Learning Management System Modules – eFront LMS

Effective. Powerful. Fully functional. Open-Source
Modules permits you to extend the basic system functionality in a virtually unlimited number of ways. Below you can find an official list of modules that you can install to your eFront installation. For more info on how to install, activate or build a module please check our wiki here
Idle users module (v1.Two)
A module to display idle users, per branch
Bounty/AIKEN module (v1.Four)
This module permits you to import test questions to your lessons using the Bounty or AIKEN format.
This is a module, that permits administrator to translate language files within interface
Demo module
This is a demonstration module, that contains a sample implementation of all the functions available in a module
Empty module
This is a module that literally does nothing, but can be used as a prototype for creating fresh modules
Collective files
This module permits professor to share entire folders extending the ‘collective files’ feature of eFront
Security module
This module runs a number of self-checks to ensure that your installation’s settings are secure. In addition, it connects with the efront security blog, http://security.efrontlearning.com and lists the most latest security-related news and warnings.
Talk (v1.1)
An always available facebook-like talk affixed on the lower part of your screen. It automatically shows related users based on a elementary commonality algorithm. You can embark one-to-one discussions or come in collective lesson rooms.
Updated on 26/Ten/2011 with appearance issues about transparency immobilized
BigBlueButton (v1.Three)
This module provides integration of BigBlueButton conferencing in eFront. BigBlueButton is a free web-conferencing device with text talk, audio and movie capabilites, a virtual whiteboard and many more presentation and conferencing features. Updated on 1/7/2013.
Crossword (v1.Trio)
Create Crossword Puzzles from Empty Space Questions For more info check here.
Updated on 01/12/2011 for non-English characters (utf-8) compatibility
Workbook (v1.Two)
Through Workbook module professors are attempting to get students to pay attention to certain lesson items For more info check here.
Journal (v1.0)
The Journal module is a private diary suggested to the users of the platform. It permits users to write down their notes, observations , thoughts that may come up as they probe their online learning material. It helps the users enhance their learning by writing their learning practices, and the significant thing is that it is private, reflecting in this way each user’s thoughts and personality.
Gradebook (v1.0)
The Gradebook module provides finish treating of students’ grades. In a nutshell, professors can determine which lesson’s objects (e.g tests, projects, etc.) affect the overall grade of a particular student. On the other side, students can observe their grades per lesson and understand the way these grades are calculated by each professor. For more info check here
Flashcards (v1.0)
This module permits professor to define subsets of empty space questions as flashcards. Students can practice their skill by answering flashcards until they reaction them correctly.
Accomplish tests (v1.0)
You can use this module in order to input test answers by hand on behalf of students.
Lesson sidebar (v2.Two)
This module gives the capability to switch inbetween lessons via the left sidebar. Updated on 28/07/2010.
Certificates per Lesson (v1.Trio)
This module permits professors to create certifications per lesson.
Updated on 27/03/2012 with significant spectacle fix
RSS (v1.7)
Integrate RSS feeds inwards your lesson’s dashboard. By using this module you can consume any type of RSS feeds available on the internet.
Updated on 1/6/2009. Immovable problem in lesson’s administration page.
Ad blocks (v1.Two)
Display pictures or banners that roate inwards your lessons. Each photo redirect to chosen URLs. Pictures rotate after ten seconds.
Updated on 21/Five/2009 with minor bug fixes.
Lesson blogs (v1.1)
This module permits you to create numerous blogs inwards each lesson of eFront
eFront Wiki (v1.Two)
This module permits you to create a wiki site inwards each lesson of eFront. All students and professors can create and edit wiki pages.
Quick mails (v1.1)
This module permits users’ to send e-mails directly to their students/professors from lesson’s control panel
Translate (v1.1)
This modules uses the Google’s translation API to integrate translations inbetween any language pairs into your lessons.
Thumbnails (v1.1)
Upload pictures and build thumbnail lists. Students can view the utter pic and traverse the photos by clicking on them
Quote of the day (v1.1)
Build lists of quotes for your lesson and randomly showcase them on the lesson’s dashboard
Last logins (v1.1)
Check who last login to your lesson directly from your dashboard.
Billboard (v1.Three)
Integrate to your lesson’s dashboard a visually appealing introduction that can include pics, sounds or movies.
YouTube (v1.Two)
Build and share lists of youtube movies with your students. Youtube movies are directly embedded to the lesson’s dashboard.
FAQ (v1.Five)
Build "frequently asked questions" lists for your lessons. Use it to reaction basic and common questions that arise frequently among the students.
Links (v1.Four)
This module offers outer links functionality for your lessons. When activated you can create an unlimited number of links that will be visible from the main lessons page together with their description. Use it to lightly share interesting outward resources with your students