Ten apps that could switch your lovemaking life: Staying Alive Foundation

ten apps that could switch your hookup life
Our laptop, tablets, phablets, and smartphones have become corporeal extensions—losing a smartphone truly does feel like losing a part of myself. Our technology gives us instant access to the rest of the world. Our online lives and “real” lives are now so intertwined it’s hard to distinguish inbetween the two.
But did you know you hold the key to the safest, sexiest, and most adventurous hookup at the tips of your fingers? Check out our countdown of the top ten free apps that could revolutionise your lovemaking life.
Ten) Blendr* – Put it in and wiggle it all about: this geosocial networking app permits users to scout out friends who happen to be nearest to them at the time and mix it up with other users until they find love (or fervor)! (Available on iOS and Android)
9) Grindr* – Grind it ‘til you find it: looking for same-sex lovemaking within a one hundred mile radius wherever you are in the world? Grindr is the app for you, this app is so hot it melted itself during the London two thousand twelve Olympics. Beware however, if you intend to engage in casual hookup, make sure you always wear a condom. (Available on iOS and Android)
8) Brenda* – This amorous app caters for lezzie, bisexual, or nosey women and permits its loyal users to find their fantasies but also incorporates movie chat—eliminating potential #Catfishes! (Available on iOS and Android)
7) NeatClub – Don’t have hook-up without doing the checks: NeatClub has revolutionised STI tests by permitting users to find a test centre, download their results, and notify other sexual playmates of their status. (Available on iOS and Android)
6) Hookup IQ TEST – Think you know all there is to know about the “birds and the bees”, put your nookie skill to the test with this app. You may (or may not) be pleasurably astonished. (Available on iOS)
Five) MY Hook-up DOCTOR – This cool and friendly app is a one hundred one guide to anything sexual health related. Hesitant about something? Reach inwards your pocket and pull out your private hook-up doctor. (Available on iOS and Android)
Four) Lovemaking Life 100+ positions – Available in six languages, this app does away with the ancient Karmasutra-style hook-up and permits users to refresh their hook-up lives with modern (non-backbreaking) positions. (Available on iOS)
Three) Tinder* – Is a real life game of “Hot or Not” and permits users to swipe left until finding the face that fits their taste. It’s like a virtual Saturday night dating display! (Available on iOS and Android)*
Two) iCondom – In this day and age, we can’t take chances with our health. The iCondom app, from MTV Staying Alive and Durex permits users to locate the nearest condom outlet to them, avoiding any goopy situations. (Available on iOS only)
1) Snapchat* – This revolutionary app permits user to share sexy pics with no sneaky consequences. Snap, see, delete. Albeit, the sender is notified if the person receiving the snap takes a sneaky screengrab, reminisce to only share snaps with people you can trust. (Available on iOS and Android)
*Disclaimer: when using any dating-related apps, practice good digital hygiene—don’t share sensitive private information and if you arrange to meet people for the very first time, meet in a public place and let a friend or family member know where you’ll be. If you are using these apps to hook-up, always be sure that the person you are meeting is above the age of consent.
Have you got anymore sexy app suggestions for us?
Ten apps that could switch your hookup life: Staying Alive Foundation
ten apps that could switch your hook-up life
Our laptop, tablets, phablets, and smartphones have become corporeal extensions—losing a smartphone indeed does feel like losing a part of myself. Our technology gives us instant access to the rest of the world. Our online lives and “real” lives are now so intertwined it’s hard to distinguish inbetween the two.
But did you know you hold the key to the safest, sexiest, and most adventurous hook-up at the tips of your fingers? Check out our countdown of the top ten free apps that could revolutionise your hookup life.
Ten) Blendr* – Put it in and wiggle it all about: this geosocial networking app permits users to scout out friends who happen to be nearest to them at the time and mix it up with other users until they find love (or eagerness)! (Available on iOS and Android)
9) Grindr* – Grind it ‘til you find it: looking for same-sex lovemaking within a one hundred mile radius wherever you are in the world? Grindr is the app for you, this app is so hot it melted itself during the London two thousand twelve Olympics. Beware however, if you intend to engage in casual hookup, make sure you always wear a condom. (Available on iOS and Android)
8) Brenda* – This amorous app caters for lesbo, bisexual, or nosey women and permits its loyal users to find their fantasies but also incorporates movie chat—eliminating potential #Catfishes! (Available on iOS and Android)
7) NeatClub – Don’t have hookup without doing the checks: NeatClub has revolutionised STI tests by permitting users to find a test centre, download their results, and notify other sexual playmates of their status. (Available on iOS and Android)
6) Lovemaking IQ TEST – Think you know all there is to know about the “birds and the bees”, put your nookie skill to the test with this app. You may (or may not) be pleasurably astonished. (Available on iOS)
Five) MY Lovemaking DOCTOR – This cool and friendly app is a one hundred one guide to anything sexual health related. Hesitant about something? Reach inwards your pocket and pull out your private hook-up doctor. (Available on iOS and Android)
Four) Hook-up Life 100+ positions – Available in six languages, this app does away with the ancient Karmasutra-style hookup and permits users to refresh their lovemaking lives with modern (non-backbreaking) positions. (Available on iOS)
Three) Tinder* – Is a real life game of “Hot or Not” and permits users to swipe left until finding the face that fits their taste. It’s like a virtual Saturday night dating display! (Available on iOS and Android)*
Two) iCondom – In this day and age, we can’t take chances with our health. The iCondom app, from MTV Staying Alive and Durex permits users to locate the nearest condom outlet to them, avoiding any gooey situations. (Available on iOS only)
1) Snapchat* – This revolutionary app permits user to share sexy pics with no sneaky consequences. Snap, see, delete. Albeit, the sender is notified if the person receiving the snap takes a sneaky screengrab, reminisce to only share snaps with people you can trust. (Available on iOS and Android)
*Disclaimer: when using any dating-related apps, practice good digital hygiene—don’t share sensitive private information and if you arrange to meet people for the very first time, meet in a public place and let a friend or family member know where you’ll be. If you are using these apps to hook-up, always be sure that the person you are meeting is above the age of consent.
Have you got anymore sexy app suggestions for us?