Discussion on woopy, iOS Universal Listings Talk App Template (Swift) (Page 6)

Discussion on woopy | iOS Universal Listings + Talk App Template (Swift)

Hey, Fine Job with the app

Is it possible to migrate backend to AWS and can you help with it?

yes but i can’t help you, here’s the official parse page for info: http://parseplatform.org/

is this supported for iPads?

I don’t think that email verification is being sent to people signing up. I made a test email address and didn’t see anything showcase up, not even in junk folder. I sent for a password reset and received that email in the junk. help.

Have you entered Verification e-mails section in your app’s dashboard on back4app and checked Verify User Emails box?

facebook login crashes app and doesnt work could you help i followed the guide step by step

please contact me by my profile’s contact form and send me the Xcode console message when the app crashes, so i can understand what you’ve done wrong in the settings.

Hi I am having issues with the website button in the User Profile. I can see the website but when I click on it, nothing happens. Is this supposed to send me to safari to the website?

yes, how is the string of that website? does it begin with http:// ?

Same problem of crash with the facebook registering from my side, i’ve send you an email

ok, i’ll check it out asap

Hi are you any closer to getting a Woopy website? I love both of your woopy products and am looking forward to what’s to come.

no website version coming, sorry, i’m not able to make it at the present

Is there a way to have a bottom on home screen to display all? Like a category button to display all post

you can tap in the search bar and hit Inject without coming in any word, it will search for all ads nearby your location

No other way of cutting down the extra step? Also movies uploaded from IOS doesn’t play on androids

That’s weird, because it works on my side…

Just nosey if the demo data source is down. I purchased the iOS template, switched the KEY’s per the manual, and at very first, the demo was working fine. However, lately, it’s just a blank/white screen home screen (headers/footers are visible tho’). I haven’t switched anything else. Any ideas on how I can get the demo working again?

if you mean the Home screen, have you substituted the demo photos of the column called photo in the Categories class in your Parse Dashboard, as the User Guide says?

No, I’ve been using the demo data while I adjusted the colors. I haven’t pointed it to my back4app/bundle yet.

wrong thing, because i clear the demo database often, you should switch to your own Parse app on back4app right away as the User Guide explains, otherwise your app may not work fine

How can I switch the navigation tab color from crimson? I switched the source pictures and the tint but it the icons still showcase crimson in the Simulator.

Select the navigation bar in the Storyboard and just switch its background color in the Attributes inspector panel on the right side.

Thanks. I’ve done that but they are still crimson. Is there code that switches the color for active page icons?

please contact me by my profile’s contact form and send me a screenshot of your issue, i don’t understand if your icons are crimson or the navigation bars

Thanks. Just sent, albeit, there wasn’t an option to link a screenshot. However, it is the icon, not the bar. All icons/text are gray except for the one that is active (selected).

ok, i’ll get back to you asap

Quick question. While testing the app via the simulator, I am incapable to post an add. Upon clicking submit, the app suspends. On AppDelegate.swift, the following line is highlighted.

@UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate <

I haven’t renamed any pages so I’m a little lost as to correcting the issue. Any suggestions?

It may be a Location issue, please leave behind the Simulator, it’s buggy, always use a real device for test, especially with this app since it uses CoreLocation framework and camera features

Do we need to by hand create the various classes (ads, talks, comments, etc)? Categories had a .json and I was wondering if there were others for the remaining classes.

no, the ap will create all the otger classes while using it, that’s the power of Parse SDK

Nice app, I just get one error when i go and post i pack out all fields and i get “schema class name does not revalidate” I also don’t see “ads” in my parse backends so that might be why. What is the fix?

1. have you created the Categories class and uploaded the Categories.json in your own Parse Dashboard?

Two. Are you using your own Parse App keys in Configs.swift?

Ok, any Xcode console message when that happens?

You may not see ads because you haven’t posted them yet since you get that error.

hi there.. am interested in your app but only thing is that can you integrate sms OTP for sign up process?? I can pay extra for that

hi, i’m on vacation until the end of the month so i’m not able to make custom-made jobs, you may contact me by my profile’s contact form by then and ask for customizations. Blessed summer!

Do you have screenshots of master admin and settings? I’d like to know comprehensive this is before buying.

no screenshots of the dashboard of this app, but you can witness this movie to see how the parse dashboard looks like on back4app: https://youtu.be/TxeTFdSVCDA

how do i manage users?

simply by editing records in the User class of your own Parse Dashboard, it’s kinda working with an Excel file, it has cells, riws and columns.

Can you share a screenshot or something? My fattest complaint with most products is they concentrate too much on the frontend and then dont have the backend to manage the growth and scale.

Hi, very first of all you should get certain with the Parse Dashboard on back4app.com, create an account it’s totally free, create an app and commence playing with the Parse Dashboard, here’s a useful movie: https://youtu.be/TxeTFdSVCDA

here’s a screenshot of the User class of woopy demo dashboard: https://s6.postimg.org/6o8149xsh/woopy-user.jpg

Quick question. Do you have any plans to update this app to iOS eleven and Swift four in the coming months? Thanks

yes of course, i’ll update all my Swift apps when the stable official release of Xcode nine will be available

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