How to Make a Talk Room (With Notepad): nine Steps
How to Make a Talk Room (With Notepad)
This Instructable shows you how to make a Talk Room with the free windows application called Notepad. This program was not copied and pasted, it was made from scrape, you can copy and paste it (If you do not want to learn the code). What did I make? I made a talk room with notepad, I just used my computer. How did I make it? l read a few tutorials, and over time I built up skill on how to create numerous different operable batch files. I made this all by my self (with a little help from "Prof. Pickle"), the "plans" are always switching I keep adding more lumps to it. that is what I love about programming, you can just keep switching it and evolving it. Where did you make this? I made this at my house. (I did not want to have to buy any fresh computers, I did not have to at home). What did you learn? I learned more codes and directives, I am developing and advancing in my hobby. I am just proud of the fact that i made this all by myself, and that it is so big of a code (i know it is not that big, I just want to think it is). if I was to do it "again," I would add effect to make the background and text more attractive. For the talk room to work you must know the IP address of the persons computer that you want to send the message to. This talk room is password protected, and if a hacker attempts to hack it it jokes around with them. Enough of this, lets get on to the code.
Here is All of the code in one big list. Copy just the code (everything inbetween the hash tags #). After copying everything here paste it in to a blank notepad file. save it as a bat file (Messenger.bat). See the last step for extra help saving.
Title Superman’s Talk Room
echo ===Superman’s Talk Room===
ECHO one – access talk room via password
ECHO two – access for Hackers
ECHO three – get into the talk room without password
SET /P OPT=Please make a selection, and press come in:
if %opt%==Four GOTO OPTION4
ECHO Redirect to Password input
ECHO Redirect for Hackers
ping -n two>nul
echo Come on I know you are better than that, come on your a hacker crack the code!
ping -n two>nul
echo Free Access
ping -n two>nul
ECHO Do you think I would actually let you get in without a password?
ping -n two>nul
echo Are you sure you want exit?
echo type "Y" or "N"
if %input%== y goto y
if %input%== n goto n
echo redirect to menu
ping -n two>nul
ECHO Come in the correct CORRECT password
set /p pass=password:
if %pass%==1234 goto Access Granted
ping -n two>nul
echo Access Granted, Welcome.
echo Instructions: Type the Ip address of the person you want to talk to come in the talk room,
echo type it after "MESSENGER" after you come in the talk room.
echo For "experienced" users hold the down the down arrow until you reach the Talk Room.
echo if you are not farmiliar with "Superman’s Talk Room" than press any key once for the instructions.
echo Step 1) To find your IP addres open up directive prompt in the Begin Menu for windows users.
echo Step Two) Type "ipconfig" as soon as it opens.
echo Step Three) Record the IP address, and type it after the word "messenger"
echo Step Four) Begin talk room use
echo this code was created by Superman
echo . Warning! this code was not created nor intended for illegal use.
echo This is your last chance to close this program or you will be coming in the talk room!
echo Coming in Talk Room
net send %n% %m% Two>nul||echo Your message did not go through && pause
Yes, I know it is a fair sized amount of code.
Step Two: THE CODE Cracked IN TO PARTS
In the following steps I will break down the code into its "blocks"
the code is made of five different lumps witch i like to call "Blocks." The chunks are: the title and menu, the menus options, the password input, the instructions, the warnings, and of course the messenger itself. We will explain the title and menu very first.
The picture shows what each thing is for/does. The title names it (obviously) the menu help prevent hackers and nosy people out of your talk room. Only one of the options will get you to the log in
The picture shows what each thing is for/does. the password protects it from people that do not know how to edit code or people who have bad vision,(it is very hard to spot a few letters in a lot of lines of data) The password may be switched, from the list it is 1234, after you find this backspace it (but not the code) and type in your password, it can be as long as you would like.
The picture shows what each thing is for/does. The instructions are petty effortless to go after but you can edit them if you want to. the instructions tell you how to find your IP and how to input it.
The picture shows what each thing is for/does. The warning I put on here are pointless, unless you want it to look cool, you can delete these very lightly if you do not like pushing two more buttons.
This is the messenger of the program, it sends and receives the messages, without this there is no point to this program. Indeed you could dissect the code of any part and use it for other purposes.
Step 8: SAVING
This is how you save your batch file. click "file," "save as," next, type in the file name of your choice then instantaneously after the name (no spaces) type ".bat" then click save. An example "Myprogram.bat" (see photos)
Step 9:
You are done! I am not responsible at all for what you do with this! Now you can say that you made your own program!
How to Make a Talk Room (With Notepad): nine Steps
How to Make a Talk Room (With Notepad)
This Instructable shows you how to make a Talk Room with the free windows application called Notepad. This program was not copied and pasted, it was made from scrape, you can copy and paste it (If you do not want to learn the code). What did I make? I made a talk room with notepad, I just used my computer. How did I make it? l read a few tutorials, and over time I built up skill on how to create numerous different operable batch files. I made this all by my self (with a little help from "Prof. Pickle"), the "plans" are always switching I keep adding more lumps to it. that is what I love about programming, you can just keep switching it and evolving it. Where did you make this? I made this at my house. (I did not want to have to buy any fresh computers, I did not have to at home). What did you learn? I learned more codes and guidelines, I am developing and advancing in my hobby. I am just proud of the fact that i made this all by myself, and that it is so big of a code (i know it is not that big, I just want to think it is). if I was to do it "again," I would add effect to make the background and text more attractive. For the talk room to work you must know the IP address of the persons computer that you want to send the message to. This talk room is password protected, and if a hacker attempts to hack it it jokes around with them. Enough of this, lets get on to the code.
Here is All of the code in one big list. Copy just the code (everything inbetween the hash tags #). After copying everything here paste it in to a blank notepad file. save it as a bat file (Messenger.bat). See the last step for extra help saving.
Title Superman’s Talk Room
echo ===Superman’s Talk Room===
ECHO one – access talk room via password
ECHO two – access for Hackers
ECHO three – get into the talk room without password
SET /P OPT=Please make a selection, and press come in:
if %OPT%==Three GOTO OPTION3
if %opt%==Four GOTO OPTION4
ECHO Redirect to Password input
ECHO Redirect for Hackers
ping -n two>nul
echo Come on I know you are better than that, come on your a hacker crack the code!
ping -n two>nul
echo Free Access
ping -n two>nul
ECHO Do you think I would actually let you get in without a password?
ping -n two>nul
echo Are you sure you want exit?
echo type "Y" or "N"
if %input%== y goto y
if %input%== n goto n
echo redirect to menu
ping -n two>nul
ECHO Inject the correct CORRECT password
set /p pass=password:
if %pass%==1234 goto Access Granted
ping -n two>nul
echo Access Granted, Welcome.
echo Instructions: Type the Ip address of the person you want to talk to come in the talk room,
echo type it after "MESSENGER" after you come in the talk room.
echo For "experienced" users hold the down the down arrow until you reach the Talk Room.
echo if you are not farmiliar with "Superman’s Talk Room" than press any key once for the instructions.
echo Step 1) To find your IP addres open up directive prompt in the Embark Menu for windows users.
echo Step Two) Type "ipconfig" as soon as it opens.
echo Step Trio) Record the IP address, and type it after the word "messenger"
echo Step Four) Begin talk room use
echo this code was created by Superman
echo . Warning! this code was not created nor intended for illegal use.
echo This is your last chance to close this program or you will be injecting the talk room!
echo Injecting Talk Room
net send %n% %m% Two>nul||echo Your message did not go through && pause
Yes, I know it is a fair sized amount of code.