Best Compliments to Give a Woman, POPSUGAR Love – Hookup

Best Compliments to Give a Woman
No shame in admitting it: we’re all suckers for a good compliment. Thanks to a discussion on Quora titled, "What’s the best compliment for a woman you’ve ever heard?" we have a peek into what both dudes and women think that reaction should be. See the most memorable compliments right here, and of course, let us know what you think is the most meaningful thing someone could ever say to a lady.
"‘I want my daughter to turn out like you.’ Told to me by two different guys, one of whom I consider my professional mentor and one of the main reasons I got into the line of work I did. This was in my early 20s, when I was earnest, relatively vice-free and utter of promise. The daughters in question were youthfull teenagers. Haven’t heard it lately, but I always thought of this as the highest compliment."
"This is an excerpt from a book — Looking For Alaska (2005) by John Green.
‘I wished so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not f*ck, like in those movies. Not even have hookup. Just sleep together in the most virginal sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a beau and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.‘
Wouldn’t you give anything to have a boy think about you like that?"
Trio. Dual Take
"As I was walking towards the car I thought, ‘Who’s that pretty blonde woman?‘"
"My spouse said that today. He’d gone into a store to buy something. Truly, after forty two years? Amazing."
— Cyndi Perlman Fink
Four. The Strawberry Slush Metaphor
"A friend of mine once said to me: ‘You know the ten minutes just after you’ve had a strawberry slush? The feeling is similar to having Saniya in your life.‘ I think it’s one of my all-time dearest compliments, because it was utterly personalized. Because I have a sweet tooth. Like, a truly, indeed sweet tooth. The kind where my remains can be identified by my dental records. And like a 5-year-old, I love those sugary, syrupy things — the strawberry slush.
It’s a compliment that makes me smile to this day. Maybe I’ll have strawberry slush tonight. And give myself a sugar high. Those are joy."
Five. Personality Counts
"I had a beau once who said, ‘I think I could have joy in HELL with you.‘"
6. Better Than Mom
"Boy: ‘You cook better than my mom does!‘"
7. When You Feel Comfy
This is the best compliment a human being can get. To let go and just be you and be loved by who you are."
8. Words From a Stranger
"One was strangely from a man moving me out of my place. He was packing my entire house — art, books, CDs, cookware, etc. And he looks at me and smiles and wiggles his head. ‘What?’ I asked. Then he says, ‘Whatever man is fortunate enough to end up with you, I know one thing. He will never be bored.‘"
9. A Much-Deserved Compliment
"’Without her, I could have never raised you two like I did.‘ My father to me about mother on the occasion of my sister graduating out of med school. My mother worked total time supporting our (me and my sister) education till grad school, for which we all are very grateful to her."
Best Compliments to Give a Woman, POPSUGAR Love – Hookup
Best Compliments to Give a Woman
No shame in admitting it: we’re all suckers for a good compliment. Thanks to a discussion on Quora titled, "What’s the best compliment for a woman you’ve ever heard?" we have a peek into what both dudes and women think that response should be. See the most memorable compliments right here, and of course, let us know what you think is the most meaningful thing someone could ever say to a lady.
"‘I want my daughter to turn out like you.’ Told to me by two different boys, one of whom I consider my professional mentor and one of the main reasons I got into the line of work I did. This was in my early 20s, when I was earnest, relatively vice-free and utter of promise. The daughters in question were youthfull teenagers. Haven’t heard it lately, but I always thought of this as the highest compliment."
"This is an excerpt from a book — Looking For Alaska (2005) by John Green.
‘I wished so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not f*ck, like in those movies. Not even have lovemaking. Just sleep together in the most guiltless sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a beau and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.‘
Wouldn’t you give anything to have a man think about you like that?"
Three. Dual Take
"As I was walking towards the car I thought, ‘Who’s that pretty blonde woman?‘"
"My hubby said that today. He’d gone into a store to buy something. Indeed, after forty two years? Amazing."
— Cyndi Perlman Fink
Four. The Strawberry Slush Metaphor
"A friend of mine once said to me: ‘You know the ten minutes just after you’ve had a strawberry slush? The feeling is similar to having Saniya in your life.‘ I think it’s one of my all-time beloved compliments, because it was utterly personalized. Because I have a sweet tooth. Like, a truly, truly sweet tooth. The kind where my remains can be identified by my dental records. And like a 5-year-old, I love those sugary, syrupy things — the strawberry slush.
It’s a compliment that makes me smile to this day. Maybe I’ll have strawberry slush tonight. And give myself a sugar high. Those are joy."
Five. Personality Counts
"I had a bf once who said, ‘I think I could have joy in HELL with you.‘"
6. Better Than Mom
"Man: ‘You cook better than my mom does!‘"
7. When You Feel Comfy
This is the best compliment a human being can get. To let go and just be you and be loved by who you are."
8. Words From a Stranger
"One was strangely from a stud moving me out of my place. He was packing my entire house — art, books, CDs, cookware, etc. And he looks at me and smiles and jiggles his head. ‘What?’ I asked. Then he says, ‘Whatever man is fortunate enough to end up with you, I know one thing. He will never be bored.‘"
9. A Much-Deserved Compliment
"’Without her, I could have never raised you two like I did.‘ My father to me about mother on the occasion of my sister graduating out of med school. My mother worked total time supporting our (me and my sister) education till grad school, for which we all are very grateful to her."