Houseparty – Group Movie Talk on the App Store

Houseparty – Group Movie Talk
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
It’s time to take the group talk to the next level with group movie talk. Attempting to FaceTime with a group? Houseparty is the group movie talk app that you’ve been missing in your life. We’ve got you covered. It’s elementary, synchronous and social. We empower people to have more frequent conversations with the people they care about most, meet fresh friends, and have joy together – wherever they are. Up your group movie talk game and Houseparty today.
We were so excited to get you a fresh version that you might had some issues. Once more for real!
You know when you’ve flapped a million times and we’re like "ok, ok they get it" but you’re like NO THEY DON’T? Introducing: Gyrating. Press and hold on that little arm for a indeed extra version of Say Hi.
Customer Reviews
Phone overheats
Houseparty is a excellent app and everything, but the downside is that when you embark using it within ten minutes of it your phone starts to warmth up. I’m not the only one with this issue. You guys need to figure out a way to liquidate that problem. Also, there tends to be times when it’s very laggy/freezes, not sure when my bf and I on utter wifi bars and it does that. You guys seem to have May many updates, but these problems aren’t being immobile. One last thing, there’s times where I join and it proceeds to say "joining" for the longest time, the only way to actually join is if we both close the app and restart it.
Anyways, have a superb day 🙂
Old houseparty was better
i love houseparty, but it makes my phone glitch and sometimes when the app doesn’t say a room is total the screen turns blue or whatever color the room is and you can’t see anybody. also i don’t like how you have to slide up to see who’s in the house. i liked it when you just tapped the top. and i noticed that you can’t see how many parties you were in and who you were with. i loved to see who’s party i was in. please take this under consideration. and i love the humming thing too keep that
Fine app, fine way to keep in touch with friends and family no matter what type of brainy phone they have!
Houseparty – Group Movie Talk on the App Store
Houseparty – Group Movie Talk
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
It’s time to take the group talk to the next level with group movie talk. Attempting to FaceTime with a group? Houseparty is the group movie talk app that you’ve been missing in your life. We’ve got you covered. It’s elementary, synchronous and social. We empower people to have more frequent conversations with the people they care about most, meet fresh friends, and have joy together – wherever they are. Up your group movie talk game and Houseparty today.
We were so excited to get you a fresh version that you might had some issues. Once more for real!
You know when you’ve flapped a million times and we’re like "ok, ok they get it" but you’re like NO THEY DON’T? Introducing: Whirring. Press and hold on that little arm for a truly extra version of Say Hi.
Customer Reviews
Phone overheats
Houseparty is a fine app and everything, but the downside is that when you embark using it within ten minutes of it your phone starts to warmth up. I’m not the only one with this issue. You guys need to figure out a way to eliminate that problem. Also, there tends to be times when it’s very laggy/freezes, not sure when my bf and I on total wifi bars and it does that. You guys seem to have May many updates, but these problems aren’t being stationary. One last thing, there’s times where I join and it resumes to say "joining" for the longest time, the only way to actually join is if we both close the app and restart it.
Anyways, have a superb day 🙂
Old houseparty was better
i love houseparty, but it makes my phone glitch and sometimes when the app doesn’t say a room is utter the screen turns blue or whatever color the room is and you can’t see anybody. also i don’t like how you have to slide up to see who’s in the house. i liked it when you just tapped the top. and i noticed that you can’t see how many parties you were in and who you were with. i loved to see who’s party i was in. please take this under consideration. and i love the gyrating thing too keep that
Good app, good way to keep in touch with friends and family no matter what type of clever phone they have!
Houseparty – Group Movie Talk on the App Store
Houseparty – Group Movie Talk
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
It’s time to take the group talk to the next level with group movie talk. Attempting to FaceTime with a group? Houseparty is the group movie talk app that you’ve been missing in your life. We’ve got you covered. It’s plain, synchronous and social. We empower people to have more frequent conversations with the people they care about most, meet fresh friends, and have joy together – wherever they are. Up your group movie talk game and Houseparty today.
We were so excited to get you a fresh version that you might had some issues. Once more for real!
You know when you’ve swinged a million times and we’re like "ok, ok they get it" but you’re like NO THEY DON’T? Introducing: Whirring. Press and hold on that little forearm for a truly extra version of Say Hi.
Customer Reviews
Phone overheats
Houseparty is a fine app and everything, but the downside is that when you embark using it within ten minutes of it your phone starts to fever up. I’m not the only one with this issue. You guys need to figure out a way to eliminate that problem. Also, there tends to be times when it’s very laggy/freezes, not sure when my bf and I on utter wifi bars and it does that. You guys seem to have May many updates, but these problems aren’t being immobile. One last thing, there’s times where I join and it proceeds to say "joining" for the longest time, the only way to actually join is if we both close the app and restart it.
Anyways, have a good day 🙂
Old houseparty was better
i love houseparty, but it makes my phone glitch and sometimes when the app doesn’t say a room is utter the screen turns blue or whatever color the room is and you can’t see anybody. also i don’t like how you have to slide up to see who’s in the house. i liked it when you just tapped the top. and i noticed that you can’t see how many parties you were in and who you were with. i loved to see who’s party i was in. please take this under consideration. and i love the gyrating thing too keep that
Fine app, excellent way to keep in touch with friends and family no matter what type of brainy phone they have!
Houseparty – Group Movie Talk on the App Store
Houseparty – Group Movie Talk
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
It’s time to take the group talk to the next level with group movie talk. Attempting to FaceTime with a group? Houseparty is the group movie talk app that you’ve been missing in your life. We’ve got you covered. It’s ordinary, synchronous and social. We empower people to have more frequent conversations with the people they care about most, meet fresh friends, and have joy together – wherever they are. Up your group movie talk game and Houseparty today.
We were so excited to get you a fresh version that you might had some issues. Once more for real!
You know when you’ve flapped a million times and we’re like "ok, ok they get it" but you’re like NO THEY DON’T? Introducing: Gyrating. Press and hold on that little palm for a truly extra version of Say Hi.
Customer Reviews
Phone overheats
Houseparty is a fine app and everything, but the downside is that when you commence using it within ten minutes of it your phone starts to fever up. I’m not the only one with this issue. You guys need to figure out a way to eliminate that problem. Also, there tends to be times when it’s very laggy/freezes, not sure when my bf and I on total wifi bars and it does that. You guys seem to have May many updates, but these problems aren’t being stationary. One last thing, there’s times where I join and it proceeds to say "joining" for the longest time, the only way to actually join is if we both close the app and restart it.
Anyways, have a excellent day 🙂
Old houseparty was better
i love houseparty, but it makes my phone glitch and sometimes when the app doesn’t say a room is total the screen turns blue or whatever color the room is and you can’t see anybody. also i don’t like how you have to slide up to see who’s in the house. i liked it when you just tapped the top. and i noticed that you can’t see how many parties you were in and who you were with. i loved to see who’s party i was in. please take this under consideration. and i love the humming thing too keep that
Superb app, good way to keep in touch with friends and family no matter what type of clever phone they have!