on your News Feed unless you re-follow them down the line.
Creep On You Friends' Relationships
When you see a post that a friend posted on another friend’s wall, you will have the capability to see a detailed history of their friendship. Just click the little arrow in the top right of that post and select "More Options." There, you will get the "see friendship" option.
There is one other way to access this. If you type in the URL your Facebook page, which is very likely something like www.facebook.com/[very first name].[last name] and then directly followed by ?and= and followed by the name of the 2nd person. So, if you desired to see the detailed Facebook relationship of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former TV personality David Letterman, the link would be: www.facebook.com/DavidLetterman?and=TedCruz.
(As you see above, those two evidently haven’t had much interaction.)
When playing with this URL trick, be sure to check the official URL of each person—Facebook can assign strange characters into their official URL (for example, it will add a number if there is someone else with the same name).
You Can Embed Public Content
Like other social media sites, Facebook permits you to embed publicly available content on your webpage. Just click the pull-down menu in the top right of the file and click "embed" to capture the code you can place on your site.
Edit Your Ad Preferences
Do you hate-follow any celebrities or personalities on Facebook? A while back, I gave former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a go after. I was just nosey more than anything. But then I noticed that the ads on Facebook feed began to . switch. Let’s just say, I embarked getting ads for things I indeed wasn’t all that interested in.
Facebook’s business is built around providing marketers with detailed information on its users’ interests, which Facebook’s algorithms insinuate based on—among other things—celebrities and personalities they’ve actively followed. However, if you "like" something on Facebook that’s a little out of your usual media diet, you also have the capability to keep your ad practice in check.
To curate your ads, go to Settings > Ads > click "Your Interests." You can delete an interest simply by hitting delete on the right of each interest. Under the "Advertisers you’ve interacted with" tab, you’ll see all the advertisers whose ads you’ve clicked on and/or provided your information (you’ll also have the capability to delete entries form your ad-interaction information). Under the "whose ads you’ve clicked" sub-tab, you can even choose to stop eyeing ads from a particular advertiser altogether.
Send Money Through Facebook
Do you have any old people near you right now? Ask them to tell you about "Western Union"—that’s how people used to send money before the internet.
In the digital age, there are lots of services that will permit you to transfer money from your computer or mobile device, including right through your Facebook account (as long as both the sender and recipient have a valid debit card). In addition (and most likely of greater interest to Facebook), these payments will permit users to purchase products and make in-game purchases through Facebook.
While this feature is largely tied to Messenger, you can use it on regular Facebook as well. To set it up, go to Settings > Payments to inject a debit card. Once accepted, you can send (or request) funds to/from another user via Messenger.
To use this feature on Facebook.com, just open a pop-over conversation with one of your contacts (accessible via either the "Talk" window in the bottom-right-hand of your screen or through the Messenger icon in the right side of the top rail). Next, just click the dollar sign at the bottom of the talk window to send/request funds. Cha-ching!
Upload '360' Pics and Vids
You’ve most likely seen some immersive "360" photos (and some movies) popping up in your Facebook feed recently. On the desktop version, viewers can explore a field of vision in all directions using their mouse or keyboard. On mobile, users can pivot their device to look all around. But you also have the chance to upload your own three hundred sixty pics and movie.
While you can utilize the fresh breed of (often expensive) three hundred sixty cameras, you can also just use your smartphone to capture a panorama or "photosphere" and upload it to Facebook.
Immersive movies are a bit more complicated and need some of that aforementioned high-end hardware, but if you happen to have some, here’s how you would get commenced.
See What's Happening Right Now All Around the World
Facebook Live is an increasingly significant medium (we use it fairly a bit here at the ol’ PCMag). One of this live platform’s coolest features is an interactive live map available, which you can find at facebook.com/livemap (only available for desktop).
Here you can scroll zoom all around the map of the world and see little blue the current live rivulets and how popular they are (larger dots have more people watching). Placing your mouse over each dot will present a preview. There are a lot of local news broadcasts, televised soccer matches, and pairs of sniggering teenagers. It’s a strangely engrossing practice.
Order Food on Facebook?
Speaking on behalf of all Fresh Yorkers, THIS is a feature we’ve been waiting for Facebook to implement for a while (we order a lot of takeout!) You can order food for takeout or delivery through partnerships with Delivery.com and EatStreet.
Some restaurants have direct links to order on their pages, OR you can look through options by clicking over to the "Order Food" icon (it’s a little hamburger) in the left-hand "Explore" rail (you may have to click "see more"). On the mobile app, you need to click the design hamburger (the three parallel lines in the top-right corner on Android, bottom right on iOS) and scroll down to the literal hamburger icon.
Make a Fundraiser
Want to help someone out (perhaps even yourself) financially? You can using the power of the crowd! On the web, click the "Fundraiser" icon (a little coin with a heart in the middle) which you will find in the left-hand Explore rail (or via the three-line hamburger icon on the mobile apps). This feature permits users to crowdsource funds via donations for themselves or on behalf of another person or organization.
It’s all pretty effortless to set up, BUT there are some things to know. Fundraising campaigns will have to be approved by Facebook before they go live. In order to receive funds, users will have to link a checking account with Facebook. Also, since these campaigns are considered "individual fundraisers," any donations are typically NOT considered tax-deductible. And most importantly, you should be aware that Facebook implements a fee for any donations of 6.9 percent + $0.30 to cover "payment processing, fundraiser vetting, operations, security, and fraud protection."
Make a Framework
Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a fresh "Camera Effects" platform, which permits third-party developers to create Snapchatesque photo/movie overlays. While the AR-like movie overlay platform necessitates some technical know-how, any schmo with a instruction of the basics will have the capability to create a static framework.
To create your own static photo overlay, click on "Create a Framework" in the left-hand rail (or three-line hamburger in mobile) and click the "Create a Framework" button. Anyone with basic computer abilities should be able to put something together.