Enable Facebook Talk Goes And Stickers On iPhone And iPad App No Jailbreak Required, Redmond Pie

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Here’s a finish step-by-step guide on how to enable Talk Goes and Stickers for your account on Facebook 6.0 app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The fresh features aren’t flipped out for every account yet even if you have the latest 6.0 version of the app installed, the following guide will help you force-enable it on your device.
Activating Talk Goes is fairly straightforward, whereas enabling Stickers is a slight hassle, simply because the app talks to Facebook’s servers each time it becomes active and overrides any switches we make to the property list (or plist as it’s called in geek speak). It’s like they’ve actually put some thought and consideration into it. Nevertheless, where there’s a will, there is generally always a way to achieve the necessary output.
Go after the set of guides below to get up and running with Facebook Talk Goes and Stickers on your iOS device.
Enable Talk Goes in Facebook for iOS app
Step 1: The very first step in the process is to download and install the iExplorer application for your PC or Mac, which you can grab from here. Contraptions such as iExplorer gives access to the iPhone or iPad file system without needing to jailbreak them. It is also possible to use alternatives or your already attempted and tested desktop application if preferred.
Step Two: With iExplorer opened and the iOS device in question connected to the computer, navigate to Facebook/Library/Preferences.
Step Trio: When in the above directory on the device, locate and extract the com.facebook.Facebook.plist property list. This particular file acts as a blueprint of sorts on how the app should actually behave.
Step Four: To enable the behavior that we actually want, we very first of all need to make some switches to the acquired property list. If you have Xcode installed on the machine then open up the extracted plist in Xcode’s native editor. If not, then use your preferred plist editor to get access to the contents of the file.
Step Five: When the plist is open, we need to look for the messenger_chat_heads_ios key, which determines whether or not this feature is active. If that particular key does not yet exist in the file, then you will need to create a fresh row and add the key in verbatim. If it does exist, then switch the corresponding value to either YES or TRUE. The representation of the BOOLEAN value will differ depending on what editor you are using.
Step 6: Save the modified plist in the editor. Copy and paste the file back to the original Facebook/Library/Preferences directory on the device making sure to substitute the existing file if necessary.
Step 7: Kill the Facebook app on the device by removing it from the multitasking tray. Relaunch the app and you should notice that the goes of users will float around the screen when talk conversations are open. Annoying, but rather appealing at the same time.
Enable Stickers in Facebook for iOS app
Step 1: The very first step is to find and download a software that can enable us to proxy and switch data that is sent over the network. For the sake of this guide we are recommending Charles Proxy which you can grab from charlesproxy.com.
Step Two: Next, we need to proxy the traffic of the device through the fresh Charles installation. Launch the Facebook app and make sure to look for the Facebook API request that is made to their servers. It will take the form of http://api.facebook.com/method/……[long string of parameters in here]. The response data that comes back from Facebook’s servers is basically telling the app to not grant you access to Stickers (unless of course the powers that be at Facebook have given the green light). The response data should include project_name entry of messenger_sticker. If Stickers have not been enabled on the account then this will be set to FALSE.
Step Three: In the Charles app, select the Devices menu and click on the Rewrite option. Select the Add button in the bottom right forearm corner in order to create a fresh rewrite rule for the traffic. Click the Add option that is located below the top pane and come in a Host value of https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.multiquery.
Step Four: Stir onto the next field to permit Charles to format the inputted data into something it can use and then Click Ok. Click the Add button below the bottom pane in Charles to add the actual guts of the rules that we want it to obey. Set the Type to Figure and make sure the Request box is unchecked but the Response box is checked.
Step Five: In the Match section of the interface, set the value to <“project_name”:”messenger_sticker”,”result”:false>. Underneath that, in the Response section, set the value to . We are essentially forcing Charles to accept the returned data from the Facebook servers and substitute the permissions to permit the app to do what we want.
Step 6: Select OK to add the rule and then hit OK again to exit out of the settings interface.
Step 7: Make sure the Facebook app is closed entirely before re-launching it. The API call should always be the same when the application launches as it attempts to communicate with Facebook and pull in the required data. However, if the Charles Proxy rule has worked then the returned data should be slightly amended and Facebook Stickers should be working. Victory.
You can go after us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.
Enable Facebook Talk Goes And Stickers On iPhone And iPad App No Jailbreak Required, Redmond Pie
Без кейворда
Here’s a accomplish step-by-step guide on how to enable Talk Goes and Stickers for your account on Facebook 6.0 app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The fresh features aren’t spinned out for every account yet even if you have the latest 6.0 version of the app installed, the following guide will help you force-enable it on your device.
Activating Talk Goes is fairly straightforward, whereas enabling Stickers is a slight hassle, simply because the app talks to Facebook’s servers each time it becomes active and overrides any switches we make to the property list (or plist as it’s called in geek speak). It’s like they’ve actually put some thought and consideration into it. Nevertheless, where there’s a will, there is generally always a way to achieve the necessary output.
Go after the set of guides below to get up and running with Facebook Talk Goes and Stickers on your iOS device.
Enable Talk Goes in Facebook for iOS app
Step 1: The very first step in the process is to download and install the iExplorer application for your PC or Mac, which you can grab from here. Contraptions such as iExplorer gives access to the iPhone or iPad file system without needing to jailbreak them. It is also possible to use alternatives or your already attempted and tested desktop application if preferred.
Step Two: With iExplorer opened and the iOS device in question connected to the computer, navigate to Facebook/Library/Preferences.
Step Trio: When in the above directory on the device, locate and extract the com.facebook.Facebook.plist property list. This particular file acts as a blueprint of sorts on how the app should actually behave.
Step Four: To enable the behavior that we actually want, we very first of all need to make some switches to the acquired property list. If you have Xcode installed on the machine then open up the extracted plist in Xcode’s native editor. If not, then use your preferred plist editor to get access to the contents of the file.
Step Five: When the plist is open, we need to look for the messenger_chat_heads_ios key, which determines whether or not this feature is active. If that particular key does not yet exist in the file, then you will need to create a fresh row and add the key in verbatim. If it does exist, then switch the corresponding value to either YES or TRUE. The representation of the BOOLEAN value will differ depending on what editor you are using.
Step 6: Save the modified plist in the editor. Copy and paste the file back to the original Facebook/Library/Preferences directory on the device making sure to substitute the existing file if necessary.
Step 7: Kill the Facebook app on the device by removing it from the multitasking tray. Relaunch the app and you should notice that the goes of users will float around the screen when talk conversations are open. Annoying, but rather appealing at the same time.
Enable Stickers in Facebook for iOS app
Step 1: The very first step is to find and download a software that can enable us to proxy and switch data that is sent over the network. For the sake of this guide we are recommending Charles Proxy which you can grab from charlesproxy.com.
Step Two: Next, we need to proxy the traffic of the device through the fresh Charles installation. Launch the Facebook app and make sure to look for the Facebook API request that is made to their servers. It will take the form of http://api.facebook.com/method/……[long string of parameters in here]. The response data that comes back from Facebook’s servers is basically telling the app to not grant you access to Stickers (unless of course the powers that be at Facebook have given the green light). The response data should include project_name entry of messenger_sticker. If Stickers have not been enabled on the account then this will be set to FALSE.
Step Three: In the Charles app, select the Implements menu and click on the Rewrite option. Select the Add button in the bottom right arm corner in order to create a fresh rewrite rule for the traffic. Click the Add option that is located below the top pane and inject a Host value of https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.multiquery.
Step Four: Budge onto the next field to permit Charles to format the inputted data into something it can use and then Click Ok. Click the Add button below the bottom pane in Charles to add the actual guts of the rules that we want it to obey. Set the Type to Bod and make sure the Request box is unchecked but the Response box is checked.
Step Five: In the Match section of the interface, set the value to <“project_name”:”messenger_sticker”,”result”:false>. Underneath that, in the Response section, set the value to . We are essentially forcing Charles to accept the returned data from the Facebook servers and substitute the permissions to permit the app to do what we want.
Step 6: Select OK to add the rule and then hit OK again to exit out of the settings interface.
Step 7: Make sure the Facebook app is closed entirely before re-launching it. The API call should always be the same when the application launches as it attempts to communicate with Facebook and pull in the required data. However, if the Charles Proxy rule has worked then the returned data should be slightly amended and Facebook Stickers should be working. Victory.
You can go after us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.