Voice and Movie Talk in Gmail

Google Operating System
November 11, 2008
Instead of developing fresh versions of the Google Talk desktop application, Google determined to concentrate on its most popular communication channel and add the missing features. Too bad that you need to install yet another plug-in.
Fix your Caps lock.
I have Vista and Voice buttplug in is not working.
nice, but when will it work under pidgin?
I don’t see the fresh feature either, so it’s most likely leisurely spinned out.
AFAIK Pidgin doesn’t support any kind of audio/movie conversation on any network.
The Google voice and movie plugin is a no-go for linux too.
This is not working me either.
Wonder if it works with iChat?
/me wonders when will these latest and greatest features be available for *nix operating systems..
This feature do not work. Doesn’t install.
No support for linux AGAIN? WTF!
It worked flawlessly for me by following the instructions on this blog. I’m running Firefox on Windows XP with LABs enabled.
"After restarting the browser, open Gmail, select a contact from the talk section and see if there's an option named "Movie & more". If you can't find this option, your friend didn't install the plug-in yet."
"Unluckily Gmail voice and movie talk is not available for PowerPC Macs."
Not working on Vista 32bit either. I checked in Chrome, FF Trio, and IE 7
Worked fine for me on my Mac Book Pro and Firefox.
G. Why would it work for you but not ME? I'm using Firefox as my primary Browser and I have attempted and attempted, installing the Voice and Movie plugin, but cannot get it to work on Firefox, albeit it does work on Chrome. Using MacBook Pro also. HELP?
As usual, I am attempting to install from behind a firewall (workplace), and it doesn’t work. Anyone has any idea about direct plugin installer?
its utterly obnoxious how it does not support my powerPC mac. it has a built-in microphone, so why cant i just use it for voice talk? im always on gmail with my friends, but a female i like just attempted to voice talk with me, but i wouldnt work! im not tech-savvy so dont make joy of me if the reaction is indeed demonstrable and makes me look stupid, but please explain if its just not possible or they just wont do it?
the next step is to rename gmail to something movie orientated: gvideo or gmedia π
Hello from PoznaΕ, Poland. The feature works excellent (Windows XP SP3 & FF Three.0). I attempted it yesterday with my friends from Houston and Sydney. Works much better than Skype!
four demerits for not supporting Linux. Open communications standards deserve open operating systems.
no powerPC. Why? Skype support it. Maybe they’re wizards?
http://mail.google.com/videochat gives me a four hundred four at the moment.
I still don’t understand, why did they use adobe flash?
It’s working with me.
Just tested again:
I hope they will release a Linux version soon.
Very first without Chrome for Linux, and now this.
I’m losing my faith to Google. ( breathe )
Works for me (Google Chrome, Vista Ultimate x64)
You should be more specific. Windows and INTEL Macs only. There’s no love for those of us still on older Macs.
Buy a fresh computer then.
Why does Google have to do everything for just you?
Annoyingly, it’s telling me on my Core Duo MacBook Pro that it doesn’t support the PowerPC architecture. I haven’t been able to turn up a direct download link, either. Tres vexing.
the movie works in Opera?
The plug-in works in Internet Explorer and any browser that supports NPAPI (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and many others).
My my, what a lot of angry people! It’s worked flawlessly for me in the UK on Windows Vista with Firefox, and the quality is far better than Skype. It’s very wise, and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I would truly like the client(s) to support this too.
this feature gargles. i have a computer with three g’s of mem. but it slows my computer down so much teh key bored is not working!
Haha all you people that hate Google , go and use your stuped Skype and even more stuped Yahoo messenger. Hellllooooo , it is two thousand nine coming ,no bod like software, it is plugin time:-)
Stuped? Who’s stupid now? Masturbate
There are tons of people who have older non-intel P.C.’s why on earth wouldn’t Google develop their movie plug-in so movie could run natively on both?
they shud make it for ppc macs..
and i wonder why they ditch linux everytime.
not working on my intel mac, wtf? i can see them, but they cna’t see me?
We’re waiting for linux version.
its working on mac with firefox Trio.
Google knows the market share for Windows and Intel. That’s why they very first release their products for those platforms.
now working with IE ,and opera.. it works only in chrome.
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? Who uses Google Talk but not GMail? The desktop app has always only ever been useful as a notifier to me. Is there something elementary (and better) that I don’t know about?
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? To bring Google Talk’s functionality to Gmail, iGoogle and other Google apps. Most Google Talk users talk from Gmail, so it makes sense to bring the extra features there.
I don’t get it. What does GT do that Gmail Talk doesn’t? ..except act as an O/S email notifier? (which i love. but as you said, talk from gmail. )
Google Talk, the software available at talk.google.com, has been abandoned. Google works on unifying Google Talk flavors for the web (Gmail Talk, Google Talk gadget) with the desktop app and the very first step of the integration was Google Talk Labs Edition.
WTF. why is it not available on linux?
Linux! Linux! Linux! Get your act together Google!
I am wondering why google company do not have have version for linux because google wants to present herself as open source.
I’am also waiting a Linux version
They dont use CHROME? π
its not working with windows vista home premium sp1
Let google put a face on your RLZ!
what about linux users like me.when i migrated from windows to linux,i truly missed gtalk,but linux was and is cool enough to keep me engrossed,no matter what.
google supports an OS that is too inferior to ubuntu,but no ray of hope for the linux users.
It does not work on XP. Where is the tab "Movie&More". I can see that. Total Scheisse.
Could not get it to work with vista home premium and ie7. Worked like a charm after i installed adobe flash player and used firefox instead.
This rocks! And it does not get any lighter than that.
Hello Google did you know you had a lot of frinds using linux.. You have given us Openness, Super email and calendar, Google-docs and more making it lighter to escape the Microsoft trap.
If you had to choose inbetween releasing a Google Talk plug-in that works in Win/Mac/Linux in January two thousand nine and releasing the plug-in for Win/(Intel) Mac in November 2008, what would you do?
so mr alex,do you mean to say that by january 2009,the feature will support linux too?btw,gtalk was released long ago,and its linux version isn’t available till date.
I would ofcourse care for my friends very first, and then the other once later.
No of course I see the dilemma – but what I am worried about is that it may be more political/tactical decision than technical. Meaning that we could be looking at another proprietary protocol and codex, that google would not like to open source.. this could be a bad sign.. hopefully I am wrong about it.
Why do I keep getting an "Error 404" when accessing the videochat site?? WTF is going on here.
Cool, but I have a Vista and it just doesn’t work. Thay say it’s XP or later, but I think thay must have or should make a talk system in google the you can use on Vista
Yeah it doesn’t install for me either on vista and chrome/ie/firefox. Or rather it says it installs but doesn’t show up as an option when I go to initiate a talk.
my audio isnt working. i have no idea how to get it too work. there is no camera on this computer so i cant videochat but i should stil be able to voice talk
google doesn’t care about linux users anymore they have deep-throated us off with chrome, and gmail syncing devices (were is the evolution setup utility? they make one for outlook.) Why not include us in anything at all?
I like Gmail movie talk. Now I don’t need to use MSN Messenger for it. And no lagging either when I tested it. Hope they won’t eliminate this fine feature!
Is there a workaround to get this working on Linux?
Donnno..y it doest work for me.. π
Amazing how many people is waiting for a Linux version.
Google . are you LISTEN TO?
I would like to have a linux version – as I could then smack it on an eeepc and send it to my parents for movie conferencing so they can see their grand daughter. It would be a nice little solution for them that they can just open up to conference with us.
Google must encourage Linux in order to thwart microsoft attempts. Regards
Whether or not Google comes out with a gtalk plugin for Firefox on Linux, I am tired of observing the missing plugin warning from Firefox when I go to GMail. I just want to use my GMail in peace.
Honestly, I was truly excited when gmail said they had movie and voice talking, so I went out and downloaded the file to my computer, and so did my bf. Funny thing about it was when we both attempted (Not at the same time) to begin the talk, it wouldn’t work. It would put mine (or his, whomever initiated the talk) in the corner, and is supposed to bring up the others picture, but it would only display our own. I’m getting fairly frustrated at this point, and so is my bf. Has anyone else come across this problem? Or is it just me?
Could anyone suggest me a solution
Im using Windows Vista.
When am initiating a movie talk i can see only his profile pic
same is the case with him
But when i checked the talk settings camera and microphone are detected correctly.
But still the problem persists.
Please suggest a soulution.
I don’t know whether this is the correct place to put a Query
Linux support would be much welcomed!
i keep attempting but i have a macbook and it tells me to exit all web browsers when i do that i click ok still it just flashes and comes back! what can i do please please please help me! if you know what to do please help email me at [email protected] thanks!
We are waiting for Linux support .
please make it work with my operating system: LINUX !
I have attempted it on Windows XP + Firefox. Albeit the settings page correctly detects the movie and sound , when I initiate the movie call with someone else, my picture shows up in the corner. But the person on the other side cannot hear my voice nor see the movie.
i indeed want to talk
GTALK GTALK GTALK – I don’t want to have my email window all the time.. it’s connection fails after being open for too long. I want an IM client on my desktop.. Why would they concentrate on updating a web plugin for gmail when people want IM software? I attempt to promote google, and I attempt to convert people to Gmail accounts. But no one wants to talk through email. People want to talk through a decent IM client. I would hope google would be intelligent enough to realize that..
So if this is flash-based, why is it CPU-specific?? YouTube, Google Movie, whatever . they all work on PowerPCs too!
It’s not Flash-based, it requires a custom-made plug-in that needs to be downloaded.
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, at least use the firefox user agent/build id provided by many distributions to identify the operating system and disable the googletalk functions in gmail for unsupported operating systems. In other words, Switch GMAIL SO IT STOPS NAGGING ME TO INSTALL A PLUGIN THAT DOESN’T EXIST.
not working it is a bit long run
Waiting for Linux version.
There are a duo of things that i would like to suggest.
Two. This idea of online installer is bad. There are cases, when it just doesn't work.
Three. A common update background task is cool. But won't it be even cooler, if all the packages had individual modules which would check for updates for everyone. Say if someone has GDesktop, GChrome, Gtalk, Picasa. As soon as he runs Picasa, the update implement
>> checks if any update has been done in past N hours
>> if no, then it just checks for all the packages installed
>> runs an update process that updates all Gsoftwares
march fourteen th nine cant get movie talk working period. can someone help
i’m discussed that google was on cnn last week using this feature how dear they
Linux support please ! . Pretty please ? .. Pretty please with pink icing and sprinkles and a bow ?
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, switch Gmail so it stops nagging me. I’m tired of permanently being nagged to install a plugin that DOESN’T EXIST.
if it use NPAPI why no linux plugin ? NPAPI is supported by linux browsers
what’s the relevant part that isn’t still ported ? maybe the codecs ?
I like linux, I like google – I’d like to attempt this one. Hope google brings out a version for us soon.
That’s very nice plugin. With the help of it, i can speak with my family.They live very far. But there is some problem in Firefox Three.0.9 version. Don’t want to talk. I re-installed firefox and plugins,but it was effective. Anyway i like it !
Where is the linux version? Seems like we are waiting forever.
Someday maby. Linux will be supported too. Until then. skype!
Yes.. Skype is the best for linux. Already left behind google talk. And chrome too by the way..
So, are we going to get this working on Linux?
I cant download movie talk I dual click on it and it does nothing
i switched my mind about movie and voice talk. i don't want it anymore how do i get rid of it!! someone please help!!
If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?
What makes you say that Google is not developing a Linux version? Just because you don't see doesn't mean it's not there.
Linux support please. Ain't going to the crappy microsoft or expensive mac platform just for google movie talk.
this works on pc where you should be having admin priviliges..installer for voice setup failed.
Une version linux en two thousand nine ?
need version for ubuntu / linux too !!
i'm fairly disapointed with Google. I'm not waiting anything from them anymore.
Google please, be consistent and stop using linux.
worked fine on the mac book. the wifey cant install it two hundred fifty miles away on the Dell with Win xp. Maybe she needs to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
Whats up with all you linux whiners? Would you buy a diesel engine car and complain that gas wont run in it?
gtalk voice and movie now supported on pidgin for linux users
Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
How do you eliminate the movie and voice talk?
someone help me
i can see myself in movie talk but i only see the other persons picture and hear them
I know there might be some people with good will in the company, but please, Google, STOP BEING A LEECHER.
All your server farms run linux. You internally run linux. You plan to hit microsoft with chrome os.
Yet, linux support for end users is too limited.
At least don't be dumb enough to release chrome os (which is linux) without support for voice talk in gmail.
Very nice! I'm using movie talk with my friends now! In firefox its work greatly)
Grr, damn online installer. it downloads the real installer, then deletes it! Why not give us the friggin' REAL INSTALLER?
When searching for the word "linux" on this page, I can find eighty one entries of it as of November 29, 2009. Picasa using Wine, no SketchUp, Flash deepthroats on Linux, and yet Google still uses it, and not Theora.
Have you forgotten us, Google? We're still here. All 30,000,000 of us. We're waiting.
Every time i am attempting to use voice and movie talk in gmail i am being asked to install it and even after downloading and restarting the browsers if i log in again i'm being asked to download it. can u help me how to download them and use permanently
Can it works on linux os now?
I would never have predicted Google to leave linux users out in the rain.
+1 vote for Linux support;
+1 vote for the shift from flash to theora;
+100 votes for using open technology instead of rotting proprietary technology
Why does this voice and movie talk not work in linux ? Do I have to wait till two thousand eleven for Chrome OS to get this feature ?
Aww it's fantastic! What about unix system?
ok no ordinary installer , at least provide a workaround a detail of how to use something else with this. maybe configure ekiga to use with gtalk,
still nothing fresh regarding this topic.
I love all google apps & labs, but this is not available in Linux yet!! This is frustating!!
I go after the dude that said:
"If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?"
Still waiting for the linux port . :-7
I would very very VERY much appreciate you good folks at google HQ to port the movie plugin for linux. After all you are going to soon release your on debian/linux based OS; of course I am refuring to Chrome OS. I can only hope near that time you will ultimately give what has been asked for on this page for a very long time indeed. and let me just say I am willing to beta/alpha test this plugin for you. I am presently running the most up to date build of debian soon to be switching to ubuntu Ten.04.
Indeed deep throats a linux version never game out. Running google chrome os right now and my webcam gets to sit idle since no software supports movie talk in chrome for linux. What happens when they release in 3-4 months and still no movie?
Two years now and still no news about Linux support, indeed pathetic!
Can I view an old movie talk that I had? Or can I only view the text?
i am using gmail movie talk in my laptop but the problem is that the other pepole cant hear my voice in this gmail account what should i do?
it is a wonderfull plugin i use it on linux . i wonder where i can find the sources or the way to interface with him
at lest ten time vioce and movie talk has been downloaded but this cork in is still not availabe in the gmail.do not know what is wrong with this why google do not make it plain and usufull to all if google realy wants to provide better service to usears.
does anybody know the reaction to these questions re/ Gmail Talk?
1- if MY gmail Talk camera is ON, and the other person doesn't have their movie available to me, can they STILL SEE ME? i.e. am I automatically VISIBLE to anyone I talk with is I have a green CAMERA icon by my name? mj
Can you do it with Three people? I mean movie talk with three people?
I have downloded the voice/movie talk plugin for Gmail and it has worked for a few months, but then a few days ago I go on Gmail and my icon turns to the little green dot. I attempted dowbloding it again, didn't work. I uninstalled it and attempted downloading the plugin again, didn't work. I have attempted signing in then out of the talk, STILL "need to donwload it". And of course I attempted making a fresh profile and doing all those again, didn't work. I notice when I finish downloading the plugin, it goes to the screen where it says that the plugin needs to use "ActiveX control" and I have to click permit, but it won't let me click permit, it redirects to my Gmail profile instead. I don't know what to do now, if you can help fix this problem, it would very much be appreciated. Thanks if you can help. [email protected]
My friend can see ME but I cannot see him OR me when we talk. Cam somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I wish Google would eliminate the entire idea of being in the browser < login into gmail < open up Google Talk plugin to receive calls. I wish they would integrate into one Software! Put it all into Google Talk < Windows Client.
I attempted all possible means to download /install movie and voice talk but to no avail. what could stand as impediment to this obstruct of making it real?
Voice and Movie Talk in Gmail
Google Operating System
November 11, 2008
Instead of developing fresh versions of the Google Talk desktop application, Google determined to concentrate on its most popular communication channel and add the missing features. Too bad that you need to install yet another plug-in.
Fix your Caps lock.
I have Vista and Voice cork in is not working.
nice, but when will it work under pidgin?
I don’t see the fresh feature either, so it’s very likely leisurely flipped out.
AFAIK Pidgin doesn’t support any kind of audio/movie conversation on any network.
The Google voice and movie plugin is a no-go for linux too.
This is not working me either.
Wonder if it works with iChat?
/me wonders when will these latest and greatest features be available for *nix operating systems..
This feature do not work. Doesn’t install.
No support for linux AGAIN? WTF!
It worked flawlessly for me by following the instructions on this blog. I’m running Firefox on Windows XP with LABs enabled.
"After restarting the browser, open Gmail, select a contact from the talk section and see if there's an option named "Movie & more". If you can't find this option, your friend didn't install the plug-in yet."
"Unluckily Gmail voice and movie talk is not available for PowerPC Macs."
Not working on Vista 32bit either. I checked in Chrome, FF Three, and IE 7
Worked fine for me on my Mac Book Pro and Firefox.
G. Why would it work for you but not ME? I'm using Firefox as my primary Browser and I have attempted and attempted, installing the Voice and Movie plugin, but cannot get it to work on Firefox, albeit it does work on Chrome. Using MacBook Pro also. HELP?
As usual, I am attempting to install from behind a firewall (workplace), and it doesn’t work. Anyone has any idea about direct plugin installer?
its utterly obnoxious how it does not support my powerPC mac. it has a built-in microphone, so why cant i just use it for voice talk? im always on gmail with my friends, but a lady i like just attempted to voice talk with me, but i wouldnt work! im not tech-savvy so dont make joy of me if the reaction is indeed visible and makes me look stupid, but please explain if its just not possible or they just wont do it?
the next step is to rename gmail to something movie orientated: gvideo or gmedia π
Hello from PoznaΕ, Poland. The feature works excellent (Windows XP SP3 & FF Three.0). I attempted it yesterday with my friends from Houston and Sydney. Works much better than Skype!
four demerits for not supporting Linux. Open communications standards deserve open operating systems.
no powerPC. Why? Skype support it. Maybe they’re wizards?
http://mail.google.com/videochat gives me a four hundred four at the moment.
I still don’t understand, why did they use adobe flash?
It’s working with me.
Just tested again:
I hope they will release a Linux version soon.
Very first without Chrome for Linux, and now this.
I’m losing my faith to Google. ( breathe )
Works for me (Google Chrome, Vista Ultimate x64)
You should be more specific. Windows and INTEL Macs only. There’s no love for those of us still on older Macs.
Buy a fresh computer then.
Why does Google have to do everything for just you?
Annoyingly, it’s telling me on my Core Duo MacBook Pro that it doesn’t support the PowerPC architecture. I haven’t been able to turn up a direct download link, either. Tres vexing.
the movie works in Opera?
The plug-in works in Internet Explorer and any browser that supports NPAPI (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and many others).
My my, what a lot of angry people! It’s worked flawlessly for me in the UK on Windows Vista with Firefox, and the quality is far better than Skype. It’s very clever, and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I would indeed like the client(s) to support this too.
this feature gargles. i have a computer with three g’s of mem. but it slows my computer down so much teh key bored is not working!
Haha all you people that hate Google , go and use your stuped Skype and even more stuped Yahoo messenger. Hellllooooo , it is two thousand nine coming ,no bod like software, it is plugin time:-)
Stuped? Who’s stupid now? Wank
There are tons of people who have older non-intel P.C.’s why on earth wouldn’t Google develop their movie plug-in so movie could run natively on both?
they shud make it for ppc macs..
and i wonder why they ditch linux everytime.
not working on my intel mac, wtf? i can see them, but they cna’t see me?
We’re waiting for linux version.
its working on mac with firefox Three.
Google knows the market share for Windows and Intel. That’s why they very first release their products for those platforms.
now working with IE ,and opera.. it works only in chrome.
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? Who uses Google Talk but not GMail? The desktop app has always only ever been useful as a notifier to me. Is there something plain (and better) that I don’t know about?
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? To bring Google Talk’s functionality to Gmail, iGoogle and other Google apps. Most Google Talk users talk from Gmail, so it makes sense to bring the extra features there.
I don’t get it. What does GT do that Gmail Talk doesn’t? ..except act as an O/S email notifier? (which i love. but as you said, talk from gmail. )
Google Talk, the software available at talk.google.com, has been abandoned. Google works on unifying Google Talk flavors for the web (Gmail Talk, Google Talk gadget) with the desktop app and the very first step of the integration was Google Talk Labs Edition.
WTF. why is it not available on linux?
Linux! Linux! Linux! Get your act together Google!
I am wondering why google company do not have have version for linux because google wants to present herself as open source.
I’am also waiting a Linux version
They dont use CHROME? π
its not working with windows vista home premium sp1
Let google put a face on your RLZ!
what about linux users like me.when i migrated from windows to linux,i indeed missed gtalk,but linux was and is cool enough to keep me engrossed,no matter what.
google supports an OS that is too inferior to ubuntu,but no ray of hope for the linux users.
It does not work on XP. Where is the tab "Movie&More". I can see that. Total Scheisse.
Could not get it to work with vista home premium and ie7. Worked like a charm after i installed adobe flash player and used firefox instead.
This rocks! And it does not get any lighter than that.
Hello Google did you know you had a lot of frinds using linux.. You have given us Openness, Super email and calendar, Google-docs and more making it lighter to escape the Microsoft trap.
If you had to choose inbetween releasing a Google Talk plug-in that works in Win/Mac/Linux in January two thousand nine and releasing the plug-in for Win/(Intel) Mac in November 2008, what would you do?
so mr alex,do you mean to say that by january 2009,the feature will support linux too?btw,gtalk was released long ago,and its linux version isn’t available till date.
I would ofcourse care for my friends very first, and then the other once later.
No of course I see the dilemma – but what I am worried about is that it may be more political/tactical decision than technical. Meaning that we could be looking at another proprietary protocol and codex, that google would not like to open source.. this could be a bad sign.. hopefully I am wrong about it.
Why do I keep getting an "Error 404" when accessing the videochat site?? WTF is going on here.
Cool, but I have a Vista and it just doesn’t work. Thay say it’s XP or later, but I think thay must have or should make a talk system in google the you can use on Vista
Yeah it doesn’t install for me either on vista and chrome/ie/firefox. Or rather it says it installs but doesn’t show up as an option when I go to initiate a talk.
my audio isnt working. i have no idea how to get it too work. there is no camera on this computer so i cant videochat but i should stil be able to voice talk
google doesn’t care about linux users anymore they have deep throated us off with chrome, and gmail syncing contraptions (were is the evolution setup utility? they make one for outlook.) Why not include us in anything at all?
I like Gmail movie talk. Now I don’t need to use MSN Messenger for it. And no lagging either when I tested it. Hope they won’t liquidate this good feature!
Is there a workaround to get this working on Linux?
Donnno..y it doest work for me.. π
Amazing how many people is waiting for a Linux version.
Google . are you LISTEN TO?
I would like to have a linux version – as I could then spank it on an eeepc and send it to my parents for movie conferencing so they can see their grand daughter. It would be a nice little solution for them that they can just open up to conference with us.
Google must encourage Linux in order to thwart microsoft attempts. Regards
Whether or not Google comes out with a gtalk plugin for Firefox on Linux, I am tired of eyeing the missing plugin warning from Firefox when I go to GMail. I just want to use my GMail in peace.
Honestly, I was truly excited when gmail said they had movie and voice talking, so I went out and downloaded the file to my computer, and so did my bf. Funny thing about it was when we both attempted (Not at the same time) to begin the talk, it wouldn’t work. It would put mine (or his, whomever initiated the talk) in the corner, and is supposed to bring up the others picture, but it would only demonstrate our own. I’m getting fairly frustrated at this point, and so is my beau. Has anyone else come across this problem? Or is it just me?
Could anyone suggest me a solution
Im using Windows Vista.
When am initiating a movie talk i can see only his profile pic
same is the case with him
But when i checked the talk settings camera and microphone are detected correctly.
But still the problem persists.
Please suggest a soulution.
I don’t know whether this is the correct place to put a Query
Linux support would be much welcomed!
i keep attempting but i have a macbook and it tells me to exit all web browsers when i do that i click ok still it just flashes and comes back! what can i do please please please help me! if you know what to do please help email me at [email protected] thanks!
We are waiting for Linux support .
please make it work with my operating system: LINUX !
I have attempted it on Windows XP + Firefox. Albeit the settings page correctly detects the movie and sound , when I initiate the movie call with someone else, my picture emerges in the corner. But the person on the other side cannot hear my voice nor see the movie.
i truly want to talk
GTALK GTALK GTALK – I don’t want to have my email window all the time.. it’s connection fails after being open for too long. I want an IM client on my desktop.. Why would they concentrate on updating a web plugin for gmail when people want IM software? I attempt to promote google, and I attempt to convert people to Gmail accounts. But no one wants to talk through email. People want to talk through a decent IM client. I would hope google would be intelligent enough to realize that..
So if this is flash-based, why is it CPU-specific?? YouTube, Google Movie, whatever . they all work on PowerPCs too!
It’s not Flash-based, it requires a custom-built plug-in that needs to be downloaded.
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, at least use the firefox user agent/build id provided by many distributions to identify the operating system and disable the googletalk functions in gmail for unsupported operating systems. In other words, Switch GMAIL SO IT STOPS NAGGING ME TO INSTALL A PLUGIN THAT DOESN’T EXIST.
not working it is a bit long run
Waiting for Linux version.
There are a duo of things that i would like to suggest.
Two. This idea of online installer is bad. There are cases, when it just doesn't work.
Trio. A common update background task is cool. But won't it be even cooler, if all the packages had individual modules which would check for updates for everyone. Say if someone has GDesktop, GChrome, Gtalk, Picasa. As soon as he runs Picasa, the update device
>> checks if any update has been done in past N hours
>> if no, then it just checks for all the packages installed
>> runs an update process that updates all Gsoftwares
march fourteen th nine cant get movie talk working period. can someone help
i’m discussed that google was on cnn last week using this feature how dear they
Linux support please ! . Pretty please ? .. Pretty please with pink icing and sprinkles and a bow ?
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, switch Gmail so it stops nagging me. I’m tired of permanently being nagged to install a plugin that DOESN’T EXIST.
if it use NPAPI why no linux plugin ? NPAPI is supported by linux browsers
what’s the relevant part that isn’t still ported ? maybe the codecs ?
I like linux, I like google – I’d like to attempt this one. Hope google brings out a version for us soon.
That’s very nice plugin. With the help of it, i can speak with my family.They live very far. But there is some problem in Firefox Trio.0.9 version. Don’t want to talk. I re-installed firefox and plugins,but it was effective. Anyway i like it !
Where is the linux version? Seems like we are waiting forever.
Someday maby. Linux will be supported too. Until then. skype!
Yes.. Skype is the best for linux. Already left behind google talk. And chrome too by the way..
So, are we going to get this working on Linux?
I cant download movie talk I dual click on it and it does nothing
i switched my mind about movie and voice talk. i don't want it anymore how do i get rid of it!! someone please help!!
If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?
What makes you say that Google is not developing a Linux version? Just because you don't see doesn't mean it's not there.
Linux support please. Ain't going to the crappy microsoft or expensive mac platform just for google movie talk.
this works on pc where you should be having admin priviliges..installer for voice setup failed.
Une version linux en two thousand nine ?
need version for ubuntu / linux too !!
i'm fairly disapointed with Google. I'm not waiting anything from them anymore.
Google please, be consistent and stop using linux.
worked fine on the mac book. the wifey cant install it two hundred fifty miles away on the Dell with Win xp. Maybe she needs to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
Whats up with all you linux whiners? Would you buy a diesel engine car and complain that gas wont run in it?
gtalk voice and movie now supported on pidgin for linux users
Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
How do you liquidate the movie and voice talk?
someone help me
i can see myself in movie talk but i only see the other persons picture and hear them
I know there might be some people with good will in the company, but please, Google, STOP BEING A LEECHER.
All your server farms run linux. You internally run linux. You plan to hit microsoft with chrome os.
Yet, linux support for end users is too limited.
At least don't be dumb enough to release chrome os (which is linux) without support for voice talk in gmail.
Very nice! I'm using movie talk with my friends now! In firefox its work greatly)
Grr, damn online installer. it downloads the real installer, then deletes it! Why not give us the friggin' REAL INSTALLER?
When searching for the word "linux" on this page, I can find eighty one entries of it as of November 29, 2009. Picasa using Wine, no SketchUp, Flash deep-throats on Linux, and yet Google still uses it, and not Theora.
Have you forgotten us, Google? We're still here. All 30,000,000 of us. We're waiting.
Every time i am attempting to use voice and movie talk in gmail i am being asked to install it and even after downloading and restarting the browsers if i log in again i'm being asked to download it. can u help me how to download them and use permanently
Can it works on linux os now?
I would never have predicted Google to leave linux users out in the rain.
+1 vote for Linux support;
+1 vote for the shift from flash to theora;
+100 votes for using open technology instead of rotting proprietary technology
Why does this voice and movie talk not work in linux ? Do I have to wait till two thousand eleven for Chrome OS to get this feature ?
Aww it's fantastic! What about unix system?
ok no plain installer , at least provide a workaround a detail of how to use something else with this. maybe configure ekiga to use with gtalk,
still nothing fresh regarding this topic.
I love all google apps & labs, but this is not available in Linux yet!! This is frustating!!
I go after the man that said:
"If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?"
Still waiting for the linux port . :-7
I would very very VERY much appreciate you good folks at google HQ to port the movie plugin for linux. After all you are going to soon release your on debian/linux based OS; of course I am refuring to Chrome OS. I can only hope near that time you will eventually give what has been asked for on this page for a very long time indeed. and let me just say I am willing to beta/alpha test this plugin for you. I am presently running the most up to date build of debian soon to be switching to ubuntu Ten.04.
Indeed gargles a linux version never game out. Running google chrome os right now and my webcam gets to sit idle since no software supports movie talk in chrome for linux. What happens when they release in 3-4 months and still no movie?
Two years now and still no news about Linux support, indeed pathetic!
Can I view an old movie talk that I had? Or can I only view the text?
i am using gmail movie talk in my laptop but the problem is that the other pepole cant hear my voice in this gmail account what should i do?
it is a wonderfull plugin i use it on linux . i wonder where i can find the sources or the way to interface with him
at lest ten time vioce and movie talk has been downloaded but this butt-plug in is still not availabe in the gmail.do not know what is wrong with this why google do not make it ordinary and usufull to all if google realy wants to provide better service to usears.
does anybody know the reaction to these questions re/ Gmail Talk?
1- if MY gmail Talk camera is ON, and the other person doesn't have their movie available to me, can they STILL SEE ME? i.e. am I automatically VISIBLE to anyone I talk with is I have a green CAMERA icon by my name? mj
Can you do it with Three people? I mean movie talk with three people?
I have downloded the voice/movie talk plugin for Gmail and it has worked for a few months, but then a few days ago I go on Gmail and my icon turns to the little green dot. I attempted dowbloding it again, didn't work. I uninstalled it and attempted downloading the plugin again, didn't work. I have attempted signing in then out of the talk, STILL "need to donwload it". And of course I attempted making a fresh profile and doing all those again, didn't work. I notice when I finish downloading the plugin, it goes to the screen where it says that the plugin needs to use "ActiveX control" and I have to click permit, but it won't let me click permit, it redirects to my Gmail profile instead. I don't know what to do now, if you can help fix this problem, it would very much be appreciated. Thanks if you can help. [email protected]
My friend can see ME but I cannot see him OR me when we talk. Cam somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I wish Google would eliminate the entire idea of being in the browser < login into gmail < open up Google Talk plugin to receive calls. I wish they would integrate into one Software! Put it all into Google Talk < Windows Client.
I attempted all possible means to download /install movie and voice talk but to no avail. what could stand as impediment to this obstruct of making it real?
Voice and Movie Talk in Gmail
Google Operating System
November 11, 2008
Instead of developing fresh versions of the Google Talk desktop application, Google determined to concentrate on its most popular communication channel and add the missing features. Too bad that you need to install yet another plug-in.
Fix your Caps lock.
I have Vista and Voice ass-plug in is not working.
nice, but when will it work under pidgin?
I don’t see the fresh feature either, so it’s most likely leisurely flipped out.
AFAIK Pidgin doesn’t support any kind of audio/movie conversation on any network.
The Google voice and movie plugin is a no-go for linux too.
This is not working me either.
Wonder if it works with iChat?
/me wonders when will these latest and greatest features be available for *nix operating systems..
This feature do not work. Doesn’t install.
No support for linux AGAIN? WTF!
It worked flawlessly for me by following the instructions on this blog. I’m running Firefox on Windows XP with LABs enabled.
"After restarting the browser, open Gmail, select a contact from the talk section and see if there's an option named "Movie & more". If you can't find this option, your friend didn't install the plug-in yet."
"Unluckily Gmail voice and movie talk is not available for PowerPC Macs."
Not working on Vista 32bit either. I checked in Chrome, FF Three, and IE 7
Worked fine for me on my Mac Book Pro and Firefox.
G. Why would it work for you but not ME? I'm using Firefox as my primary Browser and I have attempted and attempted, installing the Voice and Movie plugin, but cannot get it to work on Firefox, albeit it does work on Chrome. Using MacBook Pro also. HELP?
As usual, I am attempting to install from behind a firewall (workplace), and it doesn’t work. Anyone has any idea about direct plugin installer?
its enormously obnoxious how it does not support my powerPC mac. it has a built-in microphone, so why cant i just use it for voice talk? im always on gmail with my friends, but a lady i like just attempted to voice talk with me, but i wouldnt work! im not tech-savvy so dont make joy of me if the response is truly visible and makes me look stupid, but please explain if its just not possible or they just wont do it?
the next step is to rename gmail to something movie orientated: gvideo or gmedia π
Hello from PoznaΕ, Poland. The feature works excellent (Windows XP SP3 & FF Three.0). I attempted it yesterday with my friends from Houston and Sydney. Works much better than Skype!
four demerits for not supporting Linux. Open communications standards deserve open operating systems.
no powerPC. Why? Skype support it. Maybe they’re wizards?
http://mail.google.com/videochat gives me a four hundred four at the moment.
I still don’t understand, why did they use adobe flash?
It’s working with me.
Just tested again:
I hope they will release a Linux version soon.
Very first without Chrome for Linux, and now this.
I’m losing my faith to Google. ( breathe )
Works for me (Google Chrome, Vista Ultimate x64)
You should be more specific. Windows and INTEL Macs only. There’s no love for those of us still on older Macs.
Buy a fresh computer then.
Why does Google have to do everything for just you?
Annoyingly, it’s telling me on my Core Duo MacBook Pro that it doesn’t support the PowerPC architecture. I haven’t been able to turn up a direct download link, either. Tres vexing.
the movie works in Opera?
The plug-in works in Internet Explorer and any browser that supports NPAPI (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and many others).
My my, what a lot of angry people! It’s worked flawlessly for me in the UK on Windows Vista with Firefox, and the quality is far better than Skype. It’s very clever, and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I would truly like the client(s) to support this too.
this feature deepthroats. i have a computer with three g’s of mem. but it slows my computer down so much teh key bored is not working!
Haha all you people that hate Google , go and use your stuped Skype and even more stuped Yahoo messenger. Hellllooooo , it is two thousand nine coming ,no figure like software, it is plugin time:-)
Stuped? Who’s stupid now? Jack
There are tons of people who have older non-intel P.C.’s why on earth wouldn’t Google develop their movie plug-in so movie could run natively on both?
they shud make it for ppc macs..
and i wonder why they ditch linux everytime.
not working on my intel mac, wtf? i can see them, but they cna’t see me?
We’re waiting for linux version.
its working on mac with firefox Trio.
Google knows the market share for Windows and Intel. That’s why they very first release their products for those platforms.
now working with IE ,and opera.. it works only in chrome.
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? Who uses Google Talk but not GMail? The desktop app has always only ever been useful as a notifier to me. Is there something elementary (and better) that I don’t know about?
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? To bring Google Talk’s functionality to Gmail, iGoogle and other Google apps. Most Google Talk users talk from Gmail, so it makes sense to bring the extra features there.
I don’t get it. What does GT do that Gmail Talk doesn’t? ..except act as an O/S email notifier? (which i love. but as you said, talk from gmail. )
Google Talk, the software available at talk.google.com, has been abandoned. Google works on unifying Google Talk flavors for the web (Gmail Talk, Google Talk gadget) with the desktop app and the very first step of the integration was Google Talk Labs Edition.
WTF. why is it not available on linux?
Linux! Linux! Linux! Get your act together Google!
I am wondering why google company do not have have version for linux because google wants to present herself as open source.
I’am also waiting a Linux version
They dont use CHROME? π
its not working with windows vista home premium sp1
Let google put a face on your RLZ!
what about linux users like me.when i migrated from windows to linux,i truly missed gtalk,but linux was and is cool enough to keep me engrossed,no matter what.
google supports an OS that is too inferior to ubuntu,but no ray of hope for the linux users.
It does not work on XP. Where is the tab "Movie&More". I can see that. Total Scheisse.
Could not get it to work with vista home premium and ie7. Worked like a charm after i installed adobe flash player and used firefox instead.
This rocks! And it does not get any lighter than that.
Hello Google did you know you had a lot of frinds using linux.. You have given us Openness, Super email and calendar, Google-docs and more making it lighter to escape the Microsoft trap.
If you had to choose inbetween releasing a Google Talk plug-in that works in Win/Mac/Linux in January two thousand nine and releasing the plug-in for Win/(Intel) Mac in November 2008, what would you do?
so mr alex,do you mean to say that by january 2009,the feature will support linux too?btw,gtalk was released long ago,and its linux version isn’t available till date.
I would ofcourse care for my friends very first, and then the other once later.
No of course I see the dilemma – but what I am worried about is that it may be more political/tactical decision than technical. Meaning that we could be looking at another proprietary protocol and codex, that google would not like to open source.. this could be a bad sign.. hopefully I am wrong about it.
Why do I keep getting an "Error 404" when accessing the videochat site?? WTF is going on here.
Cool, but I have a Vista and it just doesn’t work. Thay say it’s XP or later, but I think thay must have or should make a talk system in google the you can use on Vista
Yeah it doesn’t install for me either on vista and chrome/ie/firefox. Or rather it says it installs but doesn’t emerge as an option when I go to initiate a talk.
my audio isnt working. i have no idea how to get it too work. there is no camera on this computer so i cant videochat but i should stil be able to voice talk
google doesn’t care about linux users anymore they have deep throated us off with chrome, and gmail syncing contraptions (were is the evolution setup utility? they make one for outlook.) Why not include us in anything at all?
I like Gmail movie talk. Now I don’t need to use MSN Messenger for it. And no lagging either when I tested it. Hope they won’t eliminate this excellent feature!
Is there a workaround to get this working on Linux?
Donnno..y it doest work for me.. π
Amazing how many people is waiting for a Linux version.
Google . are you LISTEN TO?
I would like to have a linux version – as I could then smack it on an eeepc and send it to my parents for movie conferencing so they can see their grand daughter. It would be a nice little solution for them that they can just open up to conference with us.
Google must encourage Linux in order to thwart microsoft attempts. Regards
Whether or not Google comes out with a gtalk plugin for Firefox on Linux, I am tired of witnessing the missing plugin warning from Firefox when I go to GMail. I just want to use my GMail in peace.
Honestly, I was indeed excited when gmail said they had movie and voice talking, so I went out and downloaded the file to my computer, and so did my bf. Funny thing about it was when we both attempted (Not at the same time) to begin the talk, it wouldn’t work. It would put mine (or his, whomever initiated the talk) in the corner, and is supposed to bring up the others picture, but it would only display our own. I’m getting fairly frustrated at this point, and so is my beau. Has anyone else come across this problem? Or is it just me?
Could anyone suggest me a solution
Im using Windows Vista.
When am initiating a movie talk i can see only his profile pic
same is the case with him
But when i checked the talk settings camera and microphone are detected correctly.
But still the problem persists.
Please suggest a soulution.
I don’t know whether this is the correct place to put a Query
Linux support would be much welcomed!
i keep attempting but i have a macbook and it tells me to exit all web browsers when i do that i click ok still it just flashes and comes back! what can i do please please please help me! if you know what to do please help email me at [email protected] thanks!
We are waiting for Linux support .
please make it work with my operating system: LINUX !
I have attempted it on Windows XP + Firefox. Albeit the settings page correctly detects the movie and sound , when I initiate the movie call with someone else, my picture shows up in the corner. But the person on the other side cannot hear my voice nor see the movie.
i indeed want to talk
GTALK GTALK GTALK – I don’t want to have my email window all the time.. it’s connection fails after being open for too long. I want an IM client on my desktop.. Why would they concentrate on updating a web plugin for gmail when people want IM software? I attempt to promote google, and I attempt to convert people to Gmail accounts. But no one wants to talk through email. People want to talk through a decent IM client. I would hope google would be intelligent enough to realize that..
So if this is flash-based, why is it CPU-specific?? YouTube, Google Movie, whatever . they all work on PowerPCs too!
It’s not Flash-based, it requires a custom-built plug-in that needs to be downloaded.
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, at least use the firefox user agent/build id provided by many distributions to identify the operating system and disable the googletalk functions in gmail for unsupported operating systems. In other words, Switch GMAIL SO IT STOPS NAGGING ME TO INSTALL A PLUGIN THAT DOESN’T EXIST.
not working it is a bit long run
Waiting for Linux version.
There are a duo of things that i would like to suggest.
Two. This idea of online installer is bad. There are cases, when it just doesn't work.
Trio. A common update background task is cool. But won't it be even cooler, if all the packages had individual modules which would check for updates for everyone. Say if someone has GDesktop, GChrome, Gtalk, Picasa. As soon as he runs Picasa, the update contraption
>> checks if any update has been done in past N hours
>> if no, then it just checks for all the packages installed
>> runs an update process that updates all Gsoftwares
march fourteen th nine cant get movie talk working period. can someone help
i’m discussed that google was on cnn last week using this feature how dear they
Linux support please ! . Pretty please ? .. Pretty please with pink icing and sprinkles and a bow ?
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, switch Gmail so it stops nagging me. I’m tired of permanently being nagged to install a plugin that DOESN’T EXIST.
if it use NPAPI why no linux plugin ? NPAPI is supported by linux browsers
what’s the relevant part that isn’t still ported ? maybe the codecs ?
I like linux, I like google – I’d like to attempt this one. Hope google brings out a version for us soon.
That’s very nice plugin. With the help of it, i can speak with my family.They live very far. But there is some problem in Firefox Trio.0.9 version. Don’t want to talk. I re-installed firefox and plugins,but it was effective. Anyway i like it !
Where is the linux version? Seems like we are waiting forever.
Someday maby. Linux will be supported too. Until then. skype!
Yes.. Skype is the best for linux. Already left behind google talk. And chrome too by the way..
So, are we going to get this working on Linux?
I cant download movie talk I dual click on it and it does nothing
i switched my mind about movie and voice talk. i don't want it anymore how do i get rid of it!! someone please help!!
If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?
What makes you say that Google is not developing a Linux version? Just because you don't see doesn't mean it's not there.
Linux support please. Ain't going to the crappy microsoft or expensive mac platform just for google movie talk.
this works on pc where you should be having admin priviliges..installer for voice setup failed.
Une version linux en two thousand nine ?
need version for ubuntu / linux too !!
i'm fairly disapointed with Google. I'm not waiting anything from them anymore.
Google please, be consistent and stop using linux.
worked fine on the mac book. the wifey cant install it two hundred fifty miles away on the Dell with Win xp. Maybe she needs to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
Whats up with all you linux whiners? Would you buy a diesel engine car and complain that gas wont run in it?
gtalk voice and movie now supported on pidgin for linux users
Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
How do you eliminate the movie and voice talk?
someone help me
i can see myself in movie talk but i only see the other persons picture and hear them
I know there might be some people with good will in the company, but please, Google, STOP BEING A LEECHER.
All your server farms run linux. You internally run linux. You plan to hit microsoft with chrome os.
Yet, linux support for end users is too limited.
At least don't be dumb enough to release chrome os (which is linux) without support for voice talk in gmail.
Very nice! I'm using movie talk with my friends now! In firefox its work greatly)
Grr, damn online installer. it downloads the real installer, then deletes it! Why not give us the friggin' REAL INSTALLER?
When searching for the word "linux" on this page, I can find eighty one entries of it as of November 29, 2009. Picasa using Wine, no SketchUp, Flash deep throats on Linux, and yet Google still uses it, and not Theora.
Have you forgotten us, Google? We're still here. All 30,000,000 of us. We're waiting.
Every time i am attempting to use voice and movie talk in gmail i am being asked to install it and even after downloading and restarting the browsers if i log in again i'm being asked to download it. can u help me how to download them and use permanently
Can it works on linux os now?
I would never have predicted Google to leave linux users out in the rain.
+1 vote for Linux support;
+1 vote for the shift from flash to theora;
+100 votes for using open technology instead of rotting proprietary technology
Why does this voice and movie talk not work in linux ? Do I have to wait till two thousand eleven for Chrome OS to get this feature ?
Aww it's fantastic! What about unix system?
ok no ordinary installer , at least provide a workaround a detail of how to use something else with this. maybe configure ekiga to use with gtalk,
still nothing fresh regarding this topic.
I love all google apps & labs, but this is not available in Linux yet!! This is frustating!!
I go after the man that said:
"If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?"
Still waiting for the linux port . :-7
I would very very VERY much appreciate you good folks at google HQ to port the movie plugin for linux. After all you are going to soon release your on debian/linux based OS; of course I am refuring to Chrome OS. I can only hope near that time you will eventually give what has been asked for on this page for a very long time indeed. and let me just say I am willing to beta/alpha test this plugin for you. I am presently running the most up to date build of debian soon to be switching to ubuntu Ten.04.
Indeed deep throats a linux version never game out. Running google chrome os right now and my webcam gets to sit idle since no software supports movie talk in chrome for linux. What happens when they release in 3-4 months and still no movie?
Two years now and still no news about Linux support, truly pathetic!
Can I view an old movie talk that I had? Or can I only view the text?
i am using gmail movie talk in my laptop but the problem is that the other pepole cant hear my voice in this gmail account what should i do?
it is a wonderfull plugin i use it on linux . i wonder where i can find the sources or the way to interface with him
at lest ten time vioce and movie talk has been downloaded but this buttplug in is still not availabe in the gmail.do not know what is wrong with this why google do not make it ordinary and usufull to all if google realy wants to provide better service to usears.
does anybody know the reaction to these questions re/ Gmail Talk?
1- if MY gmail Talk camera is ON, and the other person doesn't have their movie available to me, can they STILL SEE ME? i.e. am I automatically VISIBLE to anyone I talk with is I have a green CAMERA icon by my name? mj
Can you do it with Three people? I mean movie talk with three people?
I have downloded the voice/movie talk plugin for Gmail and it has worked for a few months, but then a few days ago I go on Gmail and my icon turns to the little green dot. I attempted dowbloding it again, didn't work. I uninstalled it and attempted downloading the plugin again, didn't work. I have attempted signing in then out of the talk, STILL "need to donwload it". And of course I attempted making a fresh profile and doing all those again, didn't work. I notice when I finish downloading the plugin, it goes to the screen where it says that the plugin needs to use "ActiveX control" and I have to click permit, but it won't let me click permit, it redirects to my Gmail profile instead. I don't know what to do now, if you can help fix this problem, it would very much be appreciated. Thanks if you can help. [email protected]
My friend can see ME but I cannot see him OR me when we talk. Cam somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I wish Google would eliminate the entire idea of being in the browser < login into gmail < open up Google Talk plugin to receive calls. I wish they would integrate into one Software! Put it all into Google Talk < Windows Client.
I attempted all possible means to download /install movie and voice talk but to no avail. what could stand as impediment to this obstruct of making it real?
Voice and Movie Talk in Gmail
Google Operating System
November 11, 2008
Instead of developing fresh versions of the Google Talk desktop application, Google determined to concentrate on its most popular communication channel and add the missing features. Too bad that you need to install yet another plug-in.
Fix your Caps lock.
I have Vista and Voice cork in is not working.
nice, but when will it work under pidgin?
I don’t see the fresh feature either, so it’s very likely leisurely spinned out.
AFAIK Pidgin doesn’t support any kind of audio/movie conversation on any network.
The Google voice and movie plugin is a no-go for linux too.
This is not working me either.
Wonder if it works with iChat?
/me wonders when will these latest and greatest features be available for *nix operating systems..
This feature do not work. Doesn’t install.
No support for linux AGAIN? WTF!
It worked flawlessly for me by following the instructions on this blog. I’m running Firefox on Windows XP with LABs enabled.
"After restarting the browser, open Gmail, select a contact from the talk section and see if there's an option named "Movie & more". If you can't find this option, your friend didn't install the plug-in yet."
"Unluckily Gmail voice and movie talk is not available for PowerPC Macs."
Not working on Vista 32bit either. I checked in Chrome, FF Trio, and IE 7
Worked fine for me on my Mac Book Pro and Firefox.
G. Why would it work for you but not ME? I'm using Firefox as my primary Browser and I have attempted and attempted, installing the Voice and Movie plugin, but cannot get it to work on Firefox, albeit it does work on Chrome. Using MacBook Pro also. HELP?
As usual, I am attempting to install from behind a firewall (workplace), and it doesn’t work. Anyone has any idea about direct plugin installer?
its enormously obnoxious how it does not support my powerPC mac. it has a built-in microphone, so why cant i just use it for voice talk? im always on gmail with my friends, but a chick i like just attempted to voice talk with me, but i wouldnt work! im not tech-savvy so dont make joy of me if the reaction is indeed demonstrable and makes me look stupid, but please explain if its just not possible or they just wont do it?
the next step is to rename gmail to something movie orientated: gvideo or gmedia π
Hello from PoznaΕ, Poland. The feature works good (Windows XP SP3 & FF Three.0). I attempted it yesterday with my friends from Houston and Sydney. Works much better than Skype!
four demerits for not supporting Linux. Open communications standards deserve open operating systems.
no powerPC. Why? Skype support it. Maybe they’re wizards?
http://mail.google.com/videochat gives me a four hundred four at the moment.
I still don’t understand, why did they use adobe flash?
It’s working with me.
Just tested again:
I hope they will release a Linux version soon.
Very first without Chrome for Linux, and now this.
I’m losing my faith to Google. ( breathe )
Works for me (Google Chrome, Vista Ultimate x64)
You should be more specific. Windows and INTEL Macs only. There’s no love for those of us still on older Macs.
Buy a fresh computer then.
Why does Google have to do everything for just you?
Annoyingly, it’s telling me on my Core Duo MacBook Pro that it doesn’t support the PowerPC architecture. I haven’t been able to turn up a direct download link, either. Tres vexing.
the movie works in Opera?
The plug-in works in Internet Explorer and any browser that supports NPAPI (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and many others).
My my, what a lot of angry people! It’s worked flawlessly for me in the UK on Windows Vista with Firefox, and the quality is far better than Skype. It’s very clever, and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I would truly like the client(s) to support this too.
this feature deep throats. i have a computer with three g’s of mem. but it slows my computer down so much teh key bored is not working!
Haha all you people that hate Google , go and use your stuped Skype and even more stuped Yahoo messenger. Hellllooooo , it is two thousand nine coming ,no assets like software, it is plugin time:-)
Stuped? Who’s stupid now? Jack
There are tons of people who have older non-intel P.C.’s why on earth wouldn’t Google develop their movie plug-in so movie could run natively on both?
they shud make it for ppc macs..
and i wonder why they ditch linux everytime.
not working on my intel mac, wtf? i can see them, but they cna’t see me?
We’re waiting for linux version.
its working on mac with firefox Three.
Google knows the market share for Windows and Intel. That’s why they very first release their products for those platforms.
now working with IE ,and opera.. it works only in chrome.
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? Who uses Google Talk but not GMail? The desktop app has always only ever been useful as a notifier to me. Is there something elementary (and better) that I don’t know about?
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? To bring Google Talk’s functionality to Gmail, iGoogle and other Google apps. Most Google Talk users talk from Gmail, so it makes sense to bring the extra features there.
I don’t get it. What does GT do that Gmail Talk doesn’t? ..except act as an O/S email notifier? (which i love. but as you said, talk from gmail. )
Google Talk, the software available at talk.google.com, has been abandoned. Google works on unifying Google Talk flavors for the web (Gmail Talk, Google Talk gadget) with the desktop app and the very first step of the integration was Google Talk Labs Edition.
WTF. why is it not available on linux?
Linux! Linux! Linux! Get your act together Google!
I am wondering why google company do not have have version for linux because google wants to present herself as open source.
I’am also waiting a Linux version
They dont use CHROME? π
its not working with windows vista home premium sp1
Let google put a face on your RLZ!
what about linux users like me.when i migrated from windows to linux,i truly missed gtalk,but linux was and is cool enough to keep me engrossed,no matter what.
google supports an OS that is too inferior to ubuntu,but no ray of hope for the linux users.
It does not work on XP. Where is the tab "Movie&More". I can see that. Total Scheisse.
Could not get it to work with vista home premium and ie7. Worked like a charm after i installed adobe flash player and used firefox instead.
This rocks! And it does not get any lighter than that.
Hello Google did you know you had a lot of frinds using linux.. You have given us Openness, Super email and calendar, Google-docs and more making it lighter to escape the Microsoft trap.
If you had to choose inbetween releasing a Google Talk plug-in that works in Win/Mac/Linux in January two thousand nine and releasing the plug-in for Win/(Intel) Mac in November 2008, what would you do?
so mr alex,do you mean to say that by january 2009,the feature will support linux too?btw,gtalk was released long ago,and its linux version isn’t available till date.
I would ofcourse care for my friends very first, and then the other once later.
No of course I see the dilemma – but what I am worried about is that it may be more political/tactical decision than technical. Meaning that we could be looking at another proprietary protocol and codex, that google would not like to open source.. this could be a bad sign.. hopefully I am wrong about it.
Why do I keep getting an "Error 404" when accessing the videochat site?? WTF is going on here.
Cool, but I have a Vista and it just doesn’t work. Thay say it’s XP or later, but I think thay must have or should make a talk system in google the you can use on Vista
Yeah it doesn’t install for me either on vista and chrome/ie/firefox. Or rather it says it installs but doesn’t emerge as an option when I go to initiate a talk.
my audio isnt working. i have no idea how to get it too work. there is no camera on this computer so i cant videochat but i should stil be able to voice talk
google doesn’t care about linux users anymore they have deep throated us off with chrome, and gmail syncing contraptions (were is the evolution setup utility? they make one for outlook.) Why not include us in anything at all?
I like Gmail movie talk. Now I don’t need to use MSN Messenger for it. And no lagging either when I tested it. Hope they won’t liquidate this good feature!
Is there a workaround to get this working on Linux?
Donnno..y it doest work for me.. π
Amazing how many people is waiting for a Linux version.
Google . are you LISTEN TO?
I would like to have a linux version – as I could then spank it on an eeepc and send it to my parents for movie conferencing so they can see their grand daughter. It would be a nice little solution for them that they can just open up to conference with us.
Google must encourage Linux in order to thwart microsoft attempts. Regards
Whether or not Google comes out with a gtalk plugin for Firefox on Linux, I am tired of eyeing the missing plugin warning from Firefox when I go to GMail. I just want to use my GMail in peace.
Honestly, I was truly excited when gmail said they had movie and voice talking, so I went out and downloaded the file to my computer, and so did my bf. Funny thing about it was when we both attempted (Not at the same time) to commence the talk, it wouldn’t work. It would put mine (or his, whomever initiated the talk) in the corner, and is supposed to bring up the others picture, but it would only display our own. I’m getting fairly frustrated at this point, and so is my beau. Has anyone else come across this problem? Or is it just me?
Could anyone suggest me a solution
Im using Windows Vista.
When am initiating a movie talk i can see only his profile pic
same is the case with him
But when i checked the talk settings camera and microphone are detected correctly.
But still the problem persists.
Please suggest a soulution.
I don’t know whether this is the correct place to put a Query
Linux support would be much welcomed!
i keep attempting but i have a macbook and it tells me to exit all web browsers when i do that i click ok still it just flashes and comes back! what can i do please please please help me! if you know what to do please help email me at [email protected] thanks!
We are waiting for Linux support .
please make it work with my operating system: LINUX !
I have attempted it on Windows XP + Firefox. Albeit the settings page correctly detects the movie and sound , when I initiate the movie call with someone else, my picture shows up in the corner. But the person on the other side cannot hear my voice nor see the movie.
i indeed want to talk
GTALK GTALK GTALK – I don’t want to have my email window all the time.. it’s connection fails after being open for too long. I want an IM client on my desktop.. Why would they concentrate on updating a web plugin for gmail when people want IM software? I attempt to promote google, and I attempt to convert people to Gmail accounts. But no one wants to talk through email. People want to talk through a decent IM client. I would hope google would be intelligent enough to realize that..
So if this is flash-based, why is it CPU-specific?? YouTube, Google Movie, whatever . they all work on PowerPCs too!
It’s not Flash-based, it requires a custom-built plug-in that needs to be downloaded.
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, at least use the firefox user agent/build id provided by many distributions to identify the operating system and disable the googletalk functions in gmail for unsupported operating systems. In other words, Switch GMAIL SO IT STOPS NAGGING ME TO INSTALL A PLUGIN THAT DOESN’T EXIST.
not working it is a bit long run
Waiting for Linux version.
There are a duo of things that i would like to suggest.
Two. This idea of online installer is bad. There are cases, when it just doesn't work.
Trio. A common update background task is cool. But won't it be even cooler, if all the packages had individual modules which would check for updates for everyone. Say if someone has GDesktop, GChrome, Gtalk, Picasa. As soon as he runs Picasa, the update implement
>> checks if any update has been done in past N hours
>> if no, then it just checks for all the packages installed
>> runs an update process that updates all Gsoftwares
march fourteen th nine cant get movie talk working period. can someone help
i’m discussed that google was on cnn last week using this feature how dear they
Linux support please ! . Pretty please ? .. Pretty please with pink icing and sprinkles and a bow ?
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, switch Gmail so it stops nagging me. I’m tired of permanently being nagged to install a plugin that DOESN’T EXIST.
if it use NPAPI why no linux plugin ? NPAPI is supported by linux browsers
what’s the relevant part that isn’t still ported ? maybe the codecs ?
I like linux, I like google – I’d like to attempt this one. Hope google brings out a version for us soon.
That’s very nice plugin. With the help of it, i can speak with my family.They live very far. But there is some problem in Firefox Three.0.9 version. Don’t want to talk. I re-installed firefox and plugins,but it was effective. Anyway i like it !
Where is the linux version? Seems like we are waiting forever.
Someday maby. Linux will be supported too. Until then. skype!
Yes.. Skype is the best for linux. Already left behind google talk. And chrome too by the way..
So, are we going to get this working on Linux?
I cant download movie talk I dual click on it and it does nothing
i switched my mind about movie and voice talk. i don't want it anymore how do i get rid of it!! someone please help!!
If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?
What makes you say that Google is not developing a Linux version? Just because you don't see doesn't mean it's not there.
Linux support please. Ain't going to the crappy microsoft or expensive mac platform just for google movie talk.
this works on pc where you should be having admin priviliges..installer for voice setup failed.
Une version linux en two thousand nine ?
need version for ubuntu / linux too !!
i'm fairly disapointed with Google. I'm not waiting anything from them anymore.
Google please, be consistent and stop using linux.
worked fine on the mac book. the wifey cant install it two hundred fifty miles away on the Dell with Win xp. Maybe she needs to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
Whats up with all you linux whiners? Would you buy a diesel engine car and complain that gas wont run in it?
gtalk voice and movie now supported on pidgin for linux users
Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
How do you eliminate the movie and voice talk?
someone help me
i can see myself in movie talk but i only see the other persons picture and hear them
I know there might be some people with good will in the company, but please, Google, STOP BEING A LEECHER.
All your server farms run linux. You internally run linux. You plan to hit microsoft with chrome os.
Yet, linux support for end users is too limited.
At least don't be dumb enough to release chrome os (which is linux) without support for voice talk in gmail.
Very nice! I'm using movie talk with my friends now! In firefox its work greatly)
Grr, damn online installer. it downloads the real installer, then deletes it! Why not give us the friggin' REAL INSTALLER?
When searching for the word "linux" on this page, I can find eighty one entries of it as of November 29, 2009. Picasa using Wine, no SketchUp, Flash deep-throats on Linux, and yet Google still uses it, and not Theora.
Have you forgotten us, Google? We're still here. All 30,000,000 of us. We're waiting.
Every time i am attempting to use voice and movie talk in gmail i am being asked to install it and even after downloading and restarting the browsers if i log in again i'm being asked to download it. can u help me how to download them and use permanently
Can it works on linux os now?
I would never have predicted Google to leave linux users out in the rain.
+1 vote for Linux support;
+1 vote for the shift from flash to theora;
+100 votes for using open technology instead of rotting proprietary technology
Why does this voice and movie talk not work in linux ? Do I have to wait till two thousand eleven for Chrome OS to get this feature ?
Aww it's fantastic! What about unix system?
ok no ordinary installer , at least provide a workaround a detail of how to use something else with this. maybe configure ekiga to use with gtalk,
still nothing fresh regarding this topic.
I love all google apps & labs, but this is not available in Linux yet!! This is frustating!!
I go after the boy that said:
"If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?"
Still waiting for the linux port . :-7
I would very very VERY much appreciate you good folks at google HQ to port the movie plugin for linux. After all you are going to soon release your on debian/linux based OS; of course I am refuring to Chrome OS. I can only hope near that time you will eventually give what has been asked for on this page for a very long time indeed. and let me just say I am willing to beta/alpha test this plugin for you. I am presently running the most up to date build of debian soon to be switching to ubuntu Ten.04.
Indeed deep throats a linux version never game out. Running google chrome os right now and my webcam gets to sit idle since no software supports movie talk in chrome for linux. What happens when they release in 3-4 months and still no movie?
Two years now and still no news about Linux support, truly pathetic!
Can I view an old movie talk that I had? Or can I only view the text?
i am using gmail movie talk in my laptop but the problem is that the other pepole cant hear my voice in this gmail account what should i do?
it is a wonderfull plugin i use it on linux . i wonder where i can find the sources or the way to interface with him
at lest ten time vioce and movie talk has been downloaded but this butt-plug in is still not availabe in the gmail.do not know what is wrong with this why google do not make it elementary and usufull to all if google realy wants to provide better service to usears.
does anybody know the response to these questions re/ Gmail Talk?
1- if MY gmail Talk camera is ON, and the other person doesn't have their movie available to me, can they STILL SEE ME? i.e. am I automatically VISIBLE to anyone I talk with is I have a green CAMERA icon by my name? mj
Can you do it with Three people? I mean movie talk with three people?
I have downloded the voice/movie talk plugin for Gmail and it has worked for a few months, but then a few days ago I go on Gmail and my icon turns to the little green dot. I attempted dowbloding it again, didn't work. I uninstalled it and attempted downloading the plugin again, didn't work. I have attempted signing in then out of the talk, STILL "need to donwload it". And of course I attempted making a fresh profile and doing all those again, didn't work. I notice when I finish downloading the plugin, it goes to the screen where it says that the plugin needs to use "ActiveX control" and I have to click permit, but it won't let me click permit, it redirects to my Gmail profile instead. I don't know what to do now, if you can help fix this problem, it would very much be appreciated. Thanks if you can help. [email protected]
My friend can see ME but I cannot see him OR me when we talk. Cam somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I wish Google would eliminate the entire idea of being in the browser < login into gmail < open up Google Talk plugin to receive calls. I wish they would integrate into one Software! Put it all into Google Talk < Windows Client.
I attempted all possible means to download /install movie and voice talk but to no avail. what could stand as impediment to this obstruct of making it real?
Voice and Movie Talk in Gmail
Google Operating System
November 11, 2008
Instead of developing fresh versions of the Google Talk desktop application, Google determined to concentrate on its most popular communication channel and add the missing features. Too bad that you need to install yet another plug-in.
Fix your Caps lock.
I have Vista and Voice buttplug in is not working.
nice, but when will it work under pidgin?
I don’t see the fresh feature either, so it’s most likely leisurely flipped out.
AFAIK Pidgin doesn’t support any kind of audio/movie conversation on any network.
The Google voice and movie plugin is a no-go for linux too.
This is not working me either.
Wonder if it works with iChat?
/me wonders when will these latest and greatest features be available for *nix operating systems..
This feature do not work. Doesn’t install.
No support for linux AGAIN? WTF!
It worked flawlessly for me by following the instructions on this blog. I’m running Firefox on Windows XP with LABs enabled.
"After restarting the browser, open Gmail, select a contact from the talk section and see if there's an option named "Movie & more". If you can't find this option, your friend didn't install the plug-in yet."
"Unluckily Gmail voice and movie talk is not available for PowerPC Macs."
Not working on Vista 32bit either. I checked in Chrome, FF Trio, and IE 7
Worked fine for me on my Mac Book Pro and Firefox.
G. Why would it work for you but not ME? I'm using Firefox as my primary Browser and I have attempted and attempted, installing the Voice and Movie plugin, but cannot get it to work on Firefox, albeit it does work on Chrome. Using MacBook Pro also. HELP?
As usual, I am attempting to install from behind a firewall (workplace), and it doesn’t work. Anyone has any idea about direct plugin installer?
its enormously obnoxious how it does not support my powerPC mac. it has a built-in microphone, so why cant i just use it for voice talk? im always on gmail with my friends, but a lady i like just attempted to voice talk with me, but i wouldnt work! im not tech-savvy so dont make joy of me if the reaction is truly evident and makes me look stupid, but please explain if its just not possible or they just wont do it?
the next step is to rename gmail to something movie orientated: gvideo or gmedia π
Hello from PoznaΕ, Poland. The feature works good (Windows XP SP3 & FF Three.0). I attempted it yesterday with my friends from Houston and Sydney. Works much better than Skype!
four demerits for not supporting Linux. Open communications standards deserve open operating systems.
no powerPC. Why? Skype support it. Maybe they’re wizards?
http://mail.google.com/videochat gives me a four hundred four at the moment.
I still don’t understand, why did they use adobe flash?
It’s working with me.
Just tested again:
I hope they will release a Linux version soon.
Very first without Chrome for Linux, and now this.
I’m losing my faith to Google. ( breathe )
Works for me (Google Chrome, Vista Ultimate x64)
You should be more specific. Windows and INTEL Macs only. There’s no love for those of us still on older Macs.
Buy a fresh computer then.
Why does Google have to do everything for just you?
Annoyingly, it’s telling me on my Core Duo MacBook Pro that it doesn’t support the PowerPC architecture. I haven’t been able to turn up a direct download link, either. Tres vexing.
the movie works in Opera?
The plug-in works in Internet Explorer and any browser that supports NPAPI (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and many others).
My my, what a lot of angry people! It’s worked flawlessly for me in the UK on Windows Vista with Firefox, and the quality is far better than Skype. It’s very brainy, and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I would indeed like the client(s) to support this too.
this feature deep throats. i have a computer with three g’s of mem. but it slows my computer down so much teh key bored is not working!
Haha all you people that hate Google , go and use your stuped Skype and even more stuped Yahoo messenger. Hellllooooo , it is two thousand nine coming ,no figure like software, it is plugin time:-)
Stuped? Who’s stupid now? Masturbate
There are tons of people who have older non-intel P.C.’s why on earth wouldn’t Google develop their movie plug-in so movie could run natively on both?
they shud make it for ppc macs..
and i wonder why they ditch linux everytime.
not working on my intel mac, wtf? i can see them, but they cna’t see me?
We’re waiting for linux version.
its working on mac with firefox Three.
Google knows the market share for Windows and Intel. That’s why they very first release their products for those platforms.
now working with IE ,and opera.. it works only in chrome.
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? Who uses Google Talk but not GMail? The desktop app has always only ever been useful as a notifier to me. Is there something plain (and better) that I don’t know about?
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? To bring Google Talk’s functionality to Gmail, iGoogle and other Google apps. Most Google Talk users talk from Gmail, so it makes sense to bring the extra features there.
I don’t get it. What does GT do that Gmail Talk doesn’t? ..except act as an O/S email notifier? (which i love. but as you said, talk from gmail. )
Google Talk, the software available at talk.google.com, has been abandoned. Google works on unifying Google Talk flavors for the web (Gmail Talk, Google Talk gadget) with the desktop app and the very first step of the integration was Google Talk Labs Edition.
WTF. why is it not available on linux?
Linux! Linux! Linux! Get your act together Google!
I am wondering why google company do not have have version for linux because google wants to present herself as open source.
I’am also waiting a Linux version
They dont use CHROME? π
its not working with windows vista home premium sp1
Let google put a face on your RLZ!
what about linux users like me.when i migrated from windows to linux,i indeed missed gtalk,but linux was and is cool enough to keep me engrossed,no matter what.
google supports an OS that is too inferior to ubuntu,but no ray of hope for the linux users.
It does not work on XP. Where is the tab "Movie&More". I can see that. Total Scheisse.
Could not get it to work with vista home premium and ie7. Worked like a charm after i installed adobe flash player and used firefox instead.
This rocks! And it does not get any lighter than that.
Hello Google did you know you had a lot of frinds using linux.. You have given us Openness, Super email and calendar, Google-docs and more making it lighter to escape the Microsoft trap.
If you had to choose inbetween releasing a Google Talk plug-in that works in Win/Mac/Linux in January two thousand nine and releasing the plug-in for Win/(Intel) Mac in November 2008, what would you do?
so mr alex,do you mean to say that by january 2009,the feature will support linux too?btw,gtalk was released long ago,and its linux version isn’t available till date.
I would ofcourse care for my friends very first, and then the other once later.
No of course I see the dilemma – but what I am worried about is that it may be more political/tactical decision than technical. Meaning that we could be looking at another proprietary protocol and codex, that google would not like to open source.. this could be a bad sign.. hopefully I am wrong about it.
Why do I keep getting an "Error 404" when accessing the videochat site?? WTF is going on here.
Cool, but I have a Vista and it just doesn’t work. Thay say it’s XP or later, but I think thay must have or should make a talk system in google the you can use on Vista
Yeah it doesn’t install for me either on vista and chrome/ie/firefox. Or rather it says it installs but doesn’t emerge as an option when I go to initiate a talk.
my audio isnt working. i have no idea how to get it too work. there is no camera on this computer so i cant videochat but i should stil be able to voice talk
google doesn’t care about linux users anymore they have gargled us off with chrome, and gmail syncing devices (were is the evolution setup utility? they make one for outlook.) Why not include us in anything at all?
I like Gmail movie talk. Now I don’t need to use MSN Messenger for it. And no lagging either when I tested it. Hope they won’t eliminate this superb feature!
Is there a workaround to get this working on Linux?
Donnno..y it doest work for me.. π
Amazing how many people is waiting for a Linux version.
Google . are you LISTEN TO?
I would like to have a linux version – as I could then smack it on an eeepc and send it to my parents for movie conferencing so they can see their grand daughter. It would be a nice little solution for them that they can just open up to conference with us.
Google must encourage Linux in order to thwart microsoft attempts. Regards
Whether or not Google comes out with a gtalk plugin for Firefox on Linux, I am tired of witnessing the missing plugin warning from Firefox when I go to GMail. I just want to use my GMail in peace.
Honestly, I was truly excited when gmail said they had movie and voice talking, so I went out and downloaded the file to my computer, and so did my bf. Funny thing about it was when we both attempted (Not at the same time) to begin the talk, it wouldn’t work. It would put mine (or his, whomever initiated the talk) in the corner, and is supposed to bring up the others picture, but it would only showcase our own. I’m getting fairly frustrated at this point, and so is my beau. Has anyone else come across this problem? Or is it just me?
Could anyone suggest me a solution
Im using Windows Vista.
When am initiating a movie talk i can see only his profile pic
same is the case with him
But when i checked the talk settings camera and microphone are detected correctly.
But still the problem persists.
Please suggest a soulution.
I don’t know whether this is the correct place to put a Query
Linux support would be much welcomed!
i keep attempting but i have a macbook and it tells me to exit all web browsers when i do that i click ok still it just flashes and comes back! what can i do please please please help me! if you know what to do please help email me at [email protected] thanks!
We are waiting for Linux support .
please make it work with my operating system: LINUX !
I have attempted it on Windows XP + Firefox. Albeit the settings page correctly detects the movie and sound , when I initiate the movie call with someone else, my picture emerges in the corner. But the person on the other side cannot hear my voice nor see the movie.
i indeed want to talk
GTALK GTALK GTALK – I don’t want to have my email window all the time.. it’s connection fails after being open for too long. I want an IM client on my desktop.. Why would they concentrate on updating a web plugin for gmail when people want IM software? I attempt to promote google, and I attempt to convert people to Gmail accounts. But no one wants to talk through email. People want to talk through a decent IM client. I would hope google would be intelligent enough to realize that..
So if this is flash-based, why is it CPU-specific?? YouTube, Google Movie, whatever . they all work on PowerPCs too!
It’s not Flash-based, it requires a custom-built plug-in that needs to be downloaded.
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, at least use the firefox user agent/build id provided by many distributions to identify the operating system and disable the googletalk functions in gmail for unsupported operating systems. In other words, Switch GMAIL SO IT STOPS NAGGING ME TO INSTALL A PLUGIN THAT DOESN’T EXIST.
not working it is a bit long run
Waiting for Linux version.
There are a duo of things that i would like to suggest.
Two. This idea of online installer is bad. There are cases, when it just doesn't work.
Trio. A common update background task is cool. But won't it be even cooler, if all the packages had individual modules which would check for updates for everyone. Say if someone has GDesktop, GChrome, Gtalk, Picasa. As soon as he runs Picasa, the update contraption
>> checks if any update has been done in past N hours
>> if no, then it just checks for all the packages installed
>> runs an update process that updates all Gsoftwares
march fourteen th nine cant get movie talk working period. can someone help
i’m discussed that google was on cnn last week using this feature how dear they
Linux support please ! . Pretty please ? .. Pretty please with pink icing and sprinkles and a bow ?
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, switch Gmail so it stops nagging me. I’m tired of permanently being nagged to install a plugin that DOESN’T EXIST.
if it use NPAPI why no linux plugin ? NPAPI is supported by linux browsers
what’s the relevant part that isn’t still ported ? maybe the codecs ?
I like linux, I like google – I’d like to attempt this one. Hope google brings out a version for us soon.
That’s very nice plugin. With the help of it, i can speak with my family.They live very far. But there is some problem in Firefox Trio.0.9 version. Don’t want to talk. I re-installed firefox and plugins,but it was effective. Anyway i like it !
Where is the linux version? Seems like we are waiting forever.
Someday maby. Linux will be supported too. Until then. skype!
Yes.. Skype is the best for linux. Already left behind google talk. And chrome too by the way..
So, are we going to get this working on Linux?
I cant download movie talk I dual click on it and it does nothing
i switched my mind about movie and voice talk. i don't want it anymore how do i get rid of it!! someone please help!!
If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?
What makes you say that Google is not developing a Linux version? Just because you don't see doesn't mean it's not there.
Linux support please. Ain't going to the crappy microsoft or expensive mac platform just for google movie talk.
this works on pc where you should be having admin priviliges..installer for voice setup failed.
Une version linux en two thousand nine ?
need version for ubuntu / linux too !!
i'm fairly disapointed with Google. I'm not waiting anything from them anymore.
Google please, be consistent and stop using linux.
worked fine on the mac book. the wifey cant install it two hundred fifty miles away on the Dell with Win xp. Maybe she needs to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
Whats up with all you linux whiners? Would you buy a diesel engine car and complain that gas wont run in it?
gtalk voice and movie now supported on pidgin for linux users
Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
How do you liquidate the movie and voice talk?
someone help me
i can see myself in movie talk but i only see the other persons picture and hear them
I know there might be some people with good will in the company, but please, Google, STOP BEING A LEECHER.
All your server farms run linux. You internally run linux. You plan to hit microsoft with chrome os.
Yet, linux support for end users is too limited.
At least don't be dumb enough to release chrome os (which is linux) without support for voice talk in gmail.
Very nice! I'm using movie talk with my friends now! In firefox its work greatly)
Grr, damn online installer. it downloads the real installer, then deletes it! Why not give us the friggin' REAL INSTALLER?
When searching for the word "linux" on this page, I can find eighty one entries of it as of November 29, 2009. Picasa using Wine, no SketchUp, Flash deep throats on Linux, and yet Google still uses it, and not Theora.
Have you forgotten us, Google? We're still here. All 30,000,000 of us. We're waiting.
Every time i am attempting to use voice and movie talk in gmail i am being asked to install it and even after downloading and restarting the browsers if i log in again i'm being asked to download it. can u help me how to download them and use permanently
Can it works on linux os now?
I would never have predicted Google to leave linux users out in the rain.
+1 vote for Linux support;
+1 vote for the shift from flash to theora;
+100 votes for using open technology instead of rotting proprietary technology
Why does this voice and movie talk not work in linux ? Do I have to wait till two thousand eleven for Chrome OS to get this feature ?
Aww it's fantastic! What about unix system?
ok no elementary installer , at least provide a workaround a detail of how to use something else with this. maybe configure ekiga to use with gtalk,
still nothing fresh regarding this topic.
I love all google apps & labs, but this is not available in Linux yet!! This is frustating!!
I go after the man that said:
"If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?"
Still waiting for the linux port . :-7
I would very very VERY much appreciate you good folks at google HQ to port the movie plugin for linux. After all you are going to soon release your on debian/linux based OS; of course I am refuring to Chrome OS. I can only hope near that time you will ultimately give what has been asked for on this page for a very long time indeed. and let me just say I am willing to beta/alpha test this plugin for you. I am presently running the most up to date build of debian soon to be switching to ubuntu Ten.04.
Indeed deep-throats a linux version never game out. Running google chrome os right now and my webcam gets to sit idle since no software supports movie talk in chrome for linux. What happens when they release in 3-4 months and still no movie?
Two years now and still no news about Linux support, indeed pathetic!
Can I view an old movie talk that I had? Or can I only view the text?
i am using gmail movie talk in my laptop but the problem is that the other pepole cant hear my voice in this gmail account what should i do?
it is a wonderfull plugin i use it on linux . i wonder where i can find the sources or the way to interface with him
at lest ten time vioce and movie talk has been downloaded but this butt-plug in is still not availabe in the gmail.do not know what is wrong with this why google do not make it ordinary and usufull to all if google realy wants to provide better service to usears.
does anybody know the reaction to these questions re/ Gmail Talk?
1- if MY gmail Talk camera is ON, and the other person doesn't have their movie available to me, can they STILL SEE ME? i.e. am I automatically VISIBLE to anyone I talk with is I have a green CAMERA icon by my name? mj
Can you do it with Three people? I mean movie talk with three people?
I have downloded the voice/movie talk plugin for Gmail and it has worked for a few months, but then a few days ago I go on Gmail and my icon turns to the little green dot. I attempted dowbloding it again, didn't work. I uninstalled it and attempted downloading the plugin again, didn't work. I have attempted signing in then out of the talk, STILL "need to donwload it". And of course I attempted making a fresh profile and doing all those again, didn't work. I notice when I finish downloading the plugin, it goes to the screen where it says that the plugin needs to use "ActiveX control" and I have to click permit, but it won't let me click permit, it redirects to my Gmail profile instead. I don't know what to do now, if you can help fix this problem, it would very much be appreciated. Thanks if you can help. [email protected]
My friend can see ME but I cannot see him OR me when we talk. Cam somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I wish Google would eliminate the entire idea of being in the browser < login into gmail < open up Google Talk plugin to receive calls. I wish they would integrate into one Software! Put it all into Google Talk < Windows Client.
I attempted all possible means to download /install movie and voice talk but to no avail. what could stand as impediment to this obstruct of making it real?
Voice and Movie Talk in Gmail
Google Operating System
November 11, 2008
Instead of developing fresh versions of the Google Talk desktop application, Google determined to concentrate on its most popular communication channel and add the missing features. Too bad that you need to install yet another plug-in.
Fix your Caps lock.
I have Vista and Voice buttplug in is not working.
nice, but when will it work under pidgin?
I don’t see the fresh feature either, so it’s very likely leisurely flipped out.
AFAIK Pidgin doesn’t support any kind of audio/movie conversation on any network.
The Google voice and movie plugin is a no-go for linux too.
This is not working me either.
Wonder if it works with iChat?
/me wonders when will these latest and greatest features be available for *nix operating systems..
This feature do not work. Doesn’t install.
No support for linux AGAIN? WTF!
It worked flawlessly for me by following the instructions on this blog. I’m running Firefox on Windows XP with LABs enabled.
"After restarting the browser, open Gmail, select a contact from the talk section and see if there's an option named "Movie & more". If you can't find this option, your friend didn't install the plug-in yet."
"Unluckily Gmail voice and movie talk is not available for PowerPC Macs."
Not working on Vista 32bit either. I checked in Chrome, FF Trio, and IE 7
Worked fine for me on my Mac Book Pro and Firefox.
G. Why would it work for you but not ME? I'm using Firefox as my primary Browser and I have attempted and attempted, installing the Voice and Movie plugin, but cannot get it to work on Firefox, albeit it does work on Chrome. Using MacBook Pro also. HELP?
As usual, I am attempting to install from behind a firewall (workplace), and it doesn’t work. Anyone has any idea about direct plugin installer?
its enormously obnoxious how it does not support my powerPC mac. it has a built-in microphone, so why cant i just use it for voice talk? im always on gmail with my friends, but a damsel i like just attempted to voice talk with me, but i wouldnt work! im not tech-savvy so dont make joy of me if the reaction is indeed visible and makes me look stupid, but please explain if its just not possible or they just wont do it?
the next step is to rename gmail to something movie orientated: gvideo or gmedia π
Hello from PoznaΕ, Poland. The feature works superb (Windows XP SP3 & FF Trio.0). I attempted it yesterday with my friends from Houston and Sydney. Works much better than Skype!
four demerits for not supporting Linux. Open communications standards deserve open operating systems.
no powerPC. Why? Skype support it. Maybe they’re wizards?
http://mail.google.com/videochat gives me a four hundred four at the moment.
I still don’t understand, why did they use adobe flash?
It’s working with me.
Just tested again:
I hope they will release a Linux version soon.
Very first without Chrome for Linux, and now this.
I’m losing my faith to Google. ( breathe )
Works for me (Google Chrome, Vista Ultimate x64)
You should be more specific. Windows and INTEL Macs only. There’s no love for those of us still on older Macs.
Buy a fresh computer then.
Why does Google have to do everything for just you?
Annoyingly, it’s telling me on my Core Duo MacBook Pro that it doesn’t support the PowerPC architecture. I haven’t been able to turn up a direct download link, either. Tres vexing.
the movie works in Opera?
The plug-in works in Internet Explorer and any browser that supports NPAPI (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and many others).
My my, what a lot of angry people! It’s worked flawlessly for me in the UK on Windows Vista with Firefox, and the quality is far better than Skype. It’s very brainy, and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I would indeed like the client(s) to support this too.
this feature deepthroats. i have a computer with three g’s of mem. but it slows my computer down so much teh key bored is not working!
Haha all you people that hate Google , go and use your stuped Skype and even more stuped Yahoo messenger. Hellllooooo , it is two thousand nine coming ,no figure like software, it is plugin time:-)
Stuped? Who’s stupid now? Jack
There are tons of people who have older non-intel P.C.’s why on earth wouldn’t Google develop their movie plug-in so movie could run natively on both?
they shud make it for ppc macs..
and i wonder why they ditch linux everytime.
not working on my intel mac, wtf? i can see them, but they cna’t see me?
We’re waiting for linux version.
its working on mac with firefox Three.
Google knows the market share for Windows and Intel. That’s why they very first release their products for those platforms.
now working with IE ,and opera.. it works only in chrome.
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? Who uses Google Talk but not GMail? The desktop app has always only ever been useful as a notifier to me. Is there something plain (and better) that I don’t know about?
What’s the point of the Google Talk plugin? To bring Google Talk’s functionality to Gmail, iGoogle and other Google apps. Most Google Talk users talk from Gmail, so it makes sense to bring the extra features there.
I don’t get it. What does GT do that Gmail Talk doesn’t? ..except act as an O/S email notifier? (which i love. but as you said, talk from gmail. )
Google Talk, the software available at talk.google.com, has been abandoned. Google works on unifying Google Talk flavors for the web (Gmail Talk, Google Talk gadget) with the desktop app and the very first step of the integration was Google Talk Labs Edition.
WTF. why is it not available on linux?
Linux! Linux! Linux! Get your act together Google!
I am wondering why google company do not have have version for linux because google wants to present herself as open source.
I’am also waiting a Linux version
They dont use CHROME? π
its not working with windows vista home premium sp1
Let google put a face on your RLZ!
what about linux users like me.when i migrated from windows to linux,i indeed missed gtalk,but linux was and is cool enough to keep me engrossed,no matter what.
google supports an OS that is too inferior to ubuntu,but no ray of hope for the linux users.
It does not work on XP. Where is the tab "Movie&More". I can see that. Total Scheisse.
Could not get it to work with vista home premium and ie7. Worked like a charm after i installed adobe flash player and used firefox instead.
This rocks! And it does not get any lighter than that.
Hello Google did you know you had a lot of frinds using linux.. You have given us Openness, Super email and calendar, Google-docs and more making it lighter to escape the Microsoft trap.
If you had to choose inbetween releasing a Google Talk plug-in that works in Win/Mac/Linux in January two thousand nine and releasing the plug-in for Win/(Intel) Mac in November 2008, what would you do?
so mr alex,do you mean to say that by january 2009,the feature will support linux too?btw,gtalk was released long ago,and its linux version isn’t available till date.
I would ofcourse care for my friends very first, and then the other once later.
No of course I see the dilemma – but what I am worried about is that it may be more political/tactical decision than technical. Meaning that we could be looking at another proprietary protocol and codex, that google would not like to open source.. this could be a bad sign.. hopefully I am wrong about it.
Why do I keep getting an "Error 404" when accessing the videochat site?? WTF is going on here.
Cool, but I have a Vista and it just doesn’t work. Thay say it’s XP or later, but I think thay must have or should make a talk system in google the you can use on Vista
Yeah it doesn’t install for me either on vista and chrome/ie/firefox. Or rather it says it installs but doesn’t emerge as an option when I go to initiate a talk.
my audio isnt working. i have no idea how to get it too work. there is no camera on this computer so i cant videochat but i should stil be able to voice talk
google doesn’t care about linux users anymore they have sucked us off with chrome, and gmail syncing devices (were is the evolution setup utility? they make one for outlook.) Why not include us in anything at all?
I like Gmail movie talk. Now I don’t need to use MSN Messenger for it. And no lagging either when I tested it. Hope they won’t eliminate this superb feature!
Is there a workaround to get this working on Linux?
Donnno..y it doest work for me.. π
Amazing how many people is waiting for a Linux version.
Google . are you LISTEN TO?
I would like to have a linux version – as I could then spank it on an eeepc and send it to my parents for movie conferencing so they can see their grand daughter. It would be a nice little solution for them that they can just open up to conference with us.
Google must encourage Linux in order to thwart microsoft attempts. Regards
Whether or not Google comes out with a gtalk plugin for Firefox on Linux, I am tired of witnessing the missing plugin warning from Firefox when I go to GMail. I just want to use my GMail in peace.
Honestly, I was truly excited when gmail said they had movie and voice talking, so I went out and downloaded the file to my computer, and so did my bf. Funny thing about it was when we both attempted (Not at the same time) to embark the talk, it wouldn’t work. It would put mine (or his, whomever initiated the talk) in the corner, and is supposed to bring up the others picture, but it would only showcase our own. I’m getting fairly frustrated at this point, and so is my beau. Has anyone else come across this problem? Or is it just me?
Could anyone suggest me a solution
Im using Windows Vista.
When am initiating a movie talk i can see only his profile pic
same is the case with him
But when i checked the talk settings camera and microphone are detected correctly.
But still the problem persists.
Please suggest a soulution.
I don’t know whether this is the correct place to put a Query
Linux support would be much welcomed!
i keep attempting but i have a macbook and it tells me to exit all web browsers when i do that i click ok still it just flashes and comes back! what can i do please please please help me! if you know what to do please help email me at [email protected] thanks!
We are waiting for Linux support .
please make it work with my operating system: LINUX !
I have attempted it on Windows XP + Firefox. Albeit the settings page correctly detects the movie and sound , when I initiate the movie call with someone else, my picture emerges in the corner. But the person on the other side cannot hear my voice nor see the movie.
i truly want to talk
GTALK GTALK GTALK – I don’t want to have my email window all the time.. it’s connection fails after being open for too long. I want an IM client on my desktop.. Why would they concentrate on updating a web plugin for gmail when people want IM software? I attempt to promote google, and I attempt to convert people to Gmail accounts. But no one wants to talk through email. People want to talk through a decent IM client. I would hope google would be intelligent enough to realize that..
So if this is flash-based, why is it CPU-specific?? YouTube, Google Movie, whatever . they all work on PowerPCs too!
It’s not Flash-based, it requires a custom-made plug-in that needs to be downloaded.
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, at least use the firefox user agent/build id provided by many distributions to identify the operating system and disable the googletalk functions in gmail for unsupported operating systems. In other words, Switch GMAIL SO IT STOPS NAGGING ME TO INSTALL A PLUGIN THAT DOESN’T EXIST.
not working it is a bit long run
Waiting for Linux version.
There are a duo of things that i would like to suggest.
Two. This idea of online installer is bad. There are cases, when it just doesn't work.
Trio. A common update background task is cool. But won't it be even cooler, if all the packages had individual modules which would check for updates for everyone. Say if someone has GDesktop, GChrome, Gtalk, Picasa. As soon as he runs Picasa, the update contraption
>> checks if any update has been done in past N hours
>> if no, then it just checks for all the packages installed
>> runs an update process that updates all Gsoftwares
march fourteen th nine cant get movie talk working period. can someone help
i’m discussed that google was on cnn last week using this feature how dear they
Linux support please ! . Pretty please ? .. Pretty please with pink icing and sprinkles and a bow ?
If you can’t provide the plugin for firefox for linux, switch Gmail so it stops nagging me. I’m tired of permanently being nagged to install a plugin that DOESN’T EXIST.
if it use NPAPI why no linux plugin ? NPAPI is supported by linux browsers
what’s the relevant part that isn’t still ported ? maybe the codecs ?
I like linux, I like google – I’d like to attempt this one. Hope google brings out a version for us soon.
That’s very nice plugin. With the help of it, i can speak with my family.They live very far. But there is some problem in Firefox Three.0.9 version. Don’t want to talk. I re-installed firefox and plugins,but it was effective. Anyway i like it !
Where is the linux version? Seems like we are waiting forever.
Someday maby. Linux will be supported too. Until then. skype!
Yes.. Skype is the best for linux. Already left behind google talk. And chrome too by the way..
So, are we going to get this working on Linux?
I cant download movie talk I dual click on it and it does nothing
i switched my mind about movie and voice talk. i don't want it anymore how do i get rid of it!! someone please help!!
If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?
What makes you say that Google is not developing a Linux version? Just because you don't see doesn't mean it's not there.
Linux support please. Ain't going to the crappy microsoft or expensive mac platform just for google movie talk.
this works on pc where you should be having admin priviliges..installer for voice setup failed.
Une version linux en two thousand nine ?
need version for ubuntu / linux too !!
i'm fairly disapointed with Google. I'm not waiting anything from them anymore.
Google please, be consistent and stop using linux.
worked fine on the mac book. the wifey cant install it two hundred fifty miles away on the Dell with Win xp. Maybe she needs to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
Whats up with all you linux whiners? Would you buy a diesel engine car and complain that gas wont run in it?
gtalk voice and movie now supported on pidgin for linux users
Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
How do you liquidate the movie and voice talk?
someone help me
i can see myself in movie talk but i only see the other persons picture and hear them
I know there might be some people with good will in the company, but please, Google, STOP BEING A LEECHER.
All your server farms run linux. You internally run linux. You plan to hit microsoft with chrome os.
Yet, linux support for end users is too limited.
At least don't be dumb enough to release chrome os (which is linux) without support for voice talk in gmail.
Very nice! I'm using movie talk with my friends now! In firefox its work greatly)
Grr, damn online installer. it downloads the real installer, then deletes it! Why not give us the friggin' REAL INSTALLER?
When searching for the word "linux" on this page, I can find eighty one entries of it as of November 29, 2009. Picasa using Wine, no SketchUp, Flash deepthroats on Linux, and yet Google still uses it, and not Theora.
Have you forgotten us, Google? We're still here. All 30,000,000 of us. We're waiting.
Every time i am attempting to use voice and movie talk in gmail i am being asked to install it and even after downloading and restarting the browsers if i log in again i'm being asked to download it. can u help me how to download them and use permanently
Can it works on linux os now?
I would never have predicted Google to leave linux users out in the rain.
+1 vote for Linux support;
+1 vote for the shift from flash to theora;
+100 votes for using open technology instead of rotting proprietary technology
Why does this voice and movie talk not work in linux ? Do I have to wait till two thousand eleven for Chrome OS to get this feature ?
Aww it's fantastic! What about unix system?
ok no elementary installer , at least provide a workaround a detail of how to use something else with this. maybe configure ekiga to use with gtalk,
still nothing fresh regarding this topic.
I love all google apps & labs, but this is not available in Linux yet!! This is frustating!!
I go after the fellow that said:
"If you're not developing a version for Linux, could you maybe at least think about releasing an API so the Linux dev community can get to work on it?"
Still waiting for the linux port . :-7
I would very very VERY much appreciate you good folks at google HQ to port the movie plugin for linux. After all you are going to soon release your on debian/linux based OS; of course I am refuring to Chrome OS. I can only hope near that time you will eventually give what has been asked for on this page for a very long time indeed. and let me just say I am willing to beta/alpha test this plugin for you. I am presently running the most up to date build of debian soon to be switching to ubuntu Ten.04.
Indeed deep throats a linux version never game out. Running google chrome os right now and my webcam gets to sit idle since no software supports movie talk in chrome for linux. What happens when they release in 3-4 months and still no movie?
Two years now and still no news about Linux support, truly pathetic!
Can I view an old movie talk that I had? Or can I only view the text?
i am using gmail movie talk in my laptop but the problem is that the other pepole cant hear my voice in this gmail account what should i do?
it is a wonderfull plugin i use it on linux . i wonder where i can find the sources or the way to interface with him
at lest ten time vioce and movie talk has been downloaded but this ass-plug in is still not availabe in the gmail.do not know what is wrong with this why google do not make it ordinary and usufull to all if google realy wants to provide better service to usears.
does anybody know the reaction to these questions re/ Gmail Talk?
1- if MY gmail Talk camera is ON, and the other person doesn't have their movie available to me, can they STILL SEE ME? i.e. am I automatically VISIBLE to anyone I talk with is I have a green CAMERA icon by my name? mj
Can you do it with Three people? I mean movie talk with three people?
I have downloded the voice/movie talk plugin for Gmail and it has worked for a few months, but then a few days ago I go on Gmail and my icon turns to the little green dot. I attempted dowbloding it again, didn't work. I uninstalled it and attempted downloading the plugin again, didn't work. I have attempted signing in then out of the talk, STILL "need to donwload it". And of course I attempted making a fresh profile and doing all those again, didn't work. I notice when I finish downloading the plugin, it goes to the screen where it says that the plugin needs to use "ActiveX control" and I have to click permit, but it won't let me click permit, it redirects to my Gmail profile instead. I don't know what to do now, if you can help fix this problem, it would very much be appreciated. Thanks if you can help. [email protected]
My friend can see ME but I cannot see him OR me when we talk. Cam somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I wish Google would eliminate the entire idea of being in the browser < login into gmail < open up Google Talk plugin to receive calls. I wish they would integrate into one Software! Put it all into Google Talk < Windows Client.
I attempted all possible means to download /install movie and voice talk but to no avail. what could stand as impediment to this obstruct of making it real?