Top five free movie calling apps for smartphones and tablets

Top five free movie calling apps for smartphones and tablets

Posted: twenty five Oct 2015, 23:54 , by Mihai A.

Best movie calling apps for smartphones and tablets

1. FaceTime

Two. Google Hangouts

Three. Viber

Four. Skype

Five. Imo



1. AlikMalix (unregistered) posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 00:23 +1

In iOS, you can go straight to FaceTime within a regular call- and it will switch as soon as the other party accepts.

How do you know if the person you want to make a movie call has hangouts (or other apps)?

Can you spin the camera from front to rear during conversation with hangouts and other apps?

Is it the same as FaceTime: just dial the number and press FaceTime from the call app or do you have to open a different app and send and invitation?

Two. vijay.alapati posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 01:Ten +Two

I still wonder if there are people living in caves ;p

Four. AlikMalix (unregistered) posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 01:39 +0

Are those difficult questions to response?

8. tech2 posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 03:Nineteen +0

No its not at all effortless or convenient as FaceTime.

Five. Cicero posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 02:41 +0

1. How do you know the people you are calling has FaceTime?

Two. Yes, you can roll cameras.

Three. Yes, from contacts you can choose if you want to have a call, a movie call or a sms.

Nor knowing what other can do and asking that, thinking your beloved will have exclusivity, it is not pop up you in a good light. Love all the platforms and choose what’s fitting best your needs.

13. AlikMalix (unregistered) posted on twenty six Oct 2015, Ten:59 +0

How do you know if your contact has FaceTime? It’s systemwide on iOS: for example, when you’re texting with someone their bubbles display up as blue instead of green – then you know the user is on iOS, so they have FaceTime. Or: when you bring up contacts (either contacts app or call app) it will give you option for FaceTime among just call and text (if there’s no FaceTime icon that means either the user disabled it on their iOS device or he doesn’t have it). Or during the call (either regular call or FaceTime audio call) there is a highlighted FaceTime app that you can tap and switch to during a call.

6. pegasso posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 02:54 +0

I’m using the 3GPP native movie calling feature on my Samsung phone. it’s as effortless as making a regular calls.

and i never use those apps, so i can’t response that.

Three. jove39 posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 01:13 +Two

How face time is your #1 app? It works only on iOS. Tho’ I have heard from people face time has good quality even on poor networks. But unavailability on all major platforms is serious drawback.

14. AlikMalix (unregistered) posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 11:00 +0

I think they meant "Most Used" movie call apps.

7. hafini_27 posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 02:59 +Three

Face time is good but only for ios users. That alone makes it unusable to me.

9. Arthurhkt posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 04:29 +Two

I think you leave behind about BBM and Whatsapp too, including the Chinese WeChat and the Japanese LINE.

Ten. barcas posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 05:06 +0

11. Sovat_fc posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 07:07 +0

As an Asian dude, I have a question for the author. Where the hell is Line?

16. Mike.H posted on thirty one Oct 2015, 11:27 +0

Most of our audience is either in North America or India (and growing in Europe), so Line doesn’t get much coverage because it’s mostly big in east Asia.

12. elitewolverine posted on twenty six Oct 2015, 07:Legal +Two

Yet only one truly cross platform people connecting application on this list. smh

15. Mike.H posted on thirty one Oct 2015, 11:26 +0

How many people indeed use movie calling? I’m nosey.

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