The oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren – t in any, Metro News

The terror of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren’t in any
Whatsapp is a plague on modern society.
It’s good for keeping in touch with people for free, I’ll admit.
My sister lives in Spain and neither of us is ready to fork out to actually text or ring each other so it’s good that Whatsapp permits her to send me pictures of her baby which are automatically saved onto my picture library.
And obviously, the blue tick thing can also be fairly handy for observing whether you’re actively being disregarded by your mate/mum/fucking partner.
The problem, however, comes when you commence bringing groups together.
Dating someone who has a number of Whatsapp group talks on the go can be excruciatingly annoying.
A group for uni pals, I get. You’re most likely not going to be yacking away explosions – it’s more of a logistical thing for arranging who’s free when.
But people who have Whatsapp groups with work colleagues who they literally see and talk to ALL DAY? What the f*ck are you guys talking about? How do you have so much talk stored up after nine hours together?
But everyone seems to be part of a collection of groups – and not being part of any almost seems like a social faux pas.
I’m not truly part of any large Whatsapp group. I’ve had a duo of petite talks which have since died a natural death, and I have one group with two mates which is almost exclusively reserved for gossiping about old university classmates – but that’s it.
In an age when we’re connected all the time and the size of our following or social reach feels like an indication of our worth, not having those constant communication channels open is unusual.
I asked around to see if anyone could relate to not being part of any groups and truly struggled. Everyone I know seems to be inexorably tied to a network of group talks.
Fortunately, there are a few similar-minded people at Metro:
‘I only have very practical WhatsApp groups – two work ones, one for housemate related things (‘the rent’s due’, ‘the mice are back’, or ‘there’s a cat in the kitchen),’ says Ellen.
‘I didn’t think that was an issue until I commenced dating someone who has about EIGHT DIFFERENT WHATSAPP GROUPS all with various members of his friendship group purely gossiping and talking about plans.
‘Now I feel like a bit of a friendless loser. Which is superb.’
Holly, on the other forearm, has been added to talks but actively chooses not to be part of them.
‘I leave every talk I’m because I hate feeling obligated to reply to people.
‘I message on my own terms and the minute I feel coerced into a conversation I get truly mad – I’d rather just not know what I’ve missed and proceed on with my life.’
For some of us, being added to a group just hasn’t happened – or the groups have naturally dissolved.
For others, they get added to talks for specific events and find the chatter unbearable.
Yvette has only come into contact with Whatsapp groups relatively recently, as a result of being part of a hen group.
‘I already find it annoying to be fair – I’m online for work all the time and about a million other social media things, so to be pulled into another fountain of talk is a ache.
‘Also, I don’t see the point of WhatsApp – I’ve already got texts and Facebook messenger, so why do we need another one?
‘I’m going to sound truly old now, but when I was a teenager no one had mobile phones and the internet was just getting began. We made plans on a Friday and stuck to them at the weekend. We didn’t need a blast of annoying and disruptive talk 24/7 on lil’ screens we carried around everywhere.
‘It makes me sound indeed antisocial which is odd, because I’m a very sociable person. I just truly like talking to people IRL, face to face, and I undoubtedly feel like people socialise less because they’re spending hours glued to screens unnecessarily.’
Perhaps there’s also some element of spectacle to talking en masse.
In a similar way to Facebook and Twitter, we like to talk to an audience. Why DM when you can write on a wall? Why send a message when you can comment on an IG post? Why text to one person when you can Whatsapp a group?
Evidently, you’ll become a friendless loser if you commence eating ‘clean’
Without that kind of platform…are we indeed telling anything? And maybe that’s why some of us who aren’t in talks feel a little uneasy about it.
The other thing that group talks do is keep people perennially busy – and our generation is obsessed with being seen to be busy.
We’re too busy to cook. Too busy to ring our mums. Too busy to do anything truly.
We’re bouncing ten nuts at once all the time; our social lives are so jam-packed in inbetween work and the gym and whatnot, that we don’t have the time to give the people we’re physically with our total attention.
While we’re on dates, at dinner, chilling on the sofa, we’ve got to be Whatsapping – arranging future plans and dissecting current states of affair.
Having numerous talks on the go is a visual signifier of just how busy and in request we are. And if you don’t have that, you’re somehow unfulfilled.
Which is why the terror of Whatsapp groups and those who are zombified by them.
Let’s take back out free time and embark talking to people one-on-one. Let’s stop making people into Whatsapp widows and widowers.
Death to group talks.
This article is part of our Friendship Week – a week-long exploration of the ins and outs of modern friendship.
The oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren – t in any, Metro News
The oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren’t in any
Whatsapp is a plague on modern society.
It’s good for keeping in touch with people for free, I’ll admit.
My sister lives in Spain and neither of us is ready to fork out to actually text or ring each other so it’s good that Whatsapp permits her to send me pictures of her baby which are automatically saved onto my picture library.
And obviously, the blue tick thing can also be fairly handy for observing whether you’re actively being disregarded by your mate/mum/playmate.
The problem, however, comes when you embark bringing groups together.
Dating someone who has a number of Whatsapp group talks on the go can be excruciatingly annoying.
A group for uni pals, I get. You’re most likely not going to be yacking away explosions – it’s more of a logistical thing for arranging who’s free when.
But people who have Whatsapp groups with work colleagues who they literally see and talk to ALL DAY? What the f*ck are you guys talking about? How do you have so much talk stored up after nine hours together?
But everyone seems to be part of a collection of groups – and not being part of any almost seems like a social faux pas.
I’m not truly part of any large Whatsapp group. I’ve had a duo of puny talks which have since died a natural death, and I have one group with two mates which is almost exclusively reserved for gossiping about old university classmates – but that’s it.
In an age when we’re connected all the time and the size of our following or social reach feels like an indication of our worth, not having those constant communication channels open is unusual.
I asked around to see if anyone could relate to not being part of any groups and truly struggled. Everyone I know seems to be inexorably tied to a network of group talks.
Fortunately, there are a few similar-minded people at Metro:
‘I only have very practical WhatsApp groups – two work ones, one for housemate related things (‘the rent’s due’, ‘the mice are back’, or ‘there’s a cat in the kitchen),’ says Ellen.
‘I didn’t think that was an issue until I began dating someone who has about EIGHT DIFFERENT WHATSAPP GROUPS all with various members of his friendship group purely gossiping and talking about plans.
‘Now I feel like a bit of a friendless loser. Which is superb.’
Holly, on the other mitt, has been added to talks but actively chooses not to be part of them.
‘I leave every talk I’m because I hate feeling obligated to reply to people.
‘I message on my own terms and the minute I feel compelled into a conversation I get indeed mad – I’d rather just not know what I’ve missed and proceed on with my life.’
For some of us, being added to a group just hasn’t happened – or the groups have naturally dissolved.
For others, they get added to talks for specific events and find the chatter unbearable.
Yvette has only come into contact with Whatsapp groups relatively recently, as a result of being part of a hen group.
‘I already find it annoying to be fair – I’m online for work all the time and about a million other social media things, so to be pulled into another geyser of talk is a anguish.
‘Also, I don’t see the point of WhatsApp – I’ve already got texts and Facebook messenger, so why do we need another one?
‘I’m going to sound truly old now, but when I was a teenager no one had mobile phones and the internet was just getting embarked. We made plans on a Friday and stuck to them at the weekend. We didn’t need a flow of annoying and disruptive talk 24/7 on little screens we carried around everywhere.
‘It makes me sound truly antisocial which is odd, because I’m a very sociable person. I just truly like talking to people IRL, face to face, and I certainly feel like people socialise less because they’re spending hours glued to screens unnecessarily.’
Perhaps there’s also some element of spectacle to talking en masse.
In a similar way to Facebook and Twitter, we like to talk to an audience. Why DM when you can write on a wall? Why send a message when you can comment on an IG post? Why text to one person when you can Whatsapp a group?
ASOS have put a corset on a puffer jacket and we don’t know why
Without that kind of platform…are we indeed telling anything? And maybe that’s why some of us who aren’t in talks feel a little uneasy about it.
The other thing that group talks do is keep people perennially busy – and our generation is obsessed with being seen to be busy.
We’re too busy to cook. Too busy to ring our mums. Too busy to do anything indeed.
We’re bouncing ten pouch at once all the time; our social lives are so jam-packed in inbetween work and the gym and whatnot, that we don’t have the time to give the people we’re physically with our total attention.
While we’re on dates, at dinner, chilling on the sofa, we’ve got to be Whatsapping – arranging future plans and dissecting current states of affair.
Having numerous talks on the go is a visual signifier of just how busy and in request we are. And if you don’t have that, you’re somehow unfulfilled.
Which is why the oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and those who are zombified by them.
Let’s take back out free time and commence talking to people one-on-one. Let’s stop making people into Whatsapp widows and widowers.
Death to group talks.
This article is part of our Friendship Week – a week-long exploration of the ins and outs of modern friendship.
The oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren – t in any, Metro News
The despotism of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren’t in any
Whatsapp is a plague on modern society.
It’s good for keeping in touch with people for free, I’ll admit.
My sister lives in Spain and neither of us is ready to fork out to actually text or ring each other so it’s good that Whatsapp permits her to send me pictures of her baby which are automatically saved onto my picture library.
And obviously, the blue tick thing can also be fairly handy for witnessing whether you’re actively being overlooked by your mate/mum/playmate.
The problem, however, comes when you commence bringing groups together.
Dating someone who has a number of Whatsapp group talks on the go can be excruciatingly annoying.
A group for uni pals, I get. You’re most likely not going to be yacking away geysers – it’s more of a logistical thing for arranging who’s free when.
But people who have Whatsapp groups with work colleagues who they literally see and talk to ALL DAY? What the f*ck are you guys talking about? How do you have so much talk stored up after nine hours together?
But everyone seems to be part of a collection of groups – and not being part of any almost seems like a social faux pas.
I’m not truly part of any large Whatsapp group. I’ve had a duo of petite talks which have since died a natural death, and I have one group with two mates which is almost exclusively reserved for gossiping about old university classmates – but that’s it.
In an age when we’re connected all the time and the size of our following or social reach feels like an indication of our worth, not having those constant communication channels open is unusual.
I asked around to see if anyone could relate to not being part of any groups and truly struggled. Everyone I know seems to be inexorably tied to a network of group talks.
Fortunately, there are a few similar-minded people at Metro:
‘I only have very practical WhatsApp groups – two work ones, one for housemate related things (‘the rent’s due’, ‘the mice are back’, or ‘there’s a cat in the kitchen),’ says Ellen.
‘I didn’t think that was an issue until I commenced dating someone who has about EIGHT DIFFERENT WHATSAPP GROUPS all with various members of his friendship group purely gossiping and talking about plans.
‘Now I feel like a bit of a friendless loser. Which is excellent.’
Holly, on the other arm, has been added to talks but actively chooses not to be part of them.
‘I leave every talk I’m because I hate feeling obligated to reply to people.
‘I message on my own terms and the minute I feel coerced into a conversation I get indeed mad – I’d rather just not know what I’ve missed and proceed on with my life.’
For some of us, being added to a group just hasn’t happened – or the groups have naturally dissolved.
For others, they get added to talks for specific events and find the chatter unbearable.
Yvette has only come into contact with Whatsapp groups relatively recently, as a result of being part of a hen group.
‘I already find it annoying to be fair – I’m online for work all the time and about a million other social media things, so to be pulled into another stream of talk is a ache.
‘Also, I don’t see the point of WhatsApp – I’ve already got texts and Facebook messenger, so why do we need another one?
‘I’m going to sound truly old now, but when I was a teenager no one had mobile phones and the internet was just getting began. We made plans on a Friday and stuck to them at the weekend. We didn’t need a geyser of annoying and disruptive talk 24/7 on little screens we carried around everywhere.
‘It makes me sound truly antisocial which is odd, because I’m a very sociable person. I just indeed like talking to people IRL, face to face, and I undoubtedly feel like people socialise less because they’re spending hours glued to screens unnecessarily.’
Perhaps there’s also some element of spectacle to talking en masse.
In a similar way to Facebook and Twitter, we like to talk to an audience. Why DM when you can write on a wall? Why send a message when you can comment on an IG post? Why text to one person when you can Whatsapp a group?
ASOS have put a corset on a puffer jacket and we don’t know why
Without that kind of platform…are we indeed telling anything? And maybe that’s why some of us who aren’t in talks feel a little uneasy about it.
The other thing that group talks do is keep people perennially busy – and our generation is obsessed with being seen to be busy.
We’re too busy to cook. Too busy to ring our mums. Too busy to do anything indeed.
We’re bouncing ten nuts at once all the time; our social lives are so jam-packed in inbetween work and the gym and whatnot, that we don’t have the time to give the people we’re physically with our total attention.
While we’re on dates, at dinner, chilling on the sofa, we’ve got to be Whatsapping – arranging future plans and dissecting current states of affair.
Having numerous talks on the go is a visual signifier of just how busy and in request we are. And if you don’t have that, you’re somehow unfulfilled.
Which is why the despotism of Whatsapp groups and those who are zombified by them.
Let’s take back out free time and commence talking to people one-on-one. Let’s stop making people into Whatsapp widows and widowers.
Death to group talks.
This article is part of our Friendship Week – a week-long exploration of the ins and outs of modern friendship.
The despotism of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren – t in any, Metro News
The terror of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren’t in any
Whatsapp is a plague on modern society.
It’s good for keeping in touch with people for free, I’ll admit.
My sister lives in Spain and neither of us is ready to fork out to actually text or ring each other so it’s good that Whatsapp permits her to send me pictures of her baby which are automatically saved onto my picture library.
And obviously, the blue tick thing can also be fairly handy for watching whether you’re actively being disregarded by your mate/mum/playmate.
The problem, however, comes when you begin bringing groups together.
Dating someone who has a number of Whatsapp group talks on the go can be excruciatingly annoying.
A group for uni pals, I get. You’re most likely not going to be yacking away explosions – it’s more of a logistical thing for arranging who’s free when.
But people who have Whatsapp groups with work colleagues who they literally see and talk to ALL DAY? What the f*ck are you guys talking about? How do you have so much talk stored up after nine hours together?
But everyone seems to be part of a collection of groups – and not being part of any almost seems like a social faux pas.
I’m not indeed part of any large Whatsapp group. I’ve had a duo of petite talks which have since died a natural death, and I have one group with two mates which is almost exclusively reserved for gossiping about old university classmates – but that’s it.
In an age when we’re connected all the time and the size of our following or social reach feels like an indication of our worth, not having those constant communication channels open is unusual.
I asked around to see if anyone could relate to not being part of any groups and truly struggled. Everyone I know seems to be inexorably tied to a network of group talks.
Fortunately, there are a few similar-minded people at Metro:
‘I only have very practical WhatsApp groups – two work ones, one for housemate related things (‘the rent’s due’, ‘the mice are back’, or ‘there’s a cat in the kitchen),’ says Ellen.
‘I didn’t think that was an issue until I commenced dating someone who has about EIGHT DIFFERENT WHATSAPP GROUPS all with various members of his friendship group purely gossiping and talking about plans.
‘Now I feel like a bit of a friendless loser. Which is superb.’
Holly, on the other palm, has been added to talks but actively chooses not to be part of them.
‘I leave every talk I’m because I hate feeling obligated to reply to people.
‘I message on my own terms and the minute I feel coerced into a conversation I get truly mad – I’d rather just not know what I’ve missed and proceed on with my life.’
For some of us, being added to a group just hasn’t happened – or the groups have naturally dissolved.
For others, they get added to talks for specific events and find the chatter unbearable.
Yvette has only come into contact with Whatsapp groups relatively recently, as a result of being part of a hen group.
‘I already find it annoying to be fair – I’m online for work all the time and about a million other social media things, so to be pulled into another fountain of talk is a anguish.
‘Also, I don’t see the point of WhatsApp – I’ve already got texts and Facebook messenger, so why do we need another one?
‘I’m going to sound indeed old now, but when I was a teenager no one had mobile phones and the internet was just getting began. We made plans on a Friday and stuck to them at the weekend. We didn’t need a blast of annoying and disruptive talk 24/7 on little screens we carried around everywhere.
‘It makes me sound truly antisocial which is odd, because I’m a very sociable person. I just indeed like talking to people IRL, face to face, and I certainly feel like people socialise less because they’re spending hours glued to screens unnecessarily.’
Perhaps there’s also some element of spectacle to talking en masse.
In a similar way to Facebook and Twitter, we like to talk to an audience. Why DM when you can write on a wall? Why send a message when you can comment on an IG post? Why text to one person when you can Whatsapp a group?
ASOS have put a corset on a puffer jacket and we don’t know why
Without that kind of platform…are we indeed telling anything? And maybe that’s why some of us who aren’t in talks feel a little uneasy about it.
The other thing that group talks do is keep people perennially busy – and our generation is obsessed with being seen to be busy.
We’re too busy to cook. Too busy to ring our mums. Too busy to do anything indeed.
We’re bouncing ten pouch at once all the time; our social lives are so jam-packed in inbetween work and the gym and whatnot, that we don’t have the time to give the people we’re physically with our utter attention.
While we’re on dates, at dinner, chilling on the sofa, we’ve got to be Whatsapping – arranging future plans and dissecting current states of affair.
Having numerous talks on the go is a visual signifier of just how busy and in request we are. And if you don’t have that, you’re somehow unfulfilled.
Which is why the oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and those who are zombified by them.
Let’s take back out free time and begin talking to people one-on-one. Let’s stop making people into Whatsapp widows and widowers.
Death to group talks.
This article is part of our Friendship Week – a week-long exploration of the ins and outs of modern friendship.
The oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren – t in any, Metro News
The oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren’t in any
Whatsapp is a plague on modern society.
It’s good for keeping in touch with people for free, I’ll admit.
My sister lives in Spain and neither of us is ready to fork out to actually text or ring each other so it’s good that Whatsapp permits her to send me pictures of her baby which are automatically saved onto my picture library.
And obviously, the blue tick thing can also be fairly handy for witnessing whether you’re actively being disregarded by your mate/mum/playmate.
The problem, however, comes when you begin bringing groups together.
Dating someone who has a number of Whatsapp group talks on the go can be excruciatingly annoying.
A group for uni pals, I get. You’re most likely not going to be yacking away geysers – it’s more of a logistical thing for arranging who’s free when.
But people who have Whatsapp groups with work colleagues who they literally see and talk to ALL DAY? What the f*ck are you guys talking about? How do you have so much talk stored up after nine hours together?
But everyone seems to be part of a collection of groups – and not being part of any almost seems like a social faux pas.
I’m not indeed part of any large Whatsapp group. I’ve had a duo of petite talks which have since died a natural death, and I have one group with two mates which is almost exclusively reserved for gossiping about old university classmates – but that’s it.
In an age when we’re connected all the time and the size of our following or social reach feels like an indication of our worth, not having those constant communication channels open is unusual.
I asked around to see if anyone could relate to not being part of any groups and indeed struggled. Everyone I know seems to be inexorably tied to a network of group talks.
Fortunately, there are a few similar-minded people at Metro:
‘I only have very practical WhatsApp groups – two work ones, one for housemate related things (‘the rent’s due’, ‘the mice are back’, or ‘there’s a cat in the kitchen),’ says Ellen.
‘I didn’t think that was an issue until I embarked dating someone who has about EIGHT DIFFERENT WHATSAPP GROUPS all with various members of his friendship group purely gossiping and talking about plans.
‘Now I feel like a bit of a friendless loser. Which is excellent.’
Holly, on the other arm, has been added to talks but actively chooses not to be part of them.
‘I leave every talk I’m because I hate feeling obligated to reply to people.
‘I message on my own terms and the minute I feel compelled into a conversation I get truly mad – I’d rather just not know what I’ve missed and proceed on with my life.’
For some of us, being added to a group just hasn’t happened – or the groups have naturally dissolved.
For others, they get added to talks for specific events and find the chatter unbearable.
Yvette has only come into contact with Whatsapp groups relatively recently, as a result of being part of a hen group.
‘I already find it annoying to be fair – I’m online for work all the time and about a million other social media things, so to be pulled into another stream of talk is a agony.
‘Also, I don’t see the point of WhatsApp – I’ve already got texts and Facebook messenger, so why do we need another one?
‘I’m going to sound indeed old now, but when I was a teenager no one had mobile phones and the internet was just getting embarked. We made plans on a Friday and stuck to them at the weekend. We didn’t need a blast of annoying and disruptive talk 24/7 on lil’ screens we carried around everywhere.
‘It makes me sound indeed antisocial which is odd, because I’m a very sociable person. I just truly like talking to people IRL, face to face, and I certainly feel like people socialise less because they’re spending hours glued to screens unnecessarily.’
Perhaps there’s also some element of spectacle to talking en masse.
In a similar way to Facebook and Twitter, we like to talk to an audience. Why DM when you can write on a wall? Why send a message when you can comment on an IG post? Why text to one person when you can Whatsapp a group?
ASOS have put a corset on a puffer jacket and we don’t know why
Without that kind of platform…are we truly telling anything? And maybe that’s why some of us who aren’t in talks feel a little uneasy about it.
The other thing that group talks do is keep people perennially busy – and our generation is obsessed with being seen to be busy.
We’re too busy to cook. Too busy to ring our mums. Too busy to do anything truly.
We’re bouncing ten pouch at once all the time; our social lives are so jam-packed in inbetween work and the gym and whatnot, that we don’t have the time to give the people we’re physically with our total attention.
While we’re on dates, at dinner, chilling on the sofa, we’ve got to be Whatsapping – arranging future plans and dissecting current states of affair.
Having numerous talks on the go is a visual signifier of just how busy and in request we are. And if you don’t have that, you’re somehow unfulfilled.
Which is why the terror of Whatsapp groups and those who are zombified by them.
Let’s take back out free time and commence talking to people one-on-one. Let’s stop making people into Whatsapp widows and widowers.
Death to group talks.
This article is part of our Friendship Week – a week-long exploration of the ins and outs of modern friendship.
The terror of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren – t in any, Metro News
The oppressive domination of Whatsapp groups and why some of us aren’t in any
Whatsapp is a plague on modern society.
It’s good for keeping in touch with people for free, I’ll admit.
My sister lives in Spain and neither of us is ready to fork out to actually text or ring each other so it’s good that Whatsapp permits her to send me pictures of her baby which are automatically saved onto my picture library.
And obviously, the blue tick thing can also be fairly handy for observing whether you’re actively being overlooked by your mate/mum/playmate.
The problem, however, comes when you begin bringing groups together.
Dating someone who has a number of Whatsapp group talks on the go can be excruciatingly annoying.
A group for uni pals, I get. You’re most likely not going to be yacking away fountains – it’s more of a logistical thing for arranging who’s free when.
But people who have Whatsapp groups with work colleagues who they literally see and talk to ALL DAY? What the f*ck are you guys talking about? How do you have so much talk stored up after nine hours together?
But everyone seems to be part of a collection of groups – and not being part of any almost seems like a social faux pas.
I’m not truly part of any large Whatsapp group. I’ve had a duo of petite talks which have since died a natural death, and I have one group with two mates which is almost exclusively reserved for gossiping about old university classmates – but that’s it.
In an age when we’re connected all the time and the size of our following or social reach feels like an indication of our worth, not having those constant communication channels open is unusual.
I asked around to see if anyone could relate to not being part of any groups and indeed struggled. Everyone I know seems to be inexorably tied to a network of group talks.
Fortunately, there are a few similar-minded people at Metro:
‘I only have very practical WhatsApp groups – two work ones, one for housemate related things (‘the rent’s due’, ‘the mice are back’, or ‘there’s a cat in the kitchen),’ says Ellen.
‘I didn’t think that was an issue until I embarked dating someone who has about EIGHT DIFFERENT WHATSAPP GROUPS all with various members of his friendship group purely gossiping and talking about plans.
‘Now I feel like a bit of a friendless loser. Which is superb.’
Holly, on the other palm, has been added to talks but actively chooses not to be part of them.
‘I leave every talk I’m because I hate feeling obligated to reply to people.
‘I message on my own terms and the minute I feel compelled into a conversation I get indeed mad – I’d rather just not know what I’ve missed and proceed on with my life.’
For some of us, being added to a group just hasn’t happened – or the groups have naturally dissolved.
For others, they get added to talks for specific events and find the chatter unbearable.
Yvette has only come into contact with Whatsapp groups relatively recently, as a result of being part of a hen group.
‘I already find it annoying to be fair – I’m online for work all the time and about a million other social media things, so to be pulled into another stream of talk is a anguish.
‘Also, I don’t see the point of WhatsApp – I’ve already got texts and Facebook messenger, so why do we need another one?
‘I’m going to sound truly old now, but when I was a teenager no one had mobile phones and the internet was just getting embarked. We made plans on a Friday and stuck to them at the weekend. We didn’t need a blast of annoying and disruptive talk 24/7 on little screens we carried around everywhere.
‘It makes me sound truly antisocial which is odd, because I’m a very sociable person. I just truly like talking to people IRL, face to face, and I certainly feel like people socialise less because they’re spending hours glued to screens unnecessarily.’
Perhaps there’s also some element of spectacle to talking en masse.
In a similar way to Facebook and Twitter, we like to talk to an audience. Why DM when you can write on a wall? Why send a message when you can comment on an IG post? Why text to one person when you can Whatsapp a group?
ASOS have put a corset on a puffer jacket and we don’t know why
Without that kind of platform…are we indeed telling anything? And maybe that’s why some of us who aren’t in talks feel a little uneasy about it.
The other thing that group talks do is keep people perennially busy – and our generation is obsessed with being seen to be busy.
We’re too busy to cook. Too busy to ring our mums. Too busy to do anything truly.
We’re bouncing ten nut at once all the time; our social lives are so jam-packed in inbetween work and the gym and whatnot, that we don’t have the time to give the people we’re physically with our utter attention.
While we’re on dates, at dinner, chilling on the sofa, we’ve got to be Whatsapping – arranging future plans and dissecting current states of affair.
Having numerous talks on the go is a visual signifier of just how busy and in request we are. And if you don’t have that, you’re somehow unfulfilled.
Which is why the despotism of Whatsapp groups and those who are zombified by them.
Let’s take back out free time and commence talking to people one-on-one. Let’s stop making people into Whatsapp widows and widowers.
Death to group talks.
This article is part of our Friendship Week – a week-long exploration of the ins and outs of modern friendship.