Ten Apps To Help Get You Laid – BroBible

ten Apps To Help Get You Laid
This is the king of the dating apps since it has had such a spike in popularity. For those of you who have been living under a rock, Tinder tracks your current location and finds chicks within your neighborhood. It taps into Facebook to use a few profile photos and to find out if the women coming up on your screen share any mutual friends or interests with you. It then matches you with compatible users providing you the option to discreetly determine if they are bangable or not. “Like” a profile and if they like you back, you two can see more information about each other, talk and make plans. “Nope” a profile and there are no hard feelings because she’ll never know. Find a biddie, talk a bit and set a date. Boom, step one ended.
Peak: Check the profile pictures that Tinder grabbed for you. You won’t get much activity if your ex or current gf is linked at your hip in every one.
Perhaps you’re more of a creative, sensitive dude and don’t want to judge a chick solely based off of her looks. You would like to read a bit about her and see if she’s worth your time and money. How About We is a creativity-inspiring app that is flawless for getting to explore a city with a fellow adventurer. Similar to a Facebook status, you post a date idea that starts with “How About We…” Based off of your suggestions and profile a chick nearby will hit you up if she wants to join. Found a chick? You’re onto the next stop on the train to pound town.
Peak: “How About We… get buzzed and naked and make some bad decisions. ;)” Does not a good date suggestion make.
Similar to Tinder, a location tracker shows you who’s nearby and lets you get in touch quickly with a “Meet Me” feature. If you found a damsel who happens to be in the same neighborhood and wants to meet up you’re golden. But wait, where the hell are you two going to go? Never fear, the “Places” feature gives you some ideas for a date and will even send you event notifications for your area. Free concert in the park right near a top rated wine bar? Done.
Peak: The very first step to signing up is taking a “Chemistry Test.” Don’t say you’re looking for love if you’re just looking to get laid and don’t say you’re just looking to get laid if you’re looking for love. Either way you’ll get hurt. Either physically punched in the mouth or emotionally heartbroken.
This title might sound terrible but this fresh dating app from the online dating website OkCupid is pretty legit. It’s kind of a mix of How About We and Slew of Fish and it gets you on a date, prompt. Simply tell the app when and where you’d like to go, and they set you up with someone who’s available at that time and down to meet. The app maintains your privacy while finding you the flawless match behind the scenes. With just a few taps, you could have dates every night of the week. Dry spell? What dry spell?
Peak: The blind date is just that, blind. Have an excuse in your back pocket in case she turns out to be troll.
Now that you’ve found your lady it’s time to turn up the charm. Let’s say she wants to have lunch in the park and get to know one another. You stupidly open your mouth and say you’ll bring along some food. Shit. Who are you kidding? You don’t cook. You don’t even buy groceries. All you have in the fridge is beer. Hit up seamless and have sandwiches delivered from your dearest deli in minutes. Grab the food and a bottle of wine and you’re good to go. Here’s another script, you have been suspending out with a damsel for a bit and are on date three. You invite her to your place for dinner. You got this. Just clean up a bit, kick out your roomy and order from seamless. Throw out the to go containers and take credit for the meal. She will be truly struck by your cooking abilities and she’ll be conveniently located near your bed when the meal is over. Schwing.
Peak: The hot dame from Tinder blew you off an hour before you were going to pick her up because she’s “sick.” Dumb bitch. Doesn’t she know you’re phenomenal in bed? Take the knightly route and have seamless produce pre-paid chicken noodle soup to her apartment. She won’t cancel date two.
Some guys aren’t into all this online dating stuff. Call you a traditionalist but you think it’s ridiculous to do anything other than meet a woman in person and ask her out the old fashioned way. You have devilish good looks, charm and a killer personality so you don’t need to hide behind a computer screen. However, getting a little aid when planning a date is nothing to be ashamed of. Around Me permits users to quickly find a nearby Point Of Interest (POI). It’s flawless for when you’re in a truss and need a last minute switch of plans. Movie times got messed up? Find another theatre close by. Restaurant was closed? You’ll be in another place in minutes. Been driving around for a freaking hour and can’t find a parking spot to save your life? It will display you the nearest parking lot.
Peak: If possible, attempt checking the app on the sly. She’ll be struck that you know your surroundings so well. It’s hot when a boy knows where he’s going, both in the long-term and short-term sense.
Dinner went well and your mutual skill and love for music and funny movie quotes is truly paying off! She suggests you two hit up a movie. Time to call upon the Fandango app. Check theaters in your area code, get movie reviews, showcase times, and even order tickets right from your phone, for free. And while all the other bros are waiting in line to buy tickets, you can cruise on up with your hot date, pick up your tickets and act like you own the place.
Peak: This one is pretty self-explanatory so I indeed don’t have peak. Attempt telling “Fandango” out noisy however. It’s a joy word to say.
After the movies, you determined on a drink and then another and then several more. She’s wobbling around on her high-heeled shoes, batting her eyelashes at you and massaging her gam up against yours. Time to take her back to your place. You head outside and attempt hailing down a cab but there are none in look. You can hear your date’s teeth chattering because she chose to wear next to nothing and the wind is beginning to truly pick up. What to do? Being the boss that you are, you whip out your phone, press one button and a sleek, black town car arrives at your exact location; you baller, you. She climbs in and starts drunkenly fumbling around with her wallet but it’s of no matter. There will be no discussion of who’s paying for the rail; it’s discreetly taken care of online after the rail is over.
Your card is automatically charged.
Peak: Always Uber if you’re going to be drinking. Toasted driving is never the reaction and how will you get laid if you’re in a coma?
Back at your place and you know it’s going down. Right when you get there, you bust out the iTunes Remote app, and put on the suitable playlist. “Titty tunes 2013” is always a winner with the ladies. This app is beyond sleek, it’s like in those movies when the bachelor pad has an all purpose remote except that there’s no disco ball emerging from a hidden trap door in the ceiling.
Peak: Ask your girlfriends what type of music they would be interested in having hook-up to. I love Lil Wayne but everything dries up when he raps something demeaning and derogatory about women when I’m attempting to get it on.
So all is said and done. You have escaped your dry spell because as the telling goes, even the blind squirrel eventually finds his nut. Was your female awesome in bed? Then you undoubtedly don’t want to cut this one liberate. Download SnapChat so you can send each other pictures and movies that automatically delete after a few seconds. This app ups sexting to a entire fresh level.
Peak: The other person can screen grab your picture if they want to and while you will be notified of a screen grab, there isn’t much you can do once they have it. Be clever about what you send.
Technology is a beautiful thing. Now, if only they had a contraceptive app.. Blessed downloading my bros. And please, after you’ve mastered these apps, get off your phone.
Ten Apps To Help Get You Laid – BroBible
ten Apps To Help Get You Laid
This is the king of the dating apps since it has had such a spike in popularity. For those of you who have been living under a rock, Tinder tracks your current location and finds women within your neighborhood. It taps into Facebook to use a few profile photos and to find out if the chicks coming up on your screen share any mutual friends or interests with you. It then matches you with compatible users providing you the option to discreetly determine if they are bangable or not. “Like” a profile and if they like you back, you two can see more information about each other, talk and make plans. “Nope” a profile and there are no hard feelings because she’ll never know. Find a biddie, talk a bit and set a date. Boom, step one finished.
Peak: Check the profile pictures that Tinder grabbed for you. You won’t get much activity if your ex or current gf is linked at your hip in every one.
Perhaps you’re more of a creative, sensitive dude and don’t want to judge a chick solely based off of her looks. You would like to read a bit about her and see if she’s worth your time and money. How About We is a creativity-inspiring app that is ideal for getting to explore a city with a fellow adventurer. Similar to a Facebook status, you post a date idea that starts with “How About We…” Based off of your suggestions and profile a dame nearby will hit you up if she wants to join. Found a doll? You’re onto the next stop on the train to pound town.
Peak: “How About We… get buzzed and naked and make some bad decisions. ;)” Does not a good date suggestion make.
Similar to Tinder, a location tracker shows you who’s nearby and lets you get in touch quickly with a “Meet Me” feature. If you found a doll who happens to be in the same neighborhood and wants to meet up you’re golden. But wait, where the hell are you two going to go? Never fear, the “Places” feature gives you some ideas for a date and will even send you event notifications for your area. Free concert in the park right near a top rated wine bar? Done.
Peak: The very first step to signing up is taking a “Chemistry Test.” Don’t say you’re looking for love if you’re just looking to get laid and don’t say you’re just looking to get laid if you’re looking for love. Either way you’ll get hurt. Either physically punched in the mouth or emotionally heartbroken.
This title might sound terrible but this fresh dating app from the online dating website OkCupid is pretty legit. It’s kind of a mix of How About We and Slew of Fish and it gets you on a date, prompt. Simply tell the app when and where you’d like to go, and they set you up with someone who’s available at that time and down to meet. The app maintains your privacy while finding you the flawless match behind the scenes. With just a few taps, you could have dates every night of the week. Dry spell? What dry spell?
Peak: The blind date is just that, blind. Have an excuse in your back pocket in case she turns out to be troll.
Now that you’ve found your chick it’s time to turn up the charm. Let’s say she wants to have lunch in the park and get to know one another. You stupidly open your mouth and say you’ll bring along some food. Shit. Who are you kidding? You don’t cook. You don’t even buy groceries. All you have in the fridge is beer. Hit up seamless and have sandwiches delivered from your beloved deli in minutes. Grab the food and a bottle of wine and you’re good to go. Here’s another screenplay, you have been dangling out with a female for a bit and are on date three. You invite her to your place for dinner. You got this. Just clean up a bit, kick out your roomy and order from seamless. Throw out the to go containers and take credit for the meal. She will be indeed struck by your cooking abilities and she’ll be conveniently located near your bed when the meal is over. Schwing.
Peak: The hot dame from Tinder blew you off an hour before you were going to pick her up because she’s “sick.” Dumb bitch. Doesn’t she know you’re phenomenal in bed? Take the knightly route and have seamless supply pre-paid chicken noodle soup to her apartment. She won’t cancel date two.
Some guys aren’t into all this online dating stuff. Call you a traditionalist but you think it’s ridiculous to do anything other than meet a woman in person and ask her out the old fashioned way. You have devilish good looks, charm and a killer personality so you don’t need to hide behind a computer screen. However, getting a little aid when planning a date is nothing to be ashamed of. Around Me permits users to quickly find a nearby Point Of Interest (POI). It’s flawless for when you’re in a tie and need a last minute switch of plans. Movie times got messed up? Find another theatre close by. Restaurant was closed? You’ll be in another place in minutes. Been driving around for a freaking hour and can’t find a parking spot to save your life? It will display you the nearest parking lot.
Peak: If possible, attempt checking the app on the sly. She’ll be amazed that you know your surroundings so well. It’s hot when a dude knows where he’s going, both in the long-term and short-term sense.
Dinner went well and your mutual skill and love for music and funny movie quotes is indeed paying off! She suggests you two hit up a movie. Time to call upon the Fandango app. Check theaters in your area code, get movie reviews, showcase times, and even order tickets right from your phone, for free. And while all the other bros are waiting in line to buy tickets, you can cruise on up with your hot date, pick up your tickets and act like you own the place.
Peak: This one is pretty self-explanatory so I truly don’t have peak. Attempt telling “Fandango” out noisy tho’. It’s a joy word to say.
After the movies, you determined on a drink and then another and then several more. She’s wobbling around on her high-heeled shoes, batting her eyelashes at you and massaging her gam up against yours. Time to take her back to your place. You head outside and attempt hailing down a cab but there are none in view. You can hear your date’s teeth chattering because she chose to wear next to nothing and the wind is kicking off to indeed pick up. What to do? Being the boss that you are, you whip out your phone, press one button and a sleek, black town car arrives at your exact location; you baller, you. She climbs in and starts drunkenly fumbling around with her wallet but it’s of no matter. There will be no discussion of who’s paying for the rail; it’s discreetly taken care of online after the rail is over.
Your card is automatically charged.
Peak: Always Uber if you’re going to be drinking. Tipsy driving is never the reaction and how will you get laid if you’re in a coma?
Back at your place and you know it’s going down. Right when you get there, you bust out the iTunes Remote app, and put on the adequate playlist. “Titty tunes 2013” is always a winner with the ladies. This app is beyond slick, it’s like in those movies when the bachelor pad has an all purpose remote except that there’s no disco ball emerging from a hidden trap door in the ceiling.
Peak: Ask your girlfriends what type of music they would be interested in having hook-up to. I love Lil Wayne but everything dries up when he raps something demeaning and derogatory about women when I’m attempting to get it on.
So all is said and done. You have escaped your dry spell because as the telling goes, even the blind squirrel eventually finds his nut. Was your chick awesome in bed? Then you undoubtedly don’t want to cut this one liberate. Download SnapChat so you can send each other pictures and movies that automatically delete after a few seconds. This app ups sexting to a entire fresh level.
Peak: The other person can screen grab your picture if they want to and while you will be notified of a screen grab, there isn’t much you can do once they have it. Be brainy about what you send.
Technology is a beautiful thing. Now, if only they had a contraceptive app.. Blessed downloading my bros. And please, after you’ve mastered these apps, get off your phone.